Since the seventy years of the two sides of the strait, the interests of the United States have been deep and long in Taiwan. The basic core is the strategic interests of East Asia in the United States. Even if foreign recognition is terminated 40 years ago, the Taiwan Relations Law is still formulated to maintain a strong bond between the two sides.From the expansion of the communist forces in the past, to today's rapid rise in mainland China, and maintaining Taiwan's pro -American and American continued key links for the US strategic deployment.

In the past, when the situation of the Taiwan Strait was tight or the cross -strait relations were paused. The main battlefields on both sides of the strait were in the Washington and were not in the Taiwan Strait. Therefore, for Taiwan, the strategic preferred order of the Taiwan Strait can be guaranteed by the Chinese government, and the loss of Washington was not in danger.Nowadays, because the inflection point of cross -strait relations is early, mainland China dares to light up the sword due to the dream of a strong country. The United States is eager to adhere to the order of international hegemony. On the moment of this election of the Taiwan election, the staged main battlefield in China and the United States has been against competition for a long time.Washington turned to the Taiwan Strait.

The time of the presidential election in Taiwan is approaching, and the situation in Hong Kong may change at any time. The two strong and American and American strongs have temporarily moved to Taiwan. Although we are passive and unable to stop, whether we actively choose to participate in the war are the major events of the country.The choice of survival and death must be inspected.

From the direct election of the President of Taiwan in 1996, the candidate that the mainland hates is not necessarily out of order; the United States is not a good candidate, but it is not easy to win the experience of Taiwan.A description.

The mainland's attacking martial arts scared the Taiwan election. In 1996, the missiles were fired. In 2000, Zhu Yiji warned Taiwanese voters. Now there are also citations on the Internet era to operate community websites and buy media moves.When the two bullets were suspected in 2004, the United States quickly called Chen Shui -bian to be re -elected; in 2012, U.S. officials revealed to the British Financial Times that Tsai Ing -wen was not trusted.Scholars and media in the mainland and the United States have been performed in an extraordinary performance. It is even more important. To say that they never interfere with the presidential election of Taiwan, the public probably does not believe it.

Compared with the past, the United States has watched Taiwan from different shots today.In the past, the hugs of cats and bears tended to join forces with the Dragon Slaughter, and more focused on how to resist, China, and China. Therefore, not only the toppy tables of Congress and the administrative department became more and more open, but they also formed a stronger side of the Taiwan side and stations.

To discuss how the United States evaluates the presidential election of Taiwan, we must first be cautious about what is the US: Trump's personal perspective of Taiwan, or under his most concerned U.S. -China trade war, or respond to the demands of the power of the Capitol VillageIs it basically laid in the middle -level officials of the Guoan team because of no time to deal with each other in Taiwan horizontally?

President Trump's joint letter was published in the Washington Post, calling on more than a hundred American political elites who are not enemies in the United States, which reflects the US perspective, or also published an open letter, accusing the CCP expansion of hegemony globally.Urges Trump to adhere to more than a hundred other people who fight against the route of the Communist China to represent the United States on behalf of the United States?

Under the current principles of U.S. priority in the Trump administration, the United States naturally looks forward to the next presidential policies in Taiwan to adopt a policy that meets and even increase US interests.Whether it is a slow expectation or a less modified concern, there should be the following focus: Whether Taiwan will re -balance the policy, and seeking a distance between Beijing and Washington; for the United States and Taiwan in recent yearsWhether the related plans of Indo -Pacific regions such as training architecture continue; whether Taiwan has proposed to the United States for military purchase projects will regret it, or it cannot be included in the budget; the overall defense concept of the Pentagon Building in the United States can continue to persist.

On the one hand, the United States hopes that Taiwan can maintain a high degree of strategy with India and Indo -Pacific. With the policy direction of the overall friendship and Taiwan, it is stable to refuse to fight against China, but on the other hand, it will be extremely prudent.Due to the fierce election, he picked up a gun by using the mainland's tough policy to Taiwan, took severe measures to pick up artillery against Hong Kong, and reversed in the anti -Chinese revenge, and then detonated the crisis of the Taiwan Strait.After all, Taiwan ’s next -generation troops are built, the combat effectiveness of the standing forces, the reorganization of reserve mobilization, and the dilemma of recruiting the sources of military troops are really not enough to support the risk of a sudden jumping war.

After 23 years since the presidential election of the president, Taiwan has taken 3 times. After three times, no matter blue and green, none of the government is not pro -American, and no one does not buy for the U.S. military.Isn't it?

The United States evaluates the Taiwan election. In fact, it does not need to be shifted in the spectral shift of pro -American or pro -China. Instead, it is necessary to calculate the situation of the situation where the Taiwan Strait is very tight because of the inflection point of cross -strait relations.Is the annual confrontation or worsening, whether it ultimately damages the strategic interests of the United States.

(Author Huang Jiezheng, Associate Professor of Strategic Research Institute of Tamkang University in Taiwan)