Since the revision of the Anti -Fuging Regulations in Hong Kong in mid -June, the situation has become increasingly heating up, and new groups have joined.In early August, some civil servants even participated in the rally or issued an open letter to the joint session, hoping that the Hong Kong government was facing public opinion.

Hong Kong, as the earliest implementation area for Beijing's design, one country, two systems, actually attracted Taiwan's attention.For a long time, Beijing has used one country, two systems as a standard answer to solve the Taiwan issue.After the 22nd anniversary of the return of Hong Kong, such a situation will inevitably arouse the worries of the people in Taiwan.

Currently in Taiwan, the proportion of people who resist one country and two systems is not small.Although the Chinese President ... The two Taiwan plans proposed at the beginning of the year tried to give a solution framework that meets the Taiwan problems, but under the operation of Tsai Ing -wen and the DPP, not to say that there are two -character schemes, even nine nine, nine nine, and nine nine.The two consensus is also regarded as synonymous words in one country, two systems.

Guo Taiming, who participated in the Kuomintang's primary election and compete for the qualifications of the presidential election candidate next year, even clearly rejected one country, two systems as a solution to the Taiwan issue, and clearly stated that it is not suitable for Taiwan.

In this context, especially mixed with the complexity of Sino -US relations. The changes in the current situation in Hong Kong will undoubtedly need to think about the issues of Hong Kong and one country, two countries, and two systems.

For a long time, the relationship between the central government and the local area has always been a problem that plagues the dynasties of the Chinese dynasties.The Chinese Communist Party's gradual development of a political framework that the Chinese Communist Party has gradually developed in the 1980s is undoubtedly political and value to solve the problem of returning from Taiwan and Hong Kong.It shows a flexible, pragmatic and innovative open thinking and pattern.

However, due to the social environment at that time, mainland China has been abolished by twists and turns, and the central leaders urgently need to rebuild and develop the economy and society of the mainland.Of course, at the time, I am afraid that there was enough personnel to study a series of issues of Hong Kong's return.

As a result, the implementation of one country, two systems, has some extent due to congenital factors that the central government has experienced extreme changes in the policy in the process of returning 22 years.In the early stage, Beijing's senior management showed high trust and expectations for Hong Kong's politics, letting go of the Hong Kong Government to govern, and to interfere.However, with the 500,000 Hong Kong citizen rally in 2003 and opposed the legislation of Article 23, Beijing's attitude towards Hong Kong has begun to reverse.

In a sense, the situation in Hong Kong today has nothing to do with various problems in the past years.After the years, the problem has changed from small to large, and the amount of quantitative changes has caused qualitative changes. Finally, in this important place in Hong Kong, the biggest governance crisis has erupted since the return, which seriously impacts the operability of the implementation of one country and two systems.

Many of the misconducts of the Hong Kong Government in this process, for the time being.After all, the situation has evolved here. The most important problem is the recovery of Hong Kong order, and public opinion has been properly responded.

At this point, it is undoubtedly necessary to review the background and spirit of the birth of a political framework of one country in the 1980s.As long as it is under the premise of a country, any innovative or open governance method should be valued, and any demand must be listened.After all, not many Hong Kong citizens are willing to go to the streets to do unnecessary fighting every day, and they are willing to be in a disorderly and chaotic state every day.In the 1980s, the openness of openness and innovation in the 1980s, under such a urgent situation in Hong Kong today, should be re -recovered and valued, and rethinks Hong Kong's destiny and future trends.

If Beijing, more than 30 years ago, could not take care of the implementation of the implementation of one country, two systems, and the problems that the political, social, and economic systems that had been caused by the political, social, and economic system after the return of Hong Kong.Necessary.

Is the original frozen regression proper?Is the governance system and architecture of the colonial era still unchanged after returning?Regardless of the political and economic changes in mainland China, the contradictions that broke out during the communication process of the two sides. From the perspective of political system and system, what does it mean?I am afraid these problems should be studied again.If it is applied to Taiwan, how can we face the huge difference in the system?

Simply put, Taiwan, two countries, two systems, is still under the authoritarian system, and now it has changed significantly and transformed into a democratic system.Due to the changes in the status of mainland China, there are complex competition relationships between China and the United States. Such a creative and open -country system, two systems, may be the need for the times and the need to solve the problem of Taiwan.

Hong Kong, a sample that does not look particularly successful after 22 years of practice, must be put in a microscope to anatomy; whether it is to better solve the Taiwan problem, or as a case of central and local relations, or just to solve the current currentThe order of Hong Kong.

In the new era of Chinese Defense White Paper published by mainland China on July 26, in the new era of national defense in the new era of defense, it was severely criticized for Tibetan independence and Taiwan independence.The existence of these split forces undoubtedly means that there is some kind of vulnerability in the land of Chinese border.

From a historical point of view, the safety and tranquility of the border is, of course, the existence of force is a fast and effective way, but the flexible policy is also an essential method.In order to maintain long -term stability.Although powerful is effective, once the momentum appears, it will definitely cause a stronger counterattack.This is also why there are many systems different from the Central Plains region of the Chinese dynasties, in order to allow the system's flexibility, openness and innovation, and to better deal with local complex local issues.

There are no unchanged systems, trials, adapting to local conditions, and changing due to local conditions, which is the prerequisite and condition of any institutional innovation and good governance.In the current Hong Kong, this should be the most needed besides responding to the demands of the people.In other words, Hong Kong's governance system must be reforming.

(The author is Beijing freelance)