In recent years, the social protest movement has become a world trend. From the United States, Europe to Asia, few countries can avoid social protest movements.(Drama diagram)

In recent years, the social protest movement has become a world trend. From the United States, Europe to Asia, few countries can avoid social protest movements.Although the social protest movement has always been a huge driving force for social progress, for any society, whether it is against the protests itself or to the society as a whole, any form of social protests are costly.For the protesters themselves, in addition to very few organizers can make profits, most participants (including bystanders) have to spend energy and time.

On the one hand, the organizers of social protests are facing greater risks (such as being arrested and prosecuted, etc.), and on the other hand, they can also obtain social reputation and get opportunities for future politics.In addition to adding some life experience, most people have no chance.For society as a whole, social protests may have a negative impact on society's stability and normal operations (including the government).

For the majority of society, if different forms of social protests are inevitable, how to understand and resolve social protests in different forms of contemporary contemporary forms will become very important.Social protests may be indispensable, but a society cannot always protest.

From an understanding point of view, people may understand the social protest movement and its possible results as the phenomenon of dammed lakes that have frequently occurred in nature.The dammed lake is a lake formed by the lake of lava flow or earthquakes, which causes the lake formed by the lake or the riverbed of the landslide or the riverbed.Generally speaking, there are four processes of the formation of dammed lakes: one is the existence of the original water system; the other is that the original water system is blocked; the third is that after the river valley and the river bed are blocked, the flowing water gathers and overflows around;It is a dammed lake to a certain extent.

The blockage of the dammed lake is not fixed, and they will also be washed, eroded, dissolved, collapsed, and so on.Once the blockage was destroyed, the lake water overflowed and poured down to form a flood.With the continuous occurrence of secondary disasters, the water level of the dammed lake may rise rapidly, which may lead to major floods.Once the dammed lake formed in the disaster area, the consequences are serious, and the flood peaks are formed downstream, which is no less destructive than the destructive power of disasters.

If the social protest group is compared to the dammed lake, it is not difficult to get some useful inspiration.Although they do not want to see the appearance of the dammed lake, no matter whether people like it or not, the dammed lake is inevitable. Similarly, although many people do not want to see social protests, social protests have always been a reality that human society has to accept.The positive effects of social protests are used to control the negative effects of social protests.

It is also enlightened for the social protest movement itself.The protest movement is like the dammed lake itself, and the inside is full of changing motivation.The formation of the dammed lake is only a natural product, and there is no purpose in itself; but the activities of the dammed lake itself may eventually lead to the dyke of the dammed lake, which eventually leads to disintegration and disappearance. On the other handIt is purposeful, but due to its internal changes, social protests may eventually move towards their opposite side, leading to their own disappearance.

The relationship between sound and exit

Regarding the treatment of dammed lakes, whether it is caused by external surgery or internal changes, people can also find some general laws, and these laws have a great correlation with the understanding of the social protest movement.

First, the relationship between the area and the depth of the water level inside the dammed lake, with the effects that it can have.The wider the area, the deeper the water level (high), the stronger the internal changes, the greater the pressure on the blocking objects, and the easier it is to cause the embankment.The same is true of social protests.All social protests are caused by people's dissatisfaction with the status quo.Many protests may just complain at the beginning, and the requirements are not high; if these requirements are met, social protests may fall back.

This is a protest one by one.However, after a request is met, there is a second or third requirement, that is, the requirements of the protesters may become higher and higher until they cannot be met.But no matter what the reason, if it is not required, the resentment of the protesters will become deeper and deeper, and the impact on society will become increasing.

Under different politics, the degree of grievances of social protests will be different.In a democratic society, due to social protests is a simpler thing, and the risks are not high or even risky, social protests often occur.In such a society, people's tolerance is generally very low, and once dissatisfaction with society, it is expressed at will.However, in terms of experience, this social protest environment (such as freedom of organization, freedom of rally, democracy, etc.), which is widely praised, is not effective, or social protests that are prone to occur, and their effects are relatively ineffective.In many society, social protests have become part of people's daily life, and there is no effect.

Why is this?Here you can understand the concepts and exit concepts proposed by political economist Albert Hirschman.Hichman believes that when people discover the quality of products (services) provided by a company, organization, or government, people start to speak (Voice) or exit to express dissatisfaction.The exit is very simple, that is, to leave and buy companies, organizations, and countries that can provide better quality products (services).Speaking is complaining about the company and organization, which is intended to improve the quality of the product (service) provided by the company and organization.Exit is different. Whether it is indirect exit or unintentional exit, it will hinder the company or organization to improve performance.

Therefore, although exit and voice are the choice of people, the results are very different.There are often contradictions between the two, destroying each other, and exit particularly damaging their voice.If exit is very convenient and easy, it will not be easy to sound, because sound and energy often require time and energy.This situation is easy to occur in real and social and economic life.For example, if the divorce is simple enough, the couple will not save their marriage by vocalizing (communication or reconciliation).In the history of the United States, in the early industrialization process, because the development of the western region provided sufficient opportunities, compared with Europe, there was no powerful working class movement in the United States.

In many cases, the choice of exit tends to destroy sound.Hichman believes that this can be expressed by the water conservancy model that the reduction of the products (services) provided by the company, organization and the country has caused the pressure of social protests, and the pressure on protests will cause sound or exit;The more pressure to eliminate the solution, the smaller the opportunity to form an effective voice.

Exit the existence of choice can largely explain the invalidation of democratic society protests.Democratic society often has a multi -party system, and power turns between different political parties.Many society protests often have the nature of party faction, either launching the party station or using it for the party station.Even if there is no social protest with the party, the choice of participants is relatively simple.For example, dissatisfaction with party A, simply choosing to withdraw, instead supporting the party B or C.

On the one hand, this choice makes the intensity of social protests not so great, but the political utility is relatively reduced.People always expect that the administration of a political party will be better, and their requirements can be better satisfied.However, the problem is that the political party supported by social protesters will also face the same environment, and the opposition (the original ruling party) will do the same thing.Therefore, political power is differentAlthough the transfer between the party expresses democracy or the voices of social protesters, the actual effect of governing will not be improved.This leads to the rotten apples that people say, and which one is the same.

Sound of the authoritarian society

Compared with the democratic society, the concentration of power or the authoritarian society in the academic community is often a deep hatred during the social protest stage.In the authoritarian society, voices are often limited by many, and even if a sound is made, the risk of speakers is also very high, so rational people often choose not to speak until they have to sound.when.Considering that the people in the authoritarian society are also the most endurance, once the sound of sound is reached, the sound at this time is often the most intense and destructive.

However, the voices of authoritarian society may not be invalid, and even more effective under certain conditions than democratic society.This is mainly determined by two factors.First of all, the social groups of authoritarian countries are facing exit issues.These countries are either a party -owned country or a unique country.In the former, there is no choice of exit because there is no existence of the opposition party.The only exit is to immigrate abroad, but this choice has reduced the pressure on the original society, which is not beneficial to the original society.

In the latter, because of the unique party, people have doubts about the effectiveness of the legal party, and often do not choose to withdraw.This situation determines the art and quality of vocalist countries.Because of risks, people must pay attention to the art of sound, and speak in the way they think are the most effective; and the art of sound often improves the quality of sound.

Secondly, the ruling people's concerns and initiative.Eighty also means responsibility.If the governor is rational enough, the balance between the two must be achieved.Regardless of whether it is a party -owned country or a unique country, the ruling party has no reason to shirk responsibility, or the ruling party is the only responsible subject.The governor knows that once his voice is a deep hatred, he also knows the energy and damage caused by the outbreak of the dyke.Therefore, in order to avoid the emergence of a large area of embankment, the ruling party must take the initiative to listen to the sounds made by society, actively solve problems, and meet the needs of society.

The only difference is that the soundrist or sound organizer is more risky.Because the ruling party does not want existing voices to become an organized power (potential opposition party), high -pressure control policies are often implemented on these characters.The West generally believes that the voice of authoritarian countries is invalid, but this judgment does not meet experience evidence, because from the perspective of experience, many voices of authoritarian countries have also promoted many meaningful practical policy changes under certain conditions.The democratic country can better reflect the changes in society.

Second, the relationship between the inside and outside of the dammed lake.It is very simple. The larger the water level between the internal water level of the dammed lake and the outside water level, the greater the impact force generated at the time of the dyke; otherwise, the smaller the gap between the two, the less likelyThe impact force will not be too strong.

The intensity of social movement is actually the same.If the difference between the social movement is too different from the difference they already have, the social movement is often fierce, such as the early stage of a social democratization (that is, from no democracy to a period of democratic transformation). The social movement is often fierce, evenVery violent; on the contrary, if the things required by the social movement are not much different from what they already have, social movement tends to be peaceful, such as a social movement that has been democratized, and social movement (that is, more democracy is required)It will be as intense and violent as early as the initial period.

It is also meaningful to understand that this gap relationship is also meaningful to prevent social drama and maintain order, that is, the problem of gap can not only be solved, but also prevent;It is getting bigger and bigger).

First, the governor can conduct a guidance work on the society, just as the blockage of the dammed lake can be blown out.Bling of the blockage is to combine the inside of the inside of the dammed lake and the outside of the lake.As mentioned above, the cost here is how to deal with the organizers of the social protest movement.Second, increase the amount of external water, so that the external water level is almost the same as the water level inside the dammed lake, so that the internal water volume has no impact on the external, and it may even be higher than the internal water level. This completely eliminates the dammed lake.This situation is theoretically possible, but there are no successful examples in practice.

However, this phenomenon is not difficult to observe.For example, from the 1960s to the 1970s, due to the backward economy of the mainland and difficult life, people escaped Hong Kong on a large scale (illegal), but after the reform and opening up, the internal economy developed rapidly and the standard of living has improved sharply. Now there is no such problem.This situation can also be applied to cross -strait relations.With the continuous development of mainland China and the gradual realization of all aspects of rights, the relationship between the relationship between Hong Kong, Taiwan and the mainland will undergo fundamental changes, and the nature of Hong Kong and Taiwan society will also change.

(The author is a professor at the National University of Singapore and East Asia)

The article only represents personal point of view