The Hong Kong Ming Pao published an article on an article on a corporate report that the Chinese State Council published a new era of Chinese defense in the new era, emphasizing resolutely defending national sovereignty, security, and development benefits. It is the fundamental goal of China's national defense in the new era. China adheres to the scope of influence.This is the President of the State ... Since taking office, it has been published for the first time to publish a comprehensive national defense white paper, which has spent a lot of time explaining the strategic direction of national defense policies and military construction. A major goal is believed to increase the transparency of strategic intentions and reduce the theory of threats to China in the international community to China.doubt.The White Paper did not touch Hong Kong. A spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense answered questions from reporters and expressed their attention to the development of the situation in Hong Kong.We believe that things should be handled by the SAR government by themselves, and the PLA does not need to intervene.

Defending sovereignty will never dominate Beijing to explain strategic intentions

The white paper talks about the military reform exhibition in recent years, explaining the basic situation and changes in the command system after the reform, and reflecting that the central government believes that the military reform is generally completed at this stage, and it is time to sum up the comprehensive summary.China ’s national defense policy and military expenses have always been one of the most concerned issues in the international community. The white paper also explains separately for these two issues. It is hoped that with specific data and clear strategic intentions, respond to external doubts, and try to break the theory of Chinese threats.

In terms of military expenses, the white paper lists a large number of figures, taking into account the comparison ratio, so as to emphasize the moderate and reasonable growth of national defense expenditure in the past few years: from 2012 to 2017, the average annual growth of national defense expenditure increased by 9.42%, and the average annual growth of 10.43%of the national fiscal expenditure was 10.43%of the pace of growth.Compatible; During the period, the average proportion of national defense expenses accounted for 1.3%of the total GDP, the lowest of the UN Security Council's permanent member country, and the average proportion of national defense expenses was about 5.3%.As for the per capita defense fee, it is only 5 % to 25 % of the United States, Russia, Britain, and France.Each year in Beijing's two conferences to explain military expenditures, it has caused western discussions, and some of the remarks are suspected of disconnection or hype.Increasing transparency is the best way to compete, and the Beijing authorities can work harder in this regard.

In terms of national defense policy, the white paper detailed the defensive national defense policy pursued by China in the new era and explained its strategic intent.The white paper emphasizes the resolute defending national sovereignty, security, and development benefits. It is the fundamental goal of China's national defense. For the first time, Chinese defense in the new era is the distinctive characteristics of never dominating, never expanding, and never seeking forces. As for world significance, it is for world significance.Build a community of human destiny.Looking back at history and misjudgment of strategic intentions, it is often the main cause of the trap of the great power to enter the Xidide trap. It is more important than the transparency of military expenses and transparent strategic intent.The West has suspicion of China's rise. Looking at the white paper, it may be more concerned about the paragraphs of the protection of overseas interests. Whether it means that China's military power projection capacity is significantly improved, or there is still a large gap between defense expenditure and guarantee of national development. Whether military expenses continue to grow.Yunyun, however, the strategic intention explained by the white paper is also a public commitment to a certain extent. Even if it fails to enhance mutual trust in real time, it must be better than to say.

The current social turmoil in Hong Kong, the trend of the PLA in Hong Kong has attracted much attention.The white paper talks about the national policy. The content does not talk about Hong Kong, but it is unexpected. However, a spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense attended a press conference, and there were also questions to respond to the recent situation in Hong Kong and whether the independence of Hong Kong.The spokesman expressed close attention to the development of the situation in Hong Kong and reiterated the impact of the bottom line of the China Union to touch the principle of one country and the two systems.Essence

The situation of the port does not require the army to intervene in the black hand to be trapped in the Sino -US vortex

According to the relevant provisions of the garrison, according to the Basic Law, the SAR government can ask the Central Committee to ask the Hong Kong garrison to assist in maintaining social security and disaster relief.This time is the first time that the central department has talked about whether the PLA will intervene in Hong Kong for the first time. However, at this sensitive moment, it is necessary to avoid excessive interpretation of the wind and capture.The saying of a spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, I believe that it is only to reiterate the principle of doing things in accordance with the law. Whether the army is required to assist in the army, and the initiative is in the hands of the SAR government.The SAR government clarified twice this month and denied that specially requested the PLA to dispatch.We believe that for the sake of one country, two systems, the current situation in Hong Kong should be cleaned up by Hong Kong, and the PLA does not need to intervene.

The white paper talks about the security threat of land, and focuses on Taiwan independence. In addition, there are also frequent activities such as overseas Tibetan independence and East Turketan.Looking at the content of the White Paper, the issue of Hong Kong independence is far from threatening the security level of land.The White Paper emphasizes the situation of anti -division struggle even more serious. Criticizing the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party authorities to promote Taiwan independence. Beijing has firm determination and strong ability to maintain national sovereignty and territorial integrity.People, any organization, any political party, at any time, in any form, split out any Chinese territory from China. If someone wants to split Taiwan from China, the Chinese army will defend national unity at the expense.

China and the United States are fierce, and Washington has continued to operate the Taiwanese cards and is the independence of Taiwan. The white paper reflects that China will not sit attention and resolutely maintain the territory and sovereignty.Earlier, Wang Zhimin, the director of the China United Affairs Office, talked about the situation in Hong Kong. Some criticized a few people in Hong Kong to take advantage of the chaos and chaos.) Recover the black hand extended in Hong Kong.The black hand is very serious, and it is highlighting that Beijing thinks that there is sufficient materials show that Hong Kong has become a card for the United States to ask China for benefits.The tough wording such as the self -respect of the Yang Yang and the black hands makes people worry that Hong Kong will become a place to fight against the game between China and the United States. Hong Kong's prosperity and stability will be covered with uncertain factors.