Source: Global Times comment

Some netizens also launched the airport traffic pressure test yesterday, calling on the whole people to do testers to block the airport. Fortunately, the police and the Machinery Authority were prevented early., MTR Shatian, Tsing Yi and Jiulong Station were disrupted and closed.Since the anti -repair example of the demonstration to the airport, the passenger and freight volume of Hong Kong airports have fallen sharply. In addition, the violent conflicts in various districts are still frequent, but passengers have not followed.This is the same, and the nearby Shenzhen and Guangzhou Airports have risen. If passengers become the norm without Hong Kong, Hong Kong's role as an aviation hub will weaken and the prospects will be pretty.

On the 13th of last month, the radical demonstrators occupied the lobby of the airport to prevent passengers from boarding the plane. There were also mainland passengers being imprisoned and beaten. In addition to the cancellation of more than 400 flights on the day, this scene was widely circulated in China and abroad.It is also shocking. It scared away a large number of travelers who intend to come to Hong Kong. The volume of passenger and freight throughout the month was compared to the same period last year. Among them, the volume of freight has fallen in half a year, and the passenger volume has fallen the most in the past ten years.

Passenger and freight volume Port and Hong Kong Falls Deep Rate

Sino -US trade war ordered a decline in freight volume, which was expected, but the number of passengers in the first half of the year was still increasing. The August plunge was obviously caused by the violent demonstration conflict.It can be counted so that airlines should reduce a large number of routes and flights, and the tickets must be cut off for more than 300 yuan (including airport tax) to go to Shanghai with low navigation.

The traffic airport transportation also affects the Asian Expo, causing Hanxing to cancel fans from Hong Kong.As for the influence of joint services, hotels and tourism -related services, it is self -evident.According to the tourism industry, the Mainland of the National Day Golden Week has reduced by 90 %, which is terrible.

In the same month, the business of Shenzhen and Guangzhou Airport increased greatly.When the freight volume of Hong Kong airports fell percent, Guangzhou Baiyun Airport rose by 1 %, and Shenzhen Airport rose 7.1 %.The passenger volume rises and falls, and Hong Kong's frustration is 12.4 %, but Guangzhou rises 6.5 %. Shenzhen has risen at 9.2 %. Obviously, passengers are in Hong Kong.

Last year's global airport passenger flow rankings, Beijing Capital Airport ranked second, Hong Kong eighth, Shanghai Pudong ninth, Guangzhou Baiyun Airport No. 13;Although the six million in Hong Kong, although Shenzhen Airport was small in size, it was nearly 4.7 million last month, but rose sharply.Guangzhou and Shenzhen have continuously expanded and improved airport facilities. This month, Baiyun Airport held a ceremony for security inspection and enlightenment. The third runway of Shenzhen Airport has also started to start with 80 million passengers in the future.

If the consequences can be replaced

In terms of logistics, Hong Kong Shensui Airport has been hit by the trade war, but the monthly freight volume of Shensui Airport last did not increase. In recent months, the Hong Kong logistics industry has received the minimum ten customers inquiries.Come to coordinate freight.

The central government positions Hong Kong as an international air transportation hub, and coordinates other airports of the Pearl River Delta. The airspace arrangement of the third runway of Hong Kong Airport also gets a green light from the central government.For standby arrangements, Hong Kong's advantages weaken.

Business in the airport, logistics, and tourism -related industries will be lost by the loss of employment. The employees are facing the crisis of rice bowl to bear the bitter fruit of radical demonstrators.What is even more worrying is that when the role of Hong Kong's hub can be replaced, the past status will be difficult to recover, and the damage will be extremely far -reaching.