Hong Kong Ming Pao Review

China and the United States have launched a war that does not see smoke, and the breadth and intensity of conflicts are continuously expanding. After the trade war and scientific and technological warfare, the financial war also has a momentum.In this compartment, China has hinted that counterattack measures will be launched against scientific and technological warfare; over there, the Federal Reserve also provides more fire support for the White House for the White House.For the United States, China is an unprecedented opponent, but since the founding of New China, it has not encountered the current width and depth contest.At present, China -US conflicts may be just a century -old battle. The United States has not met opponents like China, which does not mean that this is the Chinese advantage.At present, there is no lack of false aperture in China and the United States in the Mainland. Beijing must have a general strategy and rules.

Federal Reserve's interest rate reduction adds Trump ammunition

Sino -US trade negotiations are deadlocked.In the past month, Washington has continuously expanded the front and has invested greater firepower. In addition to imposing tariffs on US $ 200 billion in Chinese goods, it also launched a sealing siege to the Chinese 5G Communication Technology leader Huawei, marking the comprehensive upgrade of the Sino -US scientific and technological warfare.Faced with the aggressiveness of the United States, China also showed countermeasures, proposed to formulate a list of unreliable entities, and included companies, organizations and individuals that harmed the interests of Chinese enterprises on the blacklist, and implied that they could restrict the export of rare soil to the United States.The outside world has always believed that the US President Trump will have a chance to re -election in order to exempt the stock market. He will go back later this year. However, the latest speech by the Fed's President Powell makes people pay attention to whether this idea is too optimistic.

Powell stated that it is necessary to take appropriate actions and respond to the risks of trade tensions. The external interpretation is that the Fed will reduce interest rates. The bank is estimated that it may reduce interest rates 3 times in the next half of the year.Powell also hinted that unconventional rescue tools such as negative interest rates and quantitative loose silver paper will be conventional in the future.This practice of long -term steroids to urge the economic stock market will be difficult to assert for the long run to the United States and even the world.A shock to the United States.Trump has the help of the Federal Reserve to help the China Trade War Science and Technology War. The former national teacher Bannong even said that the next step in the United States is to launch a financial war, prohibiting Chinese companies from listed in the United States, and prohibiting US funds from investing in China in China.Bank of America analysts also believe that in the long run, the United States and China may be financially decoupled.

Not long ago, European and American politicians and business elites gathered in Switzerland to attend the Peterberg Annual Conference, and US Secretary of State Pompeo also went to the meeting.Perid Berg Club is described as a global shadow government and is mysterious.After attending the meeting, the British Financial Times deputy editor -in -chief, Martin Wolf, wrote an article entitled "The United States and China ushered in a century -old battle".He concluded the conclusion that China has filled the vacancies of the Soviet Union after the Soviet Union, becoming an enemy in the eyes of the United States, how to deal with China in all aspects, and become a policy for the US economy, diplomacy and security policies.

there is always a solution to a problem.As the second largest economy in the world, China has a strong development momentum and strongly dealt with the United States. However, the authorities must act calmly.At present, there is a point of view in the Mainland that since the United States has become an international hegemony in the last century, it has never encountered opponents like China. The United States has won Germany, Japan and the Soviet Union, but it is difficult to win China.This type of discussion is not only seen in the Internet space of the mainland, but some officials seem to have similar ideas. The Chinese ace has heard from the state of trade war.At present, confidence is a good thing, but it is also necessary to prevent confidence over.

Long -term battles are not confident in ace and are too easy to make mistakes

In the past, the three major opponents of the United States: Nazi Germany's advanced technology, but military and economic strength are difficult to match the United States; the empire Japan is not as good as the United States in three aspects.Only China has gradually pursued the United States at the same time in terms of science and technology, military and economy; the two countries, as competitors, are unprecedentedly connected by the economy.But then, the current complexity of the depth of the Sino -US battle is the same as the Beijing authorities. It is unprecedented that it cannot be compared with the former China -Vietnam or China -India war, and even the China -Soviets and the United States and the United States.

The anti -US aid of the North Korea is the people's war. China combines the military and civilians to deal with the US expedition. Now it is the United States trying to pressure through economic, diplomacy, finance and other means. This is definitely a test for China.It is undoubtedly the United States stronger from political and military hard power to the operation of international public opinion operation. On the overall strength of the national system.China is a developing country. The weakness is inevitable than the United States. However, strong pain is the advantage of the Chinese side. If you can make good use of asymmetric combat strategies and give full play to the traditional wisdom of all thousands of gold, you can also frustrate your opponent.Essence

Since the outbreak of the free trade war, China has taken offense and has a degree of handling.For the United States blocked Huawei, China showed two cards: rare earth and unreliable physical list. It will not be issued, and the approach will be stable. However, as the scientific and technological war is upgraded and the financial war comes, Beijing needs to think about a setThe strategy of combat the war is not allowed to be dismantled.The competition between China and the United States will not be a punch -to -pound ratio, but a long -term full -scale war. For China and the United States, all the heavy recruits are hurting the enemy and injury, and it is difficult to kill the trump card.

Some people in the Mainland often say that sparse soil, SS, and apples are the three ace of China.China restricts rare earth to lose the United States, and the US high -tech manufacturing industry must be hit in the short term, but the damage can be gradually digested. Rare soil cards are just available cards, and the lethality should not be exaggerated. As for the Gumei bonds and apples, it is a means of defeat.Speaking.Liu Zunyi, former president of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, pointed out that the current real risk of China is to be isolated from the world.Beijing's move rate may fall into the US circle.