Author: Fan Peng

Source: Global Times

In the 70 years since the founding of New China, a lot of historical experience has been obtained in the political field. One of the experience that deserves full attention is that politics and development have always been closely linked, and there are no problems with two skin.The main orientation of the central task and political power of the Chinese political system and the main direction of political power has always revolved around the problem of solving the concerns of the general public.In contrast to this, in some developed western countries, the phenomenon of political power with the core goals of the country's development, the political elite and the people's interests are disconnected.Western political systems and power operation methods have come to this day. In many cases, it seems that it is no longer around the problem, but is led by the election politics, value and ideology, causing serious political vacuum.China's experience deserves our further firm institutional self -confidence, and the lessons of the West need to be considered.

First of all, Western -style freedom and democracy and constitutional democracy are actually a distribution incentive, not productive incentives.For example, to obtain resources, it is not focused on how to improve production, but to focus on the distribution of vested interests by obtaining political power. Without political power, nothing can be obtained.Elementary politics actually enhances the distribution incentives. It is not how to produce the benchmark, but how the target is shuffled by obtaining political power to change the power of power, thereby changing the rules of interest distribution.This is the case in many countries and regions. Political reforms are done, which seems to safeguard political rights, but in fact, the wider economic, social rights and development rights have been squeezed, causing some kind of air rotation of the political system.It consumes too much cost and even tears social consensus. Today, Taiwan and Hong Kong, China are the best cases that are motivated by political passion and distribution.For politicians, they have no other channels to participate in and change the current distribution. They can only do these things. The highest income is to participate in the campaign.Or give up and fight.China's political development has adopted a political mechanism with relatively concentrated political power, relatively scattered market and economic rights, avoiding the distribution incentives in the political field, and it is conducive to improving social production in a relatively stable political environment.

Secondly, the West was very seriously influenced by the so -called white left thinking. The left -wing politics that advertised progressive in the early days had severely deformity after nearly a century.In the progress of the United States in the early 20th century, the upper -level reformers must be combined with the lower levels to solve some problems such as food safety, children's rights, and women's rights.However, this kind of left -wing thinking changed its taste until the 1960s and 1970s, and slowly evolved into a political left with anti -abstraction rights as the core.For everyone, everyone is keen on political shows, and no one solves the actual problems.For example, a Swedish girl who has been on the foreign media a while ago calls on young people around the world to not go to school every Friday and call on adults to pay attention to climate issues. This gimmick girl also won the Nobel Peace Prize nomination. She was invited to New York to participate in the United Nations YouthThe Climate Summit, in order to highlight the concept of environmental protection, choose to take a zero -emission yacht, and take two weeks to sail on the Atlantic Ocean. As a result, it has become a sign of the Western environmental protection field.Can China's environmental protection rely on this?What we see is countless obscure sandwasters planting trees and trees in the yellow sand in Kubuqi. We rely on productive inspiration to encourage everyone to do things.It is also impossible to see the white left that exudes the light of the saints. The great reform achievement of China is like the Great Wall of Wanli, which is built by bricks and bricks.In the West, making a show is faster than solving problems and greater returns.In China, our spiritual highland is the spirit of Yu Gong, and it is an endless effort for generations.

Third, the internal ideological thinking disputes of the elite group brought major political influence. Many practical problems were transformed into ideological arguments and consumed great energy.The United States is the largest Puritan country in the world today. An important heritage left by Puritan colonialism to the United States is to split any politics and policies into moral debates.The introduction of moral arguments in policy disputes actually affects the advancement of reform and the solution of problems in many fields. For example, in the fields of medical reform, gun control and control, it is very obvious.Obama's medical reform was originally aimed at a social issue. It obviously took evidence to prove that the reform can help Americans who do not have any medical insurance to get rid of the trouble should have full rationality at the social level, but the medical reform opponents have to make this social problem ideology.For example, whether this decision is violated, has it infringed the right to choose from others, and so on.In China, one of the criteria for evaluating officials is to look at performance. The main person in charge of a place must come up with numbers to explain their work results: how many shantytowns are actually transformed so as to how many people get rid of poverty.In the Western political system, politicians often seem to be in contact with all walks of life. They seem to listen to opinions widely, but they are actually not in contact with things that have vital interests of people of various relationships, but in contact with those who support them, and use them.There are various occasions that they are annoying their views. The reason is very simple. The failure of the failure of moral arguing and the failure of political power and the loss of political power are only a few.However, in China's political system, leadership will conduct extensive research activities in various places and fields every year. These direct investigations and experiences constitute the foundation for their participation and making major decisions.The wind blows and changes the plan and decision, especially after the reform and opening up, China's development has not been consumed and delayed by endless ideological disputes.

(The author is a researcher at the Institute of Political Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)