On June 23, 2016, the Brexit referendum was held. The Brexit camp won the vote rate of 51.9%.However, today, three years later, the Brexit process of Brexit is still almost in place, and the dilemma of the British government is increasingly vivid.As far as the outside world observes, whether the Britain is using the public opinion to put pressure on the European Union, or the pragmatic Brexit that reduces the impact of Brexit, or insists on the priority of British priority, because it is unable to obtain more than half of the domestic consensus, so far from getting rid of it. So farEurope or not has no solution, and the process can only be dragged and dragged.

A few days ago, the British House of Commons voted for 299 votes to prevent Prime Minister Johnson from no agreement on Brexit. After this proposal was approved by the House of House, the Prime Minister Johnson proposed to the European Union to postpone Brexit.Brexit on the 31st.Prime Minister Johnson immediately made a re -election request, but the House of Commons rejected the Prime Minister Johnson's proposal again with 298 votes, showing that the parliament did not accept any proposal that might cause hard Brexit.

Britain cannot have no agreement on Brexit. It is the biggest consensus on the current British Parliament, but this is exactly what British Prime Minister Johnson strongly opposes it. He believes that the exclusion of the option to eliminate the negotiation of the Brexit has limited Britain's chips to the European Union.However, the focus of attention from all parties is no longer the influence of this Brexit proposal by the Brexit proposal on Brexit or on the development of the European Union. Instead, it focuses on the negative impact of Brexit disputes on British political development, and even the impact on the Democratic system of the British Parliament.

Recently, the dispute was due to Prime Minister Johnson on August 28 with a controversial parliamentary break, trying to prevent parliament supervision and intervene in Johnson's cabinet decisions by extending a break.There were 21 members of the Conservative Party who had no agreement on Brexit voting this time. A total of 21 members of the Conservative Party had run. Recently, the Conservative MP Phillip Lee even went directly to the Liberal Democratic Party's seat in front of Prime Minister Johnson, allowing the only one -voting of the Conservative Party to disappear.However, from the perspective of the current situation, Prime Minister Johnson has eaten a scales and iron hearts, and everything may be out of Brexit before the deadline, but it seems quite challenging.

There was no thing, where the dust was caused by the majority of the outside world criticized the Brexit.It is not the same as the panic atmosphere of the Brexit referendum that year.In the face of Brexit issues, everyone is even more regrettable that the influence of Britain in the international community is slowly slightly micro. The British proud parliamentary democracy has gradually disintegrated by the current rise of extreme politics.

Johnson tends to break the potential of the kettle. It seems that the Brexit is imperative. For the EU, this is not unexpected.However, for the EU's new leadership team, it is necessary to immediately handle the Brexit issue immediately after taking office. It is still a big situation for the EU development.I am afraid that this does not meet the interests and strategies of British domestic political parties.

(The author is the CEO of the Taiwan European Union Center)