Ming Pao News Agency

Hong Kong turmoil has become the focus of international. US President Trump has changed his tone. For the first time, the Sino -US trade negotiations are linked to Hong Kong issues. He also proposed to meet with the President ... discuss the situation in Hong Kong.Beijing pointed out that the United States is one of the hacks behind the chaos in Hong Kong. Washington has denied that the two sides have their own words.What is the calculation of Washington? It is unknown to the outside; in Beijing, it will not allow the United States to use Hong Kong as a pain point to deal with China.Hong Kong must avoid the PLA's intervention, nor can it be reduced to foreign political chips.The danger of engraving the situation can no longer be hesitant to hesitate. Hong Kong must return to peace (peace, rationality, non -violence), and stop violence by themselves as soon as possible to avoid becoming a battlefield on a big country.

Trade negotiations to pull the situation in the Hong Kong situation Trump's change of skeptics

In the past few days, the European and American governments have been paying attention to the situation in Hong Kong. German Chancellor Merkel has called on all parties to work hard to prevent violence. Under the large framework of one country, two systems and basic laws to protect freedom, seek feasible solutions through dialogue;The SAR government talks with demonstrators to find a way to resolve crises peacefully.Trump, the United States, talked about Hong Kong for two consecutive days. It was mentioned that the mainland (mainland) troops gathered in Shenzhen and said that they hope that the turbulence situation in Hong Kong can be resolved peacefully, and no one is casualties.The specific expressions of leaders of various countries are different, but in a short time in a short time, it will not be for no reason.

A few days ago, the paralysis of Hong Kong international airports affects a large number of international flights. However, many countries pay attention to the situation in Hong Kong and cannot rule out other factors.Recently, a large number of armed police vehicles gathered in Shenzhen. Yesterday, Foreign Telecom also reported that thousands of PLAs parade in a stadium in Shenzhen.Yang Jiechi, who is in charge of the work of central foreign affairs, meets with US Secretary of State Pompeo in New York on Tuesday to exchange opinions on Sino -US relations. Whether the two talk about Hong Kong, the outside world cannot know.Yesterday, the Chinese ambassador Liu Xiaoming publicly stated in London that once the situation in Hong Kong deteriorates to the point where the SAR government cannot control, the central government will not sit at a sight. Beijing hopes that the Hong Kong chaos will end in order.The solution and strength quickly calmed down.Liu Xiaoming's statement reflects the existing deployment of Beijing.

The situation in Hong Kong was quite severe. Trump suddenly pulled the Hong Kong issue on the Sino -US trade negotiations, making the situation more dangerous.Trump said that China certainly hopes to reach a trade agreement with the United States, but Beijing is invited to handle Hong Kong humanely, and then propose to ... meet with ... to meet in Hong Kong.There are members of the United States Congress even warned that if Beijing dispatched the PLA, it would seek sanctions to sanctions China and Yunyun.Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying responded that Trump said that Hong Kong is part of China, and China will solve the problem by itself and does not need foreign suggestions. I hope the United States will say it.

Trump’s tweets are unclear, and the interpretations of all parties are different.Things, posing an out -of -the -way posture, the tone of the tone is obviously different.What is unknown in Washington's market, but it is worth noting that the same day of Trump's posts that have been in foreign affairs earlier this month, he upgraded the trade war and announced that it will be 300 billion US dollars on September 1stThe 10 % duty; as for this speech about Hong Kong, it was "coincidentally" and issued the same day with Washington's decision to pay for some taxes on some Chinese cash on the same day.

The central government considers the overall situation to stop violence

Earlier this month, the White House proposed tariff measures, and the US retail industry and the science and technology community have greatly opposed it, worrying about serious cracking down on American consumers and Christmas shopping peak markets.Although Washington emphasized that it was not a tariff until the end of the end of December, not concessions to China, but the US economy's concerns emerged, and it was undoubtedly dragging the hind legs of Washington.Recently, the 10 -year and two -year Treasury bond interest rates in the United States have been inverted, which means that the interest rate of long debt bonds is less than that of short debt interest. It is regarded as an important sign of economic recession after one year in the United States.It is still unknown whether Sino -US trade negotiations can be re -negotiated next month.In order to keep the economy in order to keep the economy, before the Fed's agency agreed to reduce interest rates, it is difficult to put pressure on China. In contrast, playing Hong Kong cards now can at least maintain pressure on Beijing.It is another thing to do this to do this.

U.S. politicians talk about human rights, and the door is often very high. However, considering the actual interests, the so -called humanity can be rounded up at will (hit you for a meal).The Saudi authorities sent people to assassinate the Washington Post columnist Kashuji, an exile. It is reported that the corpse was reportedly dismembered. The White House spoke a bunch of empty words. In the end, it was still left.Beijing has determined that external forces are involved in the Hong Kong chaos. No matter what American politicians say, I believe it will not affect Beijing's research on the situation in Hong Kong.Washington has once again shown the Hong Kong card, and I believe Beijing will pay close attention to what actions in the next step in the United States.

The Hong Kong people look at the current crisis. Of course, from the perspective of Hong Kong itself, in the eyes of Beijing, the Hong Kong issue is just a small game in the overall national development situation.The central government regards the pearl on the palm of Hong Kong, but it will not tolerate external forces to use Hong Kong as a pain point to deal with China.It may be better to choose long pain, and handle the situation in Hong Kong again.At present, the autumn of critical existence in Hong Kong, if it is necessary to avoid becoming a gameplay of the game, or the situation where the PLA intervention appears, all sectors of society must say no, stop violence as soon as possible, and stabilize the situation.