Han Qianwei

On August 29, the National Council of the State Council held a press conference to specifically introduce the series of celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.The importance of the 70th anniversary of National Day is beyond words.As an important neighboring country, its media also reported accordingly.

Take the six major newspapers of the Japanese News Association MDASH; MDASH; Asahi Shimbun Daily News Samsuit News Sino -Japanese News Japan Economic News, they all report on the 70th anniversary of China's 70th anniversary, especially the military parade.

In general, these public opinion involved in the 70th anniversary of National Day is worth noting.

I. Connect Sino -US relations with the major parade. It is believed that under the situation of the Sino -US trade war, military parade can boost domestic morale and seek unity. By showing some of the latest weapons, especially the Dongfeng D41 strategy of Type -Types that will be unveiled.Missiles can show China's anti -American will and capabilities.

2. Like the situation in Hong Kong with the National Day event, some public opinion predictions to create a corresponding atmosphere of National Day, the Central and Hong Kong Government will consider calming the Hong Kong chaos before the National Day.Based on this, Japanese public opinion commented on the recent dynamics of the Central and Hong Kong Government, arguing that it showed the intention of realizing the sedation of Hong Kong as soon as possible.

3. Public opinion believes that in the face of the complex situation such as the Sino -US trade war, the Hong Kong chaos, and the deceleration of economic development, the Chinese government uses the 70th anniversary of the celebration to highlight the governing performance, carry forward the country, consolidate the people's hearts, and inspire the struggle in suffering.

4. Some public opinion noticed that this will be the third military parade since 2015. In terms of the number of times and scale, the parade of the 50th anniversary and the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China has been considered.

5. A few Japanese media editorials have commented on China's diplomacy and internal affairs, such as the Belt and Road Initiative of China and the United States, to commented on the fight against corruption in China and the United States.However, its tone has negative colors, which basically use Western values and experience as the standard, showing some common ideological prejudice, and insufficient objectivity.

Newspaper is the product of modern popular politics and has a certain position.According to the evaluation of the news and communication survey, the above six major newspapers have their own bias.Therefore, the public opinion of the sixth National Congress has its corresponding tendency.However, many times, foreign media and even some Chinese issue experts are influenced by their own experience, position and theoretical background due to their lack of immersive Chinese experience, and their evaluation of the situation in China will inevitably have some speculation.

In fact, if you have a certain understanding of Chinese history, it will discover that China has its inherent political logic, emphasizing the plan, continuity, autonomy and determination of governance.Every Ten Daqing is already a major institutional arrangement, which is basically not affected by short -term external factors.The military parade has always been a must -have for the National Day event, which has an important symbol of Chinese military modernization achievements and enhance national confidence.

For the Chinese, this is a familiar and normal arrangement.And generally, Chinese leaders will give important speeches before the parade starts, which will emphasize that the Chinese army is committed to world peace and stability.The press conference of the Journalism Office of the State Council also shows that this military parade does not target any country and region, and does not target any specific situation.Therefore, some media believe that the parade has a target of Sino -US relations and pushing the timetable for the situation of the situation in Hong Kong. I am afraid that the pulse of Chinese politics has not been made.

Through public opinion, it can also indirectly feel the westernization tendency of contemporary Japan in the background of ideas and knowledge.In Japan's understanding of many important issues, of course, it also includes how to comprehensively understand China's modernization. It has a trend of evaluating with Western experience and standards, and lacks its own position and thinking.In fact, Japan's own modern model has a large difference from the United States and Britain, showing a considerable Japanese characteristics.

In some ways, the modernization experience of China and Japan has more symbiosis.China and Japan can have contributed their respective experience, and even cooperate and summarize the modern paths different from the West.In this regard, Japan not only has the problem of autonomy of strategic strategy of the United States, but also faces the problem of autonomy of ideology of beauty.These two autonomy is of great significance for establishing the true autonomy of Japan after the war.Moreover, this may still further improve East Asian international relations.

In the era of globalization, the linkage effect of the situation at home and abroad is increasingly significant.For any country, it is of great significance to publicity and international public opinion.For some major domestic events, China must also pay attention to the corresponding foreign media dynamics to understand the ideas of all parties and effectively guide public opinion.

The author is a doctoral student in Tsinghua University

The field of research is world history and international relations