Source: Reuters

As the United States and China increased their pressure to request each other to make concessions, the trade war between the two countries has expanded to areas other than tariffs.U.S. President Trump included the Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei on the blacklist, and considering that the scope of the application of tariff measures was expanded to almost all China -US products, China also threatened to retaliate.

China's official media has warned that the Chinese government may use rare earth to launch the next wave of offensive.The United States relies on China's rare earth supply to produce a series of high -tech products such as satellite to electric vehicle batteries.

The following are other possible chips on both sides of the United States and China.

China's possible response further increases tariffs

China may levy taxes on US commodities that have not collected revenge tariffs worth about 10 billion US dollars.China will cancel part of the tariffs imposed on imported cars imported from the United States in December, which may restore taxes.

China ’s tariffs on 25%of American goods such as soybeans may increase.Before the outbreak of the trade war, China was the largest buyer in American soybeans. Now China ’s purchase of American soybeans has almost stopped.If China has raised tariffs again, Chinese soybean importers will increase the supply of buying Brazil and other producer, as 2018, which will impact American farmers.These are targeted tariffs, and the target of cracking down is to help Trump win the 2016 election of the US agricultural state.

High -tech projects such as semiconductor manufacturing equipment and chips are unlikely to become the focus of tariff list, because China cannot easily find alternatives.

China has not taken tariffs on Boeing (BA.N) passenger planes so far.China's aviation industry is rapidly expanding to meet demand growth. Therefore, if tariffs are imposed on Boeing, it will slow down the development of the domestic tourism industry.

China can buy more aircraft from the French Airbus (Air.PA) to replace Boeing. In this way, before the development of Chinese domestic business aircraft C919, China will rely more on Europe for several years.

Selling US debt

China holds about 1.12 trillion US dollars of US debt, which is the largest holding country of U.S. debt.China ’s purchase of US bonds is a kind of hedging investment for foreign exchange reserves.Hu Xijin, editor -in -chief of Global Times, said on Twitter in May that many Chinese scholars are discussing the possibility of selling US public bonds and how to operate specific operations.

Selling US debt may damage the US market and push high interest rates and borrowing costs.The Fed may reduce the indicator interest rate or purchase debts in response to this.

China has sold its long -selling debt in March for the largest two and a half years.However, most Chinese experts say that Beijing is unlikely to sell U.S. debt on a large scale because this may lead to decline in China's foreign reserves.It will be difficult for China to find a safe and good reputation.

RMB depreciation

Some analysts have also put forward the idea of depreciating the RMB at one time to improve China's export product competitiveness.However, doing so may scare foreign and domestic investors, and allows the United States to sacrifice sanctions on the grounds of exchange rate manipulation.

This is not revenge, this is the upgrading of the trade war, Gary Hufbauer, a senior researcher and a trading expert at the Peterson Institute of International Economics.

Since the United States began to tariffs on Chinese goods in July 2018, the yuan has depreciated by nearly 4%.This has some impact on tariffs on Chinese exporters.

Harassing US companies or slowing visa approval

The spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce said on Friday that China will establish a list of unreliable entities, which will not comply with market rules and deviate from the spirit of the contract.Foreign enterprise organizations or individuals will be included in an unreliable entity list.

But this move did not directly name any country or enterprise.

China may bring high -profile US companies to sacrifice flags, such as Apple (AAPL.O), but this may instead affect the millions of Chinese people who rely on this company to work.

Goldman Sachs estimates that if Apple products have encountered a Chinese ban, Apple's profit will be reduced by nearly one -third.Apple and other American companies are also vulnerable to resistance by Chinese consumers. Similar situations are in the preceding example: When South Korea agrees to the US deployment of anti -missile systems to angered the Chinese government, South Korean companies are resisted.

By launching tax investigations, temporary deduction permits, and other similar administrative measures, China may allow US -funded banks, Starbucks (SBUX.O) and other catering chains, federal express (FDX.N) and other express delivery companies and commodity supply supply.The days of business are sad.

However, large American companies have always urged Washington to take a more gentle attitude and not to provide reasons for alienation to Beijing.Many American brands have formed a joint venture with Chinese partners, and they may also be injured due to government pressure.

Both sides have slowed the visa approval of each other's scholars, and they may also take the same measures on corporate executives and government officials.

Diplomatic confrontation and military posture

China may reduce cooperation with the United States on difficult international issues, such as North Korea and Iran.China may also strengthen its military gesture in the South China Sea and near Taiwan.

Rare earth

China President ... In early May, a rare earth company in southern China was inspected, which caused guessing that China might reduce the supply of rare earth supply as part of the trade war in the United States.Rare earth is a key raw material for high -tech consumer electronics and military equipment.China's supply accounts for 80%of the rare earth in the United States.

US chips

Add tariffs

The United States may add tariffs on Chinese goods in the United States.The decision of this incident lies in Trump, and he claims that he is a tariff person.

One of the plans is to raise taxes on Chinese technology products worth $ 50 billion. These products have been imposed by 25%of tariffs in July and August last year, including machinery, semiconductor, automobile airplane parts, and intermediate electronic components.The types of tax increase products have been carefully selected. This is to avoid impacting American consumers while obstructing China's scientific and technological development.

Sanctions on specific enterprises

The United States can sanction more Chinese companies and label them with a series of labels such as suspected stolen intellectual property, violating sanctions regulations, or human rights issues.

One way is to pull more Chinese companies into a blacklist. Without special permission, American suppliers shall not sell products to these companies, just like the Trump administration treats Huawei last month.Washington has been considering sanctioning Hisan Weishi and Dahua in Zhejiang.

The disadvantage of doing this is that American companies that hurt business with these companies.

Government officials may further pressure the foreign government and demand that Huawei is eliminated outside their 5G network.

The Ministry of Justice conducts blows

The Ministry of Justice may continue to crack down on Chinese spies and hackers who steal technology and trade secrets from American companies.

Foreign policy and national defense leverage?

As the United States has conducted free navigation operations in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea, the tension has been heating up.

Since the beginning of the year, U.S. warships have been connected to the Taiwan Strait at least once a month.Since July last year, the United States has restored such regular operations.

The Trump administration may impose sanctions on Chinese officials who violate Uyghur human rights.The U.S. Congress has urged Trump to take such sanctions.

Washington may also increase its efforts to combat Chinese companies that provide funds and supply to North Korea's nuclear plans.