Text: Shen Shiming

U.S. President Trump became the first President of the United States on Sunday on Sunday. Although this historical moment has grabbed the attention of the world, it may be the same as that of tourists to attractions.As the American Korean diplomatic expert, Che Weide said in Twitter yesterday that this time it was just fake diplomacy and real people.Trump said yesterday that he restarted the US -DPRK working group for consultation, persuaded North Korea to abandon the nuclear, and hinted that the withdrawal of sanctions could be discussed. This shows that Trump and Kim Jong -un have come to me for two years.

Resolve Trump Ruhuo after the self -made crisis

Yin Rushang, who served as the US envoy of North Korea in the Obama era, told CNN yesterday that it is not clear what Trump wants to achieve. Although the US and North Korea have contacts, North Korea ’s nuclear weapons and missile inventory have not decreased, but they increased. The nervousness is good.It is easy, but don't forget that nervousness is caused by a series of war fires and anger in 2017.He refers to Trump's saliva war with Kim Jong -un in 2017.The President of the United States has played hands against North Korea, but Trump threatened to destroy North Korea with war and anger at the time, causing tensions to start.After that, the US North Korea held a historic summit in Singapore, but the summit only reached a empty declaration except for taking pictures.The crux that the United States and North Korea have been talking about is that North Korea hopes that the United States will terminate sanctions, but the United States will have no denuclearization in North Korea.Under the stance of no signs of both sides, Trump's remaining term will only continue to repeat such punching diplomacy.

In addition to North Korea, Trump also punch -in in China and Iran is more than everything, and also adds some drama tension.In the face of China, Trump first shouted and shouted, and then met the Chinese President last weekend ... Meeting, announcing the restart of trade negotiations and returning to the situation at the beginning of the year;The two countries had been on the verge of war, and Trump boasted that he stopped the operation 10 minutes before the attack.However, on the Iranian issue, it is very difficult to resolve whether Trump can be resolved after the self -control crisis as North Korea.Whether Trump's performance will be on fire is worthy of attention.