The Hong Kong District Council election voted last Sunday (24th) ended at the end of the evening, with a voting rate of 71.2%, which is the highest vote election in Hong Kong's history.(Reuters)

Social Theory November 26, 2019

The Hong Kong District Council election voted last Sunday (24th) ended at the end of the evening, with a voting rate of 71.2%, which is the highest vote election in Hong Kong's history.Yesterday the results of the election management committee announced the results. As some observers predicted before, with the help of the past five months to fight against the conflict of conflict, the Pan -Democratic faction achieved an overwhelming victory.Of the 452 seats, 390 seats were won, and the establishment of Beijing in Beijing only won about 10 % of the seats.

This is the first direct expression of public opinion since the large -scale social turmoil in Hong Kong, but it has to be observed whether it has the significance of guiding the future policy of the Hong Kong government.In the past, the voting rate of the Hong Kong District Council election is low, only 41.49%in 2011. Although the umbrella movement in 2014 pushed the high political awareness of Hong Kong people, the voting rate in 2015 only increased to 47.01%.This time, it broke the voting rate of all elections since the transfer of sovereignty in Hong Kong.

The victory of the Pan -Democratic election is considered to be a clear political information to the Hong Kong government to a referendum of the Hong Kong Government to the Hong Kong Government.The victory of the parliament and the overwhelming victory, the formulation of strategies, continuing to fight for various demands, and the next street demonstration of Hong Kong, whether to continue the brave martial arts route or the led by Li Fei, it will be a topic that the international community is highly concerned.

Fortunately, the Hong Kong District Council election was held under peace, rationality, and safe and orderly. Demonstrators had stated that they would not destroy the voting a few days before the vote, and they also called on the people to vote.Although the functions of district councilors are not strong, the number of voters participating in voting reaches 2.94 million. It cannot be said that it is not a general expression of the Hong Kong government's public opinion.

Hong Kong Chief Executive Lin Zheng Yue'e also made a statement on the results of the election yesterday, saying that she noticed that there were many analysis in the workshop to point out the results of the election, which reflects the dissatisfaction of the public about social status and deep problems., And will strengthen cooperation with the district councils to jointly solve the problem of citizens' concerns.However, Lin Zheng did not respond to the five demands.

The status of the district council in Hong Kong's political and administrative system was originally a grass -roots institution with limited power.The district council is mainly responsible for the management of the expenses and construction of each district, involving the topic of real life, but in the political reform in 2010, the Hong Kong Legislative Council stipulated that the members of the six functional groups were generated through the district parliament, and they could from 452 district members.These six people were selected; and according to the Basic Law, 117 of the 1200 members of the Chief Executive Election Committee were selected by the elected district members.Due to half a seat in the district council election, the pan -democratic school is considered to have a greater influence on the emergence of the Chief Executive in the future.In the pan -people camp, there are even so -called Fengyun plans, that is, the victory of the district election is only a phased goal. The next step is to impact the seat battle of the Chief Executive Committee in 2021.At present, there are more than 300 seats in the seats of the Election Commission (including the Legislative Council Councilor). If it will be obtained at that time, and the district member election committee, the strength cannot be underestimated.Generally, in this duel of the institutionalist and the Pan -Democratic faction, the Pan -Democratic faction won the victory, which is conducive to its election in the legislature election next year.

The dissatisfaction and anger of Hong Kong people's dissatisfaction and anger in life and society and political situations transformed into a vote in their hands in the district election. The sound is undoubtedly loud.However, Hong Kong people must think deeply in the end, how can Hong Kong go out of the troubled situation; when the five major demands and real collisions, where is the way out?If the ultimate goal is to change the central government's control of Hong Kong, and even shake the foundation of one country, two systems, what will it cause?As for the Hong Kong Government, how can there be violence and chaos, prevent violent protests from increasingly intensifying, destroy Hong Kong's social stability and economic development, and prevent Hong Kong from being further divided into division. It is its most urgent task.

Pan -democratic owners put pressure on the Hong Kong government through the voting box, but it is difficult for the district council election to change the political deadlock in Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong government cannot respond to the five major demands.The demonstrators may eventually be forced to choose to continue to achieve the goal through the disobedience of citizens such as demonstration and destruction. Even if the violence activity briefly subsides, as long as the structural contradictions are still there, everything is still possible, and it may still erupt again.