Deng Xize

Recently, China's WeChat circle of friends is full of patriotic fast food.The reason why it is called fast food is that it can only be generally only short -term fruit. There is no nutrition. Eating more is not necessarily good for health.

I advocate patriotism, and I put forward my own impulsive patriotic theory mdash; mdash; if you are a gentleman, you have to be patriotic and promote the country.If your country is strong, it can serve the people internally, be good at the world, and realize the world.If you are a villain, you have to be patriotic and promote the country.If your country is strong, it can invade and rob.It is to grab foreign countries and won't come to grab you.If it grabs a lot, you can also give it to you.

Therefore, whether you are a gentleman or a villain, you must be patriotic.The former is the Patrioticism of the King and the Kingdom of State and the World; the latter is rogue patriotism.This is a simple and completely inductive, no matter from which concept, we can draw conclusions for patriotism.

For myself, I deeply feel the direct and obvious correlation of national destiny and personal destiny.I often tell friends and students that if our generation, if the Cultural Revolution has been engaged in ten years, it will be abolished.

If it was not for the country's restoration of normal education, 99%of my fate was to inherit the Eighteenth generation of the ancestors of the industry MDash; mdash; farmers, and it was a farmer.If it is not the increasingly open national policy, including allowing self -study examinations, graduate enrollment is open to the society, and I will not be able to go today.

In this sense, I consciously patriotic.Because of this, it is often the life of ditch oil and the heart of Zhongnanhai.I hope that the country will develop better, and I will get a cup of mdash; mdash; more selfish.

But what I wonder is: patriotism and not patriotism, what are the differences in personal behavior?What is the difference between you love someone and do not love someone?The latter, we know that there must be a difference.What about the former?I don't think it must be.

Many people, after the patriotism of friends, what is it, everything is the same.If you are selfish, continue to be selfish; those who are corrupt and stolen, continue to corrupt the law; those who do not abide by the rules, continue to abide by the rules hell; hellip; the love and love of the world in the world, there seems to be different, but there is a kind of love and dislike, forFor many people, there is no difference, that is, patriotism and not patriotism.

If you love something and don't love something, can you still love love?My work can only be followed by the current (2017) with a article that allows loyalty and motivation to be tested. Among them, there is a saying: one person, he can enjoy everything first, enjoy more, but say love you, you believe you, you believe?A person, he will go in the face of risks and leave you the risk, but say that you want to protect you, do you believe it?If he is your friend, he said he is good to you, do you believe it?Some officials in ancient times dare to light up their family, and today's officials do not agree to publicize their property, but they say loyalty to the party, loyalty to the people, strictly discipline, honesty, and never greedy. Do you believe it?Intersection

Of course, patriotism does not require perfectionism. It cannot be killed by reason, and cannot be abducted morally.

If you are patriotic, what do you do for the country?

Perhaps someone would ask me: How do you love your country?I can answer very solemn and serious: I can't do too much, but I can do the following.First, regardless of writing or lectures, you will never tell the truth.Second, never be a slave scholar and a slave teacher.Third, try to give students and readers some unconventional thinking training and thinking inspiration, and strive to accumulate bricks for human civilization.Fourth, in order to achieve the above three points, you are not afraid of a little risk.If I do n’t love my country, I can do n’t do it at all.

I don't know if I am a lonely thinker.In fact, I have a boldness and is not lonely and autistic, but I have not liked group activities since I was a child.I remember that when I was a kid, many students were cheerful, but I didn't feel much.Is this a festival for me?Is it because the teacher generally does not criticize people on the day of June 1?

When studying in the secondary normal school, the grand event of the school was the annual three -day sports meeting.I don't like sports and I don't want to see fun.The three -year sports meeting was less than half an hour.I am very alert to group activities.I think the public is mediocre, so you must be alert to the public at any time.Monition is not bad.From another perspective, I even think that mediocre is the greatest happiness, because mediocre people have no pain.As a result, I try not to participate in group activities today, including meetings and collective tourism of the employees.The interaction I want is the kind of communication that does not need to be scruples and guardians, is that it can criticize and scold people with each other.I wonder if I am reincarnated by the author of Wuhe.

The author is a professor at the School of International Relations of Sichuan University