(Beijing Comprehensive News) Former Chinese Minister of Finance, Lou Jiwei, believes that the Sino -US trade war has shown signs of reconciliation, but the intention of the United States to curb China will not change.

Lou Jiwei, who is currently serving as a member of the Standing Committee of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the director of the Foreign Affairs Committee, gave the above views when he gave a speech at the 10th Caixin Summit in Beijing the day before yesterday.He believes that the major influencing factor of this change is the economic cycle and political cycle.

According to media reports such as Caixin.com and Shangguan News, Lou Jiwei said that the Sino -US economic and trade disputes have continued for a year and a half. Although the United States has continuously imposed tariffs on many countries, the US Department of Commerce data showsAnti -increase.Increased tariffs did not reduce the role of trade deficit, but increased the cost of living in American residents.

Lou Jiwei said: More and more American economic scholars believe that the trade war does not play an expected role; but the suppression and curbing China's remarks occupy the upper hand, and the core is that the second child cannot challenge the boss's hegemony.

In his opinion, the main reason why the U.S. government has from overall cooperation and maintenance in China to now has the lead in comprehensively curbing, and its attitudes have changed a lot. It is that China has risen too fast as a non -Western country, and has technical advantages in some aspects.The main factor of fast change is the long -term accumulation and concentrated outbreak of American populism, and rational remarks are almost difficult to speak. Therefore, it is believed that the United States is close to the McCarthy era.

Lou Jiwei said: The basic judgment is to curb and counter -curb unavoidable. It is a long -term, but there will be no scenes of US -Soviet confrontation. Comprehensive economic blockade will not be done to China.

Emphasize that the Soviet Union will not repeat the wrong of the Soviet Union

Lou Jiwei also emphasized that China is not the Soviet Union and Japan, and believes that China will not repeat the mistakes of the two countries.

Socialist camps led by the Soviet Union ended in the half -century of the Cold War, and eventually ended with the disintegration of the Soviet Union.The Japanese economy grew at high speed during the Cold War and gradually caught up with the United States. As a result, the two sides had traded trade in the 1980s. In the end, Japan was forced to open its own market in many fields.

Lou Jiwei pointed out that China is different from the Soviet Union. There is no closed camp, which is very open, and the demander and suppliers are all over the world.China is also different from Japan in the 1970s and 1980s. Now China is more open than Japan at that time, and the domestic market is broad.