Chen Zhenduo: In China, the work of place name is equivalent to the work of the space ID, which has been ignored for a long time, leading to the lack of system and modernization of governance.

On June 11, the Hainan Provincial Department of Civil Affairs released a list of non -standard place names, and the Lord caught the rectification of place names.Then, the Vienna Hotel, which has legally registered a trademark, issued a protest statement, which has caused public opinion concerns that the place name rectification operations that are currently in China from top to bottom.The European City of Wenzhou was changed to a dwarf bridge, and the Manhattan community was changed back to Manha Tun. It also triggered various drama such as the renovation of New York, Fifth Street to Fifth Road, Pearl Harbor, Polly Poland, and Phoenix City.

This time the huge place name cleaning campaign stems from the notice of further cleaning and rectification of irregular name names by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, including the Ministry of Civil Affairs at the end of 2018, requires all localities to complete the investigation before March 2019.The irregularities such as large, foreign, strange, and heavy place names in buildings and roads, streets and other places are standardized and standardized.


There are more than all of Chinese place names. These four types are single -headed, and they are unified national actions. The possible reason for the hidden is: a report is valued by the leader, instructed to cure the foreign name, strange names, go to the big name, then governments at all levels, and then government at all levels.Enter the governance procedure.But the problem is that rectification has signs of motion from action.In particular, after Hainan has a dispute, local governments still emphasize that they are targeted at foreignization and have cultural self -confidence. They have emerged as nationalist and sports governance thinking, making public opinion worry that China will further be closed and conservative.

The ambiguous and dramatic reactions of local and folks have eliminated more room for discussions that can be conducted.Such as: What is the basis for rectification?Are the identity recognition involving merchant store names and signboards on the electronic map?Why should the hotel be asked to change the name that has been legally registered?Where is the management boundary of the place name?

If you look at the incident throughout the city, Zhiyang is indeed reasonable.The problems of Chinese cities and architecture have become a small boom in Chinese cities in Europe and America in recent years.European and American scholars are interested in why China is so fond of the names such as Thames, Zurich Town, and Venice Garden, and various architectural forms in Europe and the United States hundreds of years ago.

Different research has some basic consensus: In the process of urbanization promoted by the government, the foreignization of capital -led real estate in architecture and naming is already a social phenomenon.Westernized real estate or community, English is generally known as Xenophilic Copycat Community, which has two meanings of foreignization and blind imitation.Foreignization also caused the historical memory of each place to disappear, and farmers' houses in rural areas in China have also formed a strange aesthetic.

Some scholars believe that the problem of urban foreign buildings is the invisible hand of capital to cater and promote it consciously.In the capital logic of the Surging Town Hall column, the two basic theories of the two basic theories of place simulation and showing off consumption were mentioned.The place simulation is deliberately copying it, allowing residents to live in the simulation environment and provide it with an alternative experience.Shreizing consumption is the prominent embodiment of consumers' showing off consumption psychology in the development of urbanization.As a real estate developer, which name is used, it is fully calculated.The study quoted by this article shows that foreignization has a significant improvement of real estate prices.

Of course, foreign names and foreignization are not the unique phenomenon of China.Starting from the British and French Empires in the world, the urban planning system and building system have become the design language and tools that embodies civilization and cultural advanced in various Western powers.In the era of globalization in the colonial era, foreignization is not only the construction tools of global buildings, real estate and hotel companies, but also becoming the taste pursuit and taste segmentation of the rich and middle class of the world.


The promotion of foreign names and foreignization is on one aspect. In the field of Chinese architecture and planning, the lack of a set of modern language and technologies with its own culture from philosophical aesthetics to construction and application.EssenceThe reason why it is more important is that the place name is the fundamental of land and national space recognition and organization, which is equivalent to the work of the space ID card. It has been neglected for a long time, leading to a lack of systematic and modern management thinking.

Tracing back to the Chinese place name management system, the mainland began to study the standardization of place names in the late 1950s, but it really started to become a system and began the China Geographical Name Committee established in 1977.Then there were regulations on place name management regulations in 1986 and the regulations of 1996, as well as a notice of further strengthening the management of place names in 1990, and local management regulations for local governments for local management.The historical division of the national institutions responsible for the management of the place name also reflects the cross nature of the work: when the Earth Commission of 1977 was established in 1977, it was managed by the State Administration of Surveying and Mapping. In 1982, it was transferred to the Ministry of Urban and Rural Construction at the time. In 1987The Ministry of Civil Affairs has continued to this day.

The general characteristic is that management is not in accordance with the law according to law. The rules are mainly based on the problem of preventing problems without establishing a model. There is no concept of modern scientific governance, and an important basic work is given to the power system.Important departments make this job a relatively unwillingness and no good job.Although the place name committee is composed of representatives of various systems in name, when it is operating in the local area, it actually becomes a civil affairs department office. Compared with the strong departments related to urban construction, there is no actual power.

When the urban development was slow, this could not be seen.However, the rapid progress of urbanization now leads to the duties, authority and actual management scope of place name recognition.In this case, if the governance is not followed up, the problem comes.Taking the community name of this renovation as an example, the name of the real estate community in the past involved multiple links except the place name office.Some Land and Resources Bureau's coding, naming, planning project name, construction construction time report to the construction committee of the construction committee, real estate sales announcement is approved by the industrial and commercial department. Outdoor advertising is the approval of urban management.Responsible.The right to truly actual interests related to citizens, such as household registration address, is in the public security system.

Although the final decision of the place name is at the place name of the place name, because there is no coordination and coordination of the permissions of each department, it will lead to lack of communication in any link, and it will launch the whole body.If the developer cheats, in order to sell the real estate, the legal name is not reported to all links in order to sell the real estate, and it is possible to use the name that is most suitable for sales.The current rectification is indeed mainly based on this problem.However, there is no model in advance, and the price is too high.For example: Chain reactions in the community renamed, what should I do if the hukou book is?What about the real estate certificate?If these are not changed, what is the significance of renovation?If you change, who is responsible for the huge cost?

There is no model at the level of governance because there is no modern governance system for standardized systems and unified coordination. There is no system because the lack of scientific awareness and modern view of governance, and the lack of consciousness and concepts is closely related to university research and education.There are places in China, but no sense of existence can be seen whether it is research or teaching.From the perspective of discipline rules, the geoscience of disciplines should be geography of humanities and social science, including collaborative studies such as literature, history, philosophical, geography, anthropology, sociology, classics literature, and archives.From the perspective of the current discipline development, it is more suitable to lead these interdisciplinary collaboration by geography or sociology.At present, geography has two orientations: natural science and urban planning and design, which belongs to the interdisciplinary coordinated geosciences. Instead, they are ignored.

The weakening of the humanities and social sciences brings the problem that the profoundness of Chinese characters is weakened.The name of the oceanization itself is not necessarily a problem. Xiafei Road, Johnson Dun Road, and the integration of Chinese and Western sidelines, but if it becomes a translation of translation based on voice, the ingenuity and wonderfulness expressed in Chinese characters will be gone.The real estate is dominated by the logic of trading, and the naming power is controlled by the open -the -art dealer, and the naming becomes a kind of temptation and consumption.


If the rectification operation is overkill, it becomes exercise and ignores science and governance, it will not be able to solve the fundamental problem.usTaking the French land -name system as an example, try to discuss what kind of modern place name system and governance model can be built.

The French land -name system is not only the place of the place, but also covers the entire land space system.French names are called Toponymie. According to China's existing epistemology, they can only be translated into place names, but in fact, it should be named after the space of the ground and the place.

French land name management power is currently a planning system and is currently managed by the National Geographical Information Commission.The management of places of famous science has gradually improved since the French Revolution, and the belonging and power and responsibilities are clear. Coupled with the unity, meticulousness, standardization, and authority of laws and norms, the space is named in the country.However, the basic principles and methods of space names are basically not changed, and it is well -founded and based on it.

The system first has a bottom.The bottom is the basic principle, such as close to the truth, nature, national will, local culture, and citizen recognition.Basic values, such as freedom, equality, fraternity and republic.

The top refers to the management and participation mechanism of the top -level design and the standardization system.The participation mechanism stipulates the power of the country and the local power, the border of official, academic and folk power. Those unspoken local history enthusiasts and residents in each town have the right to participate in the name name.This set of mechanisms that are restrained and games have a boundary, which can make each place name realize the basic principles.

The government's naming power only goes to the administrative district and street house number. The store signboards, buildings and apartment communities are basically named by the participating entities of all parties in accordance with the standardized system.The standardization system refers to incorporating all public spaces and organizations involved into the same set of space and standardized code system. Among them, attribute classifications, such as forests, rivers, valleys, slopes, posts, and peaks.The attributes of administrative districts such as counties, towns and villages, and spatial attributes such as streets, roads, roads, etc. The Paris Administrative Region reflects the central power. There are several unknown.Dai Gaole Road and Republican Road reflect the principle of republic.The education system focuses on the name of culture and art. Some famous people in the fields of culture, art, and science are named in public buildings and streets.In addition, the facades and colors of the neighborhood are also partially included in the scope of place names, and they exist in the spatial recognition system in the classification.

There are also some special mechanisms named.If some famous historical events and characters cannot be named to the space system, or have been occupied by more famous events and characters, and the commonly known naming habits, they will explain to the location, commemorate, or make memory heritage.Such as a certain year, Cezanne and Van Gogh lived here, which revolutionary martyrs and resistances of the revolutionary are brave here, what wars have happened in this place, etc.

In general, any of the high -identification and portion of space naming must first have a set of recognizable symbols, which mainly reflect the basic principles of approaching real, accommodating memory, national construction, and social education.Part of the space civilization shakes the consciousness of the country and citizens subtly.The method and method of place names should be to reflect the harmony of people and nature, the organic unity of various action subjects, the knowledge and governance of human culture, rather than do a good job of institutional construction in a solid and scientific manner, but rely on a knife and cutSports governance.

The renovation of China's place name this time pushed this long -standing work by the public and the government to the stage, so that it was discussed. The approach of related ministries and commissions also provided a new idea of jumping out of civil affairs management for future governance.Many parts of China are planning for territorial space. Urban and rural areas are united, and one experiments are combined in one experiment. This opportunity should take this opportunity to refer to the experience of developed countries, so that the place names become a space ID card for the country and territorySpace recognition system.Chinese Chinese characters are profound, poetic and imaginative, and have the ability to accept various cultures. If the mechanism is well designed, we have enough ability to form a set of place names with culture, interaction, science, splendid and long -sources.

(Note: The author is FT Chinese Network columnist, urban sociology researcher. This article only represents the author's personal point of view.