Although the U.S. government still spreads the so -called Huawei threat theory in the world, the British government has not yet made a decision to cooperate with Huawei in 5G construction.In order to force the British to disbucer, the United States is choosing to put pressure on its closest intelligence allies.

On the one hand, the U.S. -British -American trade agreement after Brexit was pushed to force Britain to abandon the use of Huawei 5G products.At the same time, they are still overthrowing the evaluation of Huawei in British intelligence agencies and discredited the reputation of British intelligence agencies, which directly angered officials in British intelligence agencies.

U.S. to play the British and American trade agreement cards

According to the British Daily Telecom report on the 14th, the Trump administration sent a signal to the UK. Whether the next British Prime Minister can reach a trade agreement after Brexit depends on whether it is on the Huawei issue with the United States.

A U.S. officials told that Britain may have to support the US tough policy because of refusal to ban Huawei from being regarded as a effort to destroy the Washington Reorganization WTO.

In fact, the reports in the UK and the United States in the preliminary trade negotiations made the telecommunications industry feel that the United States' concerns about Huawei are due to business competition, not so -called national security issues.

It is reported that the British government's assessment of Huawei has stagnated, and many British companies are frustrated by this and their investment plans have been put on hold.The report quoted a spokesman for telecommunications operators Vodafone, saying that all decisions should not be reckless, but based on factual assessment risks.

Ben Wood, an analyst at market research company CSS Insight, said Britain lacks the interests of transparency in harming operators.In this way, they cannot accurately evaluate their potential markets, which may lead to the launch of 5G.

However, British operators did not stop 5G construction and cooperate with Huawei.The Guardian reported on the 6th that the four major British operators could not wait, and began to cooperate with Huawei first to develop 5G networks in the country.

These operators use Huawei devices in the non -core part of the 5G network, which are mainly used in radio systems that allow radio communication.Nevertheless, the Guardian pointed out that their decision is equivalent to a gambling, because once the British government disables Huawei, these costs will be drifted.

British Intelligence Institution Government Communication Headquarters (GCHQ) bird's eye view @英 China

The reputation of the United States corrupted British spy agency

In addition to playing a trade agreement, the Thames on Sunday reported on the 14th that the American CIA and the State Council officials were still overthrowing British intelligence agencies' national security evaluation of Huawei and trying to destroy the reputation of the British intelligence agency. This also made officials in the British intelligence industry very angryEssence

A senior British intelligence official revealed that the closest intelligence allies in the UK are launching a secret publicity offensive. Some people conduct a notification event at the EU headquarters Brussels. On the issue of Huawei 5G, you either you have or opposed us.

It is reported that the British spy department is very angry about the so -called Huawei participating in any future communication network construction in the United Kingdom to endanger the five -eye alliance.

The above -mentioned British senior officials put forward a violent attack on the US attempt to subvert Britain's judgment on Huawei. We have spent millions of pounds on the customized system to ensure that the information is absolutely safe to share information with LSquo;We firmly believe that as long as Huawei (equipment) is used in a limited method for our 5G network, we can protect the network system from interference in China.

The Five Eye Alliance is composed of intelligence agencies in the United States, Britain, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. The intelligence spy alliance internal interconnection information information composed of these five countries.At present, only the United States and Australia in the Five Eyes have clearly forbided the Huawei 5G equipment, and Britain does not directly state.

At the end of April this year, the British media broke the news that the British National Security Council (NSC) decided to allow Huawei Co., Ltd. to participate in non -core projects for British 5G construction.After that, the United States stepped up pressure on Britain.

In addition, the Times on the Sunday said on the 14th that U.S. officials also launched actions to persuade Britain's next Prime Minister to stop using Huawei equipment, otherwise they will pay a high price.

Washington is worried that Tresa Middot; Mei will reach an agreement during the stay as the Prime Minister, thereby enhancing his inheritance on No. 10 Tangning Street.However, many ministers and officials of intelligence agencies in the British government believe that they should wait until the new Prime Minister takes office.Before the new Prime Minister took office, no one wanted to make a decision on the Huawei issue.A source said.