Current affairs perspective

In recent years, Sino -US relations can be described as struggle, supplemented by cooperation, and the fields and forms of the game.The author previously pointed out in the article on the tumbler -style Sino -US relations (Lianhe Zaobao July 20, 2019): The United States will use the territories of China, Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong from time to time from time to time in the United States.The issue of disputes, knocking on the Chinese people's emotional bamboo bars to maintain national unity, territorial integrity and national unity.

Recently, the United States focused on the human rights cards of Hong Kong and Xinjiang.On September 25 this year, the Foreign Committee of the two House of Representatives of the United States Congress accelerated and approved the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democratic Acts that had been speculated for five years; on October 15, the bill was passed by the House of Representatives.Through the signing of the president, it will be officially become a law.

In January of this year, the US Congress Senator Ruby and Menan Dez jointly pushed the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act.The relevant agencies of 20 Xinjiang public security systems are included in the blacklist, accusing them of suppressing ethnic minorities and infringing human rights in Xinjiang.This is the first time that the Trump administration has sanned Chinese entities on the grounds of human rights, and the game between the two countries on the Xinjiang issue has entered the same heat.

In this regard, the author has the following observations.

First, Secretary of State Pompeo is the main promoter.In response to the Xinjiang issue, Pompeo has repeatedly publicly bombarded the Chinese government to persecute the Muslims of Xinjiang, destroy Islamic beliefs and Uyghur culture.Earlier, he stated in a written statement in the US State Department that the Chinese government has implemented highly suppressing operations on the Muslim ethnic minority groups in Xinjiang, especially the issue of re -education camp (Chinese official vocational skills education and training center).

Pompeo has also said that the issue of Xinjiang is so serious that it needs to call the entire world to oppose China.He recently emphasized that we will continue to talk about these human rights behaviors.Pompeo talked about human rights, and he seemed to be herself with a human rights fighter. However, it was unknown that it was his permanent representative of the United Nations on June 19, 2018 that the United States withdrew from the UN Human Rights Council.

Second, the so -called maintenance of Xinjiang human rights is only a guise.Regarding the human rights issues accused by the United States, China has always standing in a clear position, that is, Xinjiang affairs are purely China's internal affairs. The issue of Xinjiang is not the issue of human rights, but the issue of anti -violence and anti -division.In this regard, the Chinese government released Xinjiang's anti -terrorism, de -exactly struggle and human rights protection white paper in March this year.

The US Department of Commerce has accused eight Chinese companies suspected of infringing human rights in Xinjiang.However, some analysts have pointed out that these sanctions companies involving cutting -edge technology fields such as face recognition, voice recognition, and big data analysis are the backbone of China in the artificial intelligence industry to achieve curve overtaking in the United States.The United States excuses human rights to suppress these companies, I am afraid that the drunkard is not wine.Moreover, the United States always chooses to make difficulties to China at a critical moment at a critical moment at the Sino -US trade negotiations. Its intention of knocking on the bamboo bar is obvious.

Third, the victory of the United States to play new Xinjiang cards is not high.The United States has always been self -proclaimed with global human rights guards. It seems that it can always say three ways to other countries through the moral high point of occupying human rights issues.However, for the human rights issues in Xinjiang, the United States may not be able to afford too much storm, because Xinjiang is currently generally political stability, economic development, national unity, and social harmony.In recent years, Türkiye has been frictional due to Xinjiang issues from time to time.Even so, Turkish President Erdogan had to publicly acknowledge it when he visited China in early July this year that the happy life of various ethnic groups in Xinjiang in China in China is a fact.

Xinjiang is the largest provincial administrative region in China, accounting for one -sixth of China's land area. China ’s strong willingness to maintain sovereignty and territorial integrity in Xinjiang can be imagined.Recently, the Chinese President ... It was a severe warning that anyone attempted to split in any part of China, and the result could only be a fake body; any external forces that supported the split China could only be regarded by the Chinese people as a delusion.

However, Xinjiang's problems have a long history and intricate. For this reason, Chinese officials have specially released some white paper in Xinjiang in July this year to face up to face.In short, Xinjiang's unique geographical environment, social humanities, ethnic religion, and historical and culture have created its special geographical political value, and it has always been a place where soldiers must fight. Therefore, it is impossible for the United States to abandon the issue of Xinjiang.It is conceivable that the game of China and the United States in Xinjiang in the future will continue for a long time.

The author is a writer who lives in Singapore's Chinese independence