New China has achieved the world's attention in 70 years, created a new era of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, eliminates the myth that unifies the world and the endlessness of Western -style freedom, democracy and free market models, opened up a new realm of scientific socialism, and seek independent development for international development.Other countries have explored a new way.

Looking around the world, the west, the north of the south, and through the analysis framework of capitalism and socialism, China's achievements are unique and unique and extraordinary.Among them, there are both connotative factors that are full of their own characteristics, as well as general principles and laws of comparative analysis.Under the confused international and complex situation today, the road of China's development in 70 years shows some valuable common value and universal significance.

China's development path in the process of world history

In today's world, the world has faced a long -term change in a century, and is in a historical period of political and economic changes, great adjustments, and turning.The world economy has declined, and international political confrontation and conflict have intensified.Western free and democratic political chaos is the source of disorder in the world today.Faced with Western chaos, French President Macron had to admit not long ago that Western hegemony was facing the end, and the Western model was about to make a curtain.

The profound changes in the world structure today have subverted the traditional western cognition and impacted the Western ideological system and academic system that has been unified for hundreds of years.The concepts and logic of traditional Western politics and economics have been unable to explain the proposition where the Western chaos and the world go.Western social science research paradigms are challenged, and Western politics and economics textbooks may need to be rewritten.

The western chaos contrasts the rule of China.In the 30 years after the Cold War, the reversal of the world's political process and the strong contrast between the political pictures of Chinese and Western and the West gave people a profound revelation, and the trend of the sunrise oriental became more prominent.

The aggressive development achievement of New China has laid the foundation of China's rise, and China's development has become a powerful driving force for the development of the world's development trend and the opening of the new era.In the 70 years of New China, especially in the past 40 years of reform and opening up, China's rapid development has been hailed as the most significant political incident in the 21st century.

Although it has experienced difficulties and bumps, there are also twists and turns and painful lessons, but the road of Chinese socialism has been the greatest and successful practice of scientific socialism in the contemporary world in the past 70 years.The success of China's development path has enriched and developed the theory of Marxist Leninist, breaking through the theory and discourse hegemony of Western -style free, democracy and free market models, broaden the development path of world socialism, and provides valuable for non -Western countries to provide valuables for non -Western countriesCan learn from development experience.

Comprehensive, coordinated and practical unity

In contrast to the fate of the French Communist Party of the Soviet Communist Party of China for more than 90 years and more than 70 years of governance. China has not only repeatedly repeatedly repeated the Soviet Union, but also successfully leaned out of poverty alleviation, and the economic scale jumped to the world.Therefore, the reasons for the Chinese miracle in recent years and the research on the Chinese road have become a hot topic internationally.

What are the key tips for Chinese roads?Some international issues in the world have long tried to summarize.The Chinese road is based on the independent national conditions of China, and has strong localized characteristics; the Chinese road adheres to the people -oriented and develops first, which mobilize the people's enthusiasm and creativity to the greatest extent; the Chinese road emphasizes that everything starts from the actual situation. ThisIt is the basic reason for its smooth growth; Chinese roads adhere to the organic unity of the five -in -one, adhere to the four comprehensive overall advancement, adhere to the six major development concepts, so as to maximize the development of development;, Development and stable relationship.

Economic achievements are not isolated. The cornerstone of Chinese miracles lies in the mutual promotion of China's political development and economic system reform.China's stable political and national governance forms, as the guarantee of economic development, have played a role in escorting.The value orientation and experience principles of China's development have expanded the world development map, enriched the connotation and concept of human development, and profoundly affected the historical process of world structure and human society progress.

The characteristics and advantages of the 70 -year development of New China

First of all, China's political development has not been copied to copy the ready -made political model of other countries. Instead, it is in line with Chinese historical and cultural traditions, deeply rooted in the land of China, and is pioneering and original.For many years, the mainstream social trend of the West has determined that Western -style competition democracy and free market models are universal, eternal, and the destination of all human beings.At the end of the Cold War, the Japanese American scholar Fukuyama rashly announced that the history of human history was over, and the Western free democratic system will unify the world.Whether there is a politics and economic system that meets Western standards is considered the only ruler in the international country.

Thirty years ago, the Eastern European countries headed by the Soviet Union suffered a failure in the political confrontation of the long -term Cold War, collapsed, or changed their sideways.In such a historical background, you do not follow the old road of closed rigidity, the evil road that changes the flag, nor does it go to the dead road and the whole way of westernization.This demonstrates the extraordinary political choices, political wisdom and political determination of the Communist Party of China.

After the outbreak of the global financial crisis in 2008, the western socio -economic system and social governance model either bumped or stranded, and many countries face unstable and uncertain future.The response and performance of China's waves are particularly prominent, winning the praise of the world.China's economy has become a powerful engine for the development of the world economy.

Secondly, adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China and ensure that development has always had a stable political core.Contemporary China Development Road began in the historical base point of the Chinese Communist Party to lead the Chinese people to build New China.

In the 70 years since the founding of New China, the Chinese Communist Party has led the Chinese people to achieve national independence, national liberation, and the masters of the general people, ensuring the country's sovereign security, political security, and social stability.

Adhering to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics has always been a stable political core.This stable political core is conducive to the formulation of a strategic plan to maintain national unity, national unity, and sustainable and healthy development of the national economy, and help form the policy and policies that represent the fundamental interests of the vast number of people and the long -term interests of the country.Resources and concentration of strength to do major events are conducive to maintaining a stable political development atmosphere, maintaining social stability, conducive to seeking the maximum number of equivalent, the maximum consensus, forming the maximum cohesion, and avoiding the recognition and joint effort of reform and development of social conflicts due to different interests of interests, social conflicts consumption consumption and developmentEssence

Thirdly, always adhere to the people's main position, continuously consolidate the foundation of governance and enhance the development momentum of development.Adhering to the people's main position is the starting point and destination of the development of contemporary China.At the beginning of the founding of New China, in the face of the poor national conditions and the world's strong surrounds of the West, the realization of political independence, economic self -sufficiency, and national revitalization were the primary tasks of national construction during this period.During this difficult historical period, through a wide and effective social mobilization, it is possible to strive for the support of the people and stimulate the vitality of the people, concentrate the people's wisdom to build New China, and then change the country's poverty and backward appearance.Over the past 70 years, the people, as the owner of the New China, have devoted themselves to national construction. Under the premise that political rights have been guaranteed, economic rights and social rights have been gradually realized.

The theoretical crystals and common values of China's political development

The key secret of Chinese roads is to scientifically handle the relationship between reform, development, and stability.As a part of the Chinese road, the political development of contemporary China has opened up a unique and effective development path in world politics.

The political development of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the unity of comprehensive, coordination and practicality, and is the organic unity of political value such as democracy, order, and efficiency.

First, Chinese science defines democracy and achieved comprehensive political development.The starting point of the Chinese road is that everything starts from reality, seeking truth from facts, and mobilizing the enthusiasm of the people to the greatest extent.For example, for democracy, Deng Xiaoping pointed out in the early 1980s that what is democracy?Democracy is to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the people.

Promote people's democracy under the framework of comprehensive development of politics, and promote political development in an effective form of democracy.This is a new and democraticity of the Chinese version.The upgraded version of the new democratic view means that high -quality democracy should be developed without inferior democracy.

High -quality democracyThe premise of sovereignty security, stable political order, and steady economic and social development. The political system's ability to absorb integration and the orderly expansion of people's rights to promote and integrate with each other.In poor quality and democracy, the political stability is destroyed, affecting political effectiveness, aroused political confrontation, and then triggering social confusion, leading to national division and disintegration of the state.The form of inferior democracy and democratic democracy, generalized democracy, modelization, simplification, tooling, and vulgarization, but actually lost the connotation and essence of democracy.

Second, establish a comprehensive concept of development, take development as the first, and promote the comprehensive coordination progress in various fields of the country.

Political development should be conducive to economic development and social progress, the comprehensive development of politics, economy, culture, society, and people, and conducive to mutual coordination and common progress in various fields of society.China adheres to development first and reform.Development is the foundation and key to solve all problems.Development is a long -term, complex and endless historical process, and at the same time, it is also a process of gradual, staged, and multi -level.

Political development must establish a multi -dimensional development structure based on the economic foundation and realistic national conditions of a specific society to serve the national development strategy.Political reform and democratization must be based on national conditions, adhere to their own way, give full play to the superiority of my country's socialist political system, and actively draw on the beneficial results of human political civilization, but never copy the Western political system model.

From the new democratic concept to the comprehensive development concept, surpassing the theory of Western -style freedom and democracy, breaking the Western development paradigm and discourse hegemony, greatly improving the level of political development and national governance capabilities, and providing solid political guarantee for the comprehensive development of society.

Third, from comprehensive development to common development.The current international political situation is complicated and severe.The globalization trend of the world economy is highlighted and international politics has increased. Where does the world go?Can human society avoid and stay away from war, hatred, division, poverty, chaos, and ushering in a new world of peace, security, harmony, openness, sharing and cleaning and beauty?

At present, the international community is facing the treatment of deficit, trust deficit, peaceful deficit, and development of deficit.Cracking the four major deficits need to adhere to the concepts of fairness and reasonableness, mutual discussions, mutual mutual understanding, the same, and mutual benefit, and mutual benefit and win -win results, enhance strategic mutual trust, and realize the long -lasting peace and common development of the world.

Building a community of human destiny is a world dream proposed by Chinese leaders in the new era, and is a worldview of seeking common development and winning the future.From the comprehensive development of one country to the common development of international, it is a transcendence of unilateralism and political selfish behavior pursued by some great powers.Civilized exchanges beyond the barrier of civilization, the mutual learning of civilization surpassed the conflict of civilization, and the consequences of civilization beyond civilization and the superiority of civilization, and promoted mutual understanding, respect, and trust in various countries.Adhere to the concept of global governance and sharing, actively promote the democratization of global governance rules, maintain multilateralism, and build a community of human destiny.

Source: Global Times Author: Zhang Shuhua (the author is the director of the Institute of Political Science, Institute of Political Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)