Source: Wangbao Society Review

The highly anticipated Taipei Shanghai Shuangcheng Forum came to an end, and Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe, who had the opportunity to challenge the president, successfully ended the Shanghai Bank. After two mayors and the 10 -year -old cross -strait local government exchange platformIn terms of changing official relationships, it is not easy and worthy of cherishment. As far as Ke Wenzhe is concerned, whether he chooses not to choose the president, it is destined to not be absent from the cross -strait relations in the future.Create greater influence for individuals.

At the critical moment of the presidential election of Ke Wenzhe, Ke Wenzhe may become a candidate, which caused very much pressure and constraints.The speeches at the meeting deliberately showed the attitude of conservative and defensive, and only reiterated the concept of a family on both sides of the strait and the five principles of communication with each other. In addition, there was no more ink.In order to preserve the political strength, Ke Wenzhe had to change his consistently straightforward speech style and avoid colliding with the anti -Chinese political discourse system under the control of the Tsai government with a cautious attitude.

From the perspective of politics, Ke Wenzhe had to be cautiously cautious in the context of Taiwan ’s society in the context of ideology in Taiwan to avoid stimulating the rebound of society and hurting the existing social support foundation.During the nine -in -one election last year, the green camp was overwhelmed. Although it did not stop Ke Wenzhe's re -election, it also caused him to cause huge political pressure.

It can be seen that the road of cross -strait exchanges is not easy to go. Political figures must show political wisdom. Between the objective needs of cross -strait exchanges and the subjective attitude of social fear, find a balance point.Of course, although Ke Wenzhe's words were conservative, the action did not bind himself. This time he walked out of Shanghai and expanded the scope of communication, which was the determination to insist on going on with practical actions.As the so -called behavior is better than that, Ke Wenzhe continues to act as a representative of the positive development of cross -strait relations with his pragmatic style.

The mainland officials have summarized cross -strait relations in recent years. It is often used to describe difficulties. For Taiwan, which supports cross -strait exchanges in cross -strait exchanges, it has also been in difficulties.This is actually reminding the mainland that the complexity of cross -strait relations. In addition to the intentional manipulation of the governors, it is also related to the entanglement and struggle caused by the long -term isolation of cross -strait for a long time.However, the regular election system for Taiwan also forced politicians to elect the election operation. It must be in line with the subjective emotions of the people, and there is a possibility of successful operations.In other words, mainland society should have more goodwill to Taiwanese society, and the differences in the views of each other should be more patient. Do not respond to it due to the disagreement and the retreat of the relationship between the moment.It will make more Taiwanese people have more negative views on the mainland.

Mainland officials treat cross -strait issues, and they also need to show the necessary strategic patience. So far, the official performance of the mainland is quite satisfactory.The independent faction has been wiping red Ke Wenzhe. Analysis of Liu Jieyi's speech can be found that the mainland has not taken the opportunity to perform political operations. Liu Jieyi carefully avoids controversial remarks.Explain the specific content and show the sincerity of the mainland to treat Ke Wenzhe.

In fact, when the mainland official and Taiwan -related scholars have recently expressed similar concepts with the US -related think tank in the United States. According to the information disclosed by the National Committee of the US Think Tank Foreign Policy (NCAFP)The situation does not show strong hostile emotions, but can objectively make a rational judgment based on the facts. Some people think that Tsai Ing -wen will accelerate the unified process of cross -strait.It is believed that the unification is complete, and the mainland has enough patience to wait. Some scholars advocate that the mainland can slow down the pressure of promoting unification and concentrate the energy to resolve internal problems.In other words, the mainland no longer falls into the disturbances of the internal political situation in Taiwan, and pays more attention to accumulating the energy of self -solving cross -strait problems. It is hoped that with its own development and progress, it will create more favorable conditions for unified.

Most of the supporters of Ke Wenzhe are young people, and young people represent the future of Taiwan. The attitude of young people will determine the future of both sides of the strait.In recent years, the mainland has attached great importance to young people in Taiwan. Naturally, he wants to come up with more patience and talk to Ke Wenzhe. He hopes to take this opportunity to communicate directly with young people in Taiwan and resolve the doubts of the youth of Taiwan for the mainland.From this perspective, whether it is Ke Wenzhe or the mainland, they are gradually developing a more mature response strategy for the long -term cross -strait reconciliation path. For the development of cross -strait relations, it undoubtedly represents a kind of positive development.the trend of.