Author: Wang Xiangsui

Today, when we talk about the politics of great powers, including Sino -US relations, the analysis framework based on the basis is often derived from the Westpaleia and Town in 1648.The balance pattern and the general stable order.

But in China, we can find other ways to interpret the relationship between great powers.As early as 2500 years ago, during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods of China, Qi Xuan asked Mencius: Do you have a good way to make a neighboring country?Mencius replied that there is, but the person who can use big things and wisdom can be small.The great country must be kind and tolerant, and the small country must have wisdom. This is the political concept and political wisdom that continues to this day from ancient China.

This method contains a logic that power can be shared, not to be monopolized by a certain country.The same is true for Sino -US relations. Some people in the United States are worried that China will replace the United States. Some netizens also ridiculed that if the United States is improper, it will be us, and so.These claims are incorrect.Regardless of China's political philosophy or international political reality, this world belongs to the people of the world. As a two major powers, China and the United States can make greater contributions to global governance, but it does not mean that the two countries can monopolize global governance.The power of power should share this power with other countries in the world.These logic and concepts are largely unique to Chinese political culture, which is different from the opposition from the Westparian system and the general power of the allies.

Especially today, many people say that the world is becoming a polymer world, but the multi -pole world itself is still a political concept, which is divided by strength.A more appropriate description, it should be said that today's world is a diverse world connected by various networks. This diverse world can have a variety of development methods and multiple development paths.Western proverbs say that the big roads pass through Rome, there are many ways to modernize the Chinese, and there may be only one.Therefore, China does not want the formation of power monopolies in international politics, but also hopes to share power.

After World War II, U.S. President Roosevelt made a careful design in the international political and economic pattern, established the GA Agreement Agreement and WTT, the Bretton Forest System, World Bank, etc., of courseUnited Nations.One of the basic principles of the United Nations Security Council is that the five permanent members of the country have maintained negotiation and should be consistent with major world political issues. This has been avoided for a long time to avoid severe conflicts and even war between major powers.Avoid war between great powers, which is probably a responsibility for the world.

This responsibility is still continuing today.It is just that the new problems in the world are endless, and the international community has begun to need some new coordination and governance mechanisms.Among them, the Gutan Group is a new design that responds to the global crisis.Regardless of the old and new global governance agencies, their primary principles are power sharing.

Based on this logic, how should the great power get along?It should still be treated with courtesy.The ritual here refers to the order based on the common concept.Its basic principles include not using force with each other and not threatened by force; respecting each other, understanding different civilizations and development paths; maintaining communication, do not provides obstacles to communication from trade to humanities and other aspects; mutual behavior can be expected to be expectedThis is based on the understanding of each other's political behavior and even civilization.In this way, it is more reasonable than curbing emerging countries or replacing traditional great powers. This is also the inevitable trend of world order.

(The author is a professor at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)