The senior officials and politicians of the 32 Hong Kong and British period issued a joint statement, which fully denied the repair and put forward three major requirements: the first is to request the Chief Executive to "withdraw"; the second is to establish an independent investigation committee; the third is to recover to recover the recoveryRiot qualitative.Some people have discredited Lin Zheng, "The original intention is wrong. The government's suggestion revisions to remove the walls between the mainland and Hong Kong." Yunyun.The ultimate goal of these three arrows is to drive Lin Zheng Yue'e to step down and seize power.

Coalition completely cooperates with the US chaos Hong Kong

The timing of the 32 orphans and Sinzi Affairs coordinated with the timing of the "Hong Kong Human Rights and Democratic Act" in the United States.Mcgowin, the chairman of the Chinese Committee of the United States Congress and the Executive authorities, Rubio, and Republican Senator, and Smith, who proposed the new version of the "Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act", and set up the time limit for the general election of the Legislative Council in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2020.It is required to be selected by the Chief Executive, and threatened the special treatment of sanctions and cancellation of Hong Kong officials.

The 32 orphan signs were to be the Trojan horse in Hong Kong to incite the people of Hong Kong to continue to impact and "occupate" Golden Bell, and to continue to ignite the flames of confrontation.The United States rang the drums later, gall the opposition to Hong Kong, explicitly interfere with the development of Hong Kong's political system, and strengthen the intensity of inciting violence.

The Director of the Police Department has made it clear that most citizens who participated in the peaceful demonstrations on June 12 were strictly distinguished from a few thugs who attacked the police line with the iron branch, spear, and bricks that day.The 32 orphan ministers confused the two together and defended the mob. The Department of Justice did not sue the mob. This was completely hindered to judicial justice.

They have all worked as officials, participated in the Executive Council, and had previous members of the Legislative Council, which should be very familiar with Hong Kong law.According to the provisions of the Public Security Regulations, all 3 or more than 3 people gather together, make behaviors that disturb order or make intimidating, insulting or provocative behavior, and may cause anyone to be afraid of it reasonably.The assembly will destroy social tranquility, or fear that they will use the above behavior to stimulate others to destroy social tranquility. They are illegal assembly.If anyone involved in a collection of illegal assembly to destroy social tranquility, the assembly belongs to a riot, and the assembly is a assembly riots.

Hong Kong and British courts have a large number of related cases.Of the 32 people arrested by the police now, only 5 people involved in riots. Why did 32 orphans and sins rejected the specific actions of the police's handling of criminals. Why should they provide a protective umbrella for riots?Their plot is very clear, trying to tell Hong Kong teenagers that even if the thugs who attacked the police will not be listed as a crime, the United States and Britain will support them and provide protection for them.Hong Kong is getting better and better. Do not stop in Hong Kong's confrontation, but also increase the temperature until the US and British forces seize the regime.This is the most complicated and sharp struggle for the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for nearly 22 years.

Compared with the situation in 2003, the current chaos in Hong Kong has three differences:

First, no foreign forces publicly issued 67 threatening statements for the opposition support;

Secondly, the orphan and sinners at the time did not dare to sign a statement publicly, trying to seize power and destroy social order;

Third, at that time, the electronic media in Hong Kong did not dare to publicly encourage the confrontation movement, publicized the occupants as "big hero", comprehensively poured the government, and did not discredit the police.The current situation is that the "strategic allies" of the United States and Britain in Hong Kong floated all over the water, publicly supported the riots, publicly opposed the strict law enforcement of the police and maintained Hong Kong's tranquility.

The joint statement of the 32 orphans and sins is basically consistent with the five requirements put forward by the opposition, that is, the Chief Executive announced that the suspension of the amendment of the fugitive regulations is still "not receiving".The request made by the Zhi "will continue to maintain a trend of seizing power.

Before returning, 32 orphan sins advocated suppression of any use of violence, and "maintaining the law and order" were inseparable; the US and British police took the suppression of the occupation of Wall Street and the occupation of London.Now these people take double standards, with only one purpose. They have to ignite the anger of "color revolution" in Hong Kong, pull history back to Hong Kong and Britain, let the pro -American and British forces be in power, and make Hong Kong a "independent political entity".

Interfere in the United States to open a gap in Hong Kong

The 32 orphan Sini believes that the Sunday of the G20 Summit in Osaka, Japan was unveiled. As long as the senior officials in the Hong Kong and British period issued a statement, they could make opportunities, provide shells to US President Trump, and propose the so -called Hong Kong human rights ...The issue of democracy should be described as a peaceful demonstration, and the precedent for manufacturing in the internal affairs of China and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region should be interfered and breaking the gap.They proved that they were completely working for the United States and Britain, and they were willing to do the actions of selling countries and Hong Kong.This is an infatuated delusion, and the central officials have stated that the President of the State ... will never discuss the Hong Kong issue with Trump.

Whether 32 orphan sins knows: The police are loyal to the law, implement Hong Kong law, and maintain the rule of law and social peace in Hong Kong. It is an important guarantee for protecting Hong Kong's prosperity and stability.It was not allowed to arrest or prosecute. This is equivalent to ordering the police team's acupoints and abolishing the police's martial arts. The thugs ruled Hong Kong, so that white terror continued to scare Hong Kong people to support the Lin Zhenghe Police Force.How can millions of people have an environment of living in peace?

Now it is the era when rumors are pushing the mountains and sinking towards Hong Kong. The United States and British forces dominate Internet public opinion. Their "strategic allies" have controlled Hong Kong media. It is obviously a riots outside the Legislative Council Building on June 12.It is Hong Kong law that allows the police to investigate criminals in the hospital and arrest suspects. Criminals cannot protect their criminal acts on the grounds that they protect their privacy.Huang Jier, a personal information of privacy of personal data, also pointed out that if the investigation of law enforcement agencies is enough to obtain information from the hospital, the hospital cannot use privacy as a shield.However, the opposition turned black and white, and actually said that the police had no right to investigate criminal acts in the hospital.The TV station and the Internet are promoted to the sea, turning black into white, upside down right and wrong.32 orphan sins joined this upside -down black and white, which can only show that they have sold their souls, and they have no conscience of normal people.

Source: Dagong Author: Chen Guangnan