Taiwan Industry and Commerce Times Society

Mid -October is a dangerous moment of glory of global risks. Sino -US trade negotiations will be the first to appear. Brexit will also be seen this week, and the mainland will hold the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.The bill is voted.The continuous political conflict caused the shock of the economic and financial system. Today, we are glad to see the landscape of the first bomb. After Trump and Liu He meet, they will be demolished.Thoughts, continue to move towards the direction of reconciliation.

The 13th round of Sino -US high -level trade negotiations ended in Washington. Although the two parties did not announce the specific signing documents, President Trump rarely held a press conference in the White House Oval Office, announcing that China and the United States had reached the first phase of agreement to describe the agreement to describe the agreementVery full.The content of Trump's announcement includes the United States to purchase 400 to 50 billion U.S. dollars in agricultural products. Trump also issued a follow -up schedule, saying that US representatives will go to Beijing for follow -up consultations.At the APEC leader summit held by Chile, Trump and ... completed the signing.

The leader of the Chinese delegation, Liu He, deputy prime minister of the State Council, did not hold a press conference in accordance with the case, and China did not have the official press release of the negotiations.In the article, China only confirmed that substantial progress has been made in the fields of agriculture, intellectual property protection, exchange rates, financial services, expanding trade cooperation, technological transfer, and dispute resolution.However, the specific agreement content was not mentioned at all.The main content of the comment article "Solving Sino -US economic and trade issues must be patient and concentrated", which also emphasizes that it has been more complicated in the past 40 years. Today’s Sino -US relations are more complicated than in the past. In additionThe acceptable economic and trade problem solutions may go through a longer process.

Obviously, China has adopted a more stable tactical tactics in this trade negotiation, and insisted on the main axis of negotiations that are not provocative and fearless.The article of Xinhua News Agency's commentators particularly emphasized that China has never actively provoked the battle, but never afraid of struggle, recognize the long -term, complexity, and arduousness of the economic and trade issues in China and the United States.The worst is to focus, make the most prepared preparation, work hard in a good direction, and strive for the best results.

This time Trump released Lido all the way, and the text used was extremely sensational, such as the great Patriotic farmers in our country's history to obtain the best and the biggest contract.Wow, farmers are really wealth.During the negotiations ... I wrote a lot of letters to Trump, but this time I was publicly taken by Trump for reporters. Trump had put pressure on the past six months. Vowing must have a structural contract (Grand Deal)This time, only a small contract with a limited content (Limited DEAL), and lacks the execution supervision mechanism. Trump has made a public relations, highlighting him to clean up the battlefield.Essence

Our newspapers have repeatedly asserted that Sino -US trade negotiations will not cross the red line of comprehensive punitive tariffs. Although President Trump has exhausted words, his negotiation team is very clear.More than 25%of tariffs levy will not only cause price increases for consumer goods, but also bring a fatal blow to the domestic manufacturing and sales channels in the United States, and even cause a large number of unemployment disasters.Trump can only take this weapon to bluffing, and starting the full taxation of full class is tantamount to his own political suicide, and he will block his 2020 campaign.

The most important thing for this negotiation is the message of ceasefire. The trade war that has been interfered with the market for a long time is indeed very close as Trump's distance is over.It is a loser. Only reconciliation can create a win -win situation.What can be determined is that the peak period of the Sino -US trade struggle has passed. Of course, it is impossible to expect to return to the era of blending of water and milk in Obama and Hu Jintao.The stable development of economic recovery is indeed important.

Next, we must closely observe the EUROPEAN COUNCIL held on Thursday and Friday. Can British Prime Minister Johnson complete the specific revised Brexit plan before this final window and obtain 27 other EU members of the European Union.The consent of the leader.In the key Northern Ireland tariffs, Johnson has made positive progress with the Irish Prime Minister on Thursday. In the past few daysIt will be a critical moment to determine whether the United Kingdom can avoid the hard drag Europe.

However, after a major political bomb -laid latter disassembled, everyone had to look back at the reality of economic slowing.In the past 16 months, the Chinese automobile market has issued a report of recession. Even if the government sacrifice subsidies, second -tier and third -tier cities have lifted the restriction order. The cumulative car sales in the first eight months of this year are only 16.1 million.The decrease was as high as 11%, and the data just released in September continued to fall by 6.6%; the Indian automotive market fell at an annual reduction of 30%. The automotive industry was the locomotive of the large country economy, which also affected employment and social stability.The automobile market has a weak news from China, the United States, Europe, India, and Japan. Even if the government sacrifice administrative subsidies, the central bank has not achieved results. In the face of the reality of the global economic slowdown, it is exactly the trade war.After the cease fire, everyone's most important homework.