Author: Wang Wenwen, Wang Cong, Li Qiaoyi, Cui Tianye, Fan Lingzhi, Chen Qingqing

Editor's words: Who owes the mainland (mainland) and Hong Kong?This problem that tries to summarize the relationship between the two places in a quantitative comparison is actually full of emotions, but this irrational is very room for public opinion on the two places.In the past, violence has stepped step by step to tear Hong Kong society. The oppositions have fallen to the Mainland to erode Hong Kong to help the territory. A few mainland netizens have also used unrealistic words to vent their anger.Will the roads that have supported each other in the past few decades will it really be completely wiped out by this turbulence?The Global Times recently interviewed people from all walks of life in Hong Kong and found that almost every Hong Kong people have a period of past that cannot be given up with the Mainland. Chen Jianbo, chairman of the Legislative Council Finance Committee, answered a needle to see blood: Hong Kong is a relative of blood connected by the country.Who owes accounting more!

Huashan to save relatives, change the era of countless people's destiny

The Global Times reporter lived near the Hong Kong Island during an interview with Hong Kong. There were many cheap and authentic restaurants downstairs. As soon as they arrived, although the office workers of the meal were full of each store, the bosses did not because of the reporter's mainland.The accent is slightly neglected, but it is more actively recommending the signature dishes in the store.A boss even agreed to the reporter to have a lunch to taste the soup burdock the next day.

Compared with foreign -style Central, the fireworks in the Shanghuan area are stronger.Beginning in the 1850s, as the mainland people came to Hong Kong brought capital and business experience, Shanghai Ring developed into a major Chinese business zone.When the sun is sunny, the owners of Yongle Street who sells seafood often spread fresh freshness in front of the door, and the air is full of salty market.There are many century -old shops in Sheung Wan. Although these shops hanging in China and blessings are close to the promises occupied by thugs, the violence in recent months does not seem to affect these old shops.The hard work, flexible response, and qi fortune are the first background brought by the early mainland immigrants to Hong Kong. It is also the source of the spirit of Hong Kong's growth from a small fishing village to the international metropolis in the future.

Liang Mingxing, born in 1962, came to Hong Kong with his parents from Shenzhen in China. At that time, the family's ideas were very simple: I hope that life is better.Liang Mingxing said that Hong Kong's conditions are better than Shenzhen, but hard work is the only way to survive. He started working in a restaurant at the age of 16 and often worked for 12 hours a day.In his memory, he did not recruit discrimination due to the identity of the mainland. As long as he worked hard, Hong Kong people would recognize you.

Liang Mingxing's family is a case of tens of millions of fugitives. Due to the huge difference in living standards in Shenzhen and Henan, the south of Shenzhen before the reform and opening up, a large number of mainlanders transit through the way of smuggling.Writer Chen Bingan's Book of Great Port recorded the vicential record of escaping in Hong Kong from the border area of Shenzhen -Hong Kong in the 1950s to the 1970s.Due to historical and bloody factors, at that time, Hong Kong citizens held a acceptance attitude towards the escaped mainland compatriots.In the face of the policy of forcibly repatriation of the Hong Kong -British government, Hong Kong citizens pay close attention to the situation of mainland compatriots under the call of the media.Many entertainment venues such as singing and dance halls automatically turn off the door, expressing sympathy for Huashan's affairs. Almost all Hong Kong families have given up their things in their hands, sitting next to the radio, and care about the fate of the poor people in the refugee camp hellip; hellip;On the road that stretched several kilometers, it was not four or five thousand, but tens of thousands of citizens. Many of them drove from the city to send their loved ones while minimally.

According to the Hong Kong media statistics, among the fugitives of Hong Kong in the 1960s and 1970s, some people have taken root and succeeded, such as Zeng Xianzi, chairman of the board of directors of Jinlilai Group, and Luo Wen, the godfather of music, etc.member.At the end of the last century, more than 40 of the top 100 rich people in Hong Kong were fugitives.If the time of escape from Hong Kong is compared with the time of Hong Kong's economy, you will find that these two things are almost overlapped.

Li Xiaobing, executive director of the Taiwan -Hong Kong -Macao Law Research Center of Nankai University, said in an interview with the Global Times reporter that immigrants from the Mainland to Hong Kong in the early days brought some funds and wealth to Hong Kong.Later, a large number of people from the Mainland and a certain adventure came to Hong Kong to add vitality to the city.The population structure is very critical in the development of a city. The aging of many cities is because the population structure is unreasonable and the source is relatively single, but after the immigration comes, it will form a disintegration and impact on the inherent things, and at the same time bring huge huge society to the societyvitality.

In the eyes of the mainlanders who leave their hometown, Hong Kong is a place to change destiny. For Hong Kong, the influx of a large number of hard -working mainlanders is an important contributor to Hong Kong's economy.

Reform and opening up, the two places work together to change the destiny of the country

If the mutual support of the Mainland and Hong Kong before the reform and opening up is still at the level of individual destiny, then reform and opening up are a major opportunity for the two places to achieve each other and jointly change the destiny of the country.The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong is one of the oldest and largest chambers of commerce in Hong Kong. Since 1982, the Chinese Federation of Chamber of Commerce has held a Hong Kong industrial and commercial seminar each year to train economic and trade talents in the Mainland and witness the huge changes brought about by reform and opening up.

In an exclusive interview with the Global Times reporter, Cai Guanshen, the president of the Hong Kong Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, remembered the situation at the beginning of the reform and opening up. At that time, the mainland's commercialization was not high., Becoming the largest source of investment in the Mainland.In the Pearl River Delta alone, there were more than 60,000 Hong Kong -funded factories at the highest peak, hiring tens of millions of workers to help the country build the Pearl River Delta into a world factory.

At that time, the cooperation was very popular. It can be said that without the reform and opening up of the country, there is no today in the Mainland; without the reform and opening up of the country, there is no today in Hong Kong.Cai Guanshen said that Hong Kong is an important participant, promoter and beneficiary of national reform and opening up!

Liu Ren, executive general manager of Hong Kong Deli Clock Watch Products Factory Co., Ltd., still remembers that when he graduated from college in 1996, the executives of the factory were basically Hong Kong people.As a strong industry in Hong Kong, the watch industry has become one of the many industries that Hong Kong transferred to the Mainland.Both funds and technical levels, Hong Kong assumes the role of (Mainland Industry) Enlightenment instructor.Liu Ren told the Global Times reporter that at that time, there was a huge difference in wage level and living habits in the Mainland at that time, but there were not many gaps between the two places. For example, they were willing to learn each other's dialects to strengthen exchanges.According to Liu Ren, the company currently retains a team of more than a dozen people in Hong Kong. It is mainly responsible for logistics, accounting and settlement, and the remaining 800 people are in the Mainland.

As an international financial center, Hong Kong not only provides a financing market with hundreds of billions of dollars for mainland companies, but also the largest offshore market in RMB. It is an irreplaceable window for RMB internationalization.Some people even call Hong Kong as Wall Street in China.In Cai Guanshen's view, Hong Kong is not only Wall Street in China, but also China Silicon Valley. Although Hong Kong is not strong in production capacity, it has five top universities and super basic scientific research capabilities., Together with Shenzhen, Macau, etc., build a technology corridor.

The storm strikes, it is good to have a central government to rely on

In 1997, the Asian financial storm swept Hong Kong.At that time, Chen Jianbo, the chairman of the Legislative Council Finance and Economics Committee, was still working in the bank.The most direct manifestation of this crisis in him is that more than 10%of the salary increase each year before this year came to an abrupt end.He was afraid for the first time.

How serious is that storm?Cai Guanshen gave a very simple example to the Global Times reporter: to see it in the center of Bangkok, there are many high -rise buildings, but almost all were built before the storm, and there was no change afterwards.Why did not be knocked down in Hong Kong, but also kept the status of the international financial center?Cai Guanshen believes that this result is impossible without the help of the central government.

At that time, facing the violent attack of foreign crocodiles, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government made an unprecedented decision to use government reserves to purchase stocks and directly face foreign short -term power.But this is a very dangerous step. If the government cannot hold it, it means that the Hong Kong economy is facing a fall.Cai Guanshen said that at this time the central government decided to intervene, and the central bank sent a lot of consultants to Hong Kong to provide various aspects for Hong Kong.Revisked the financial crocodile together.This is a very beautiful battle.We sincerely grateful that the central government has publicly stated publicly at a critical moment that as long as Hong Kong needs it, the central government will maintain Hong Kong's prosperity and stability at the expense and protect the exchange rate system.At a very time, the support of the central government is undoubtedly a strong backing.Chen Delin, President of the Hong Kong Financial Administration, told the Global Times reporter.

SARS in 2003 is another incident that Hong Kong people, including Chen Jianbo, can't bear to look back.At that time, Hong Kong was heartbroken. Everyone did not know why there were such strange diseases. They dared not go out. They all wore masks. The market was very depressed.In the past, the restaurant in the full -time customer was not patronized, catering tourism was severely hit, and property prices plummeted, like lsquo; tragic city rsquo;.He said that fortunately, Guangdong, Shenzhen and Hong Kong joined hands at the time, and everyone worked hard to solve these problems.Mainland epidemic prevention expert Zhong Nanshan handles lsquo; SARS RSQUO; put forward a lot of valuable opinions to the Hong Kong medical community.Chen Jianbo said that after SARS, Hong Kong's economy was weak. Fortunately, the country introduced freely for Hong Kong to stimulate the development of Hong Kong tourism, retail and catering.After that, the Mainland's funds accelerated to invest in Hong Kong, making Hong Kong prosper again.

The two industries (catering and tourism) where our couple are located relied on passenger flow. Liang Mingxing said that at the time, it felt that it was good for the central government to rely on it.

Feng Shui turns, but under the same sky

Feng Shui turns, and Liang Mingxing commented on the way that the two places have supported each other over the years.In the 1960s, Liang Mingxing's cousin in Shenzhen came to Hong Kong, and Liang Mingxing's mother bought them a lot of things to bring back to Shenzhen. They were envious of the Liang Mingxing's life.But now people live well in Shenzhen, all of them are local tyrants, and we seem to be poor.Liang Mingxing said.

In fact, since 1997, the Mainland has begun to be different, so what reasons do we have to compare with others?Housing construction, medical care, and finance are not as good as the mainland.This is the truth.In our opinion, the public order in Shenzhen 20 years ago was not very good, but now it is good.In the interview, Liang Mingxing kept lamenting that the changes in the two places at this age were really big and soon.

Right now, the social turmoil leaving the couple of Liang Mingxing have not started in the past two months.Liang Mingxing's restaurant faces a closure, and the travel agency where his wife is located has not received the mainland group for a long time.Liang Mingxing and his relatives in Hong Kong did not dare to eat together, fearing that they were unhappy about talking about political topics.

It should not be said that who owns Hong Kong and the Mainland!I don't think Hong Kong people and mainland compatriots want to argue about this issue.Chen Jianbo's attitude towards the Global Times reporter was very determined when he talked about this topic. Hong Kong and the country were all relatives connected to the country. Between relatives, he would not account for who owed him.At different time, everyone does different work. For example, in the early days, Hong Kong brought funds, technology, and business methods to the Mainland. While Hong Kong helped the development of the Mainland, many Hong Kong merchants who invested in factories also created a lot of wealth.Many things are mutually beneficial.The mainland market is very huge. In recent years, many people come to Hong Kong to do business to enter the mainland market, so it is simply that the country has become a large mountain in Hong Kong.

Li Xiaobing also said that who owed and who owed it was just a very low -level account. If it was limited to calculating this account, it would be easy for Hong Kong and the Mainland to be in a state of opposition and separation.He believes that a place like Hong Kong is cut and leased, which brings a huge sense of humiliation to the entire nation.It is under this premise that we will have such deep feelings for Hong Kong. At the same time, we will convert this emotion into the motivation of the development of the entire country, that is, to wash national shame.Therefore, we do a lot of things for Hong Kong are willing and regardless of cost.

We often say that if the state has reconciled several Hong Kong, or the overall development of Hong Kong, what kind of height will China develop to?Hong Kong has greatly enriched our expectations for future development. This is not perceived by how much funds or technologies have been obtained from Hong Kong.Li Xiaobing said that on the other hand, a basic support for Hong Kong that can create a miracle is that it is not a small island that is lonely overseas, but a single channel to the mainland to overseas in that era. A variety of factors gathered in Hong Kong, allowing it to burst into vitality.EssenceWhen the country's development needs, Hong Kong can provide the country's need for what they need, and then Hong Kong also needs the entire country to face it to provide support.

Chen Jianbo said that he knew that Hong Kong was a colony, and the people of the two places may have some differences in culture and lifestyle, but everyone should be different from. After all, they are all Chinese and blood. They should help each other and guard each other.Before returning, Hong Kong seemed to live in a foster family. After returning, he lived well with his family in the same sky.