The potential risks of the Sino -US trade war seem to be increasingly rising. Both the international organization and the economics community warned that the world economy is likely to decline.The confrontation between the time and even threatened the global basic peaceful situation after the end of World War II.Although the benefits of trade have been proven by practice, the protectionist forces represented by US President Trump have continued to lead the anti -globalization trend.The attitude and position held by the public opinion behind it may not be explained by economic rationality.If you don't face this non -economic factor, you will be unable to understand and deal with challenges against globalization.

The essence of the world's protectionist phenomenon mainly based on the Sino -US trade friction is not limited to the economic and trade level.From the beginning of the tariffs on the United States, it has increased its requirements for China, and even surrounded the Chinese science and technology giant Huawei, showing that the trade deficit is just one of the aspects of the game of the Greater China and the United States.The rise of China's rise in the world's world hegemony and technology leaders, and Western developed economies believe that China has adopted unfair competition in the economic and trade field, which has made the nature of trade friction more complicated.

However, understanding the Sino -US trade war from geopolitical competition alone cannot explain many foreign decisions of Trump.If the trade war is just to curb China, the United States should work together with its allies and friendly countries, put pressure on Beijing together, and request China to open up the market, comply with the commitment to join the World Trade Organization, and treat all foreign capital fairly.However, Trump did not do this. Instead, he used to use the same reasons to impose punitive tariffs on their products exported to the United States.Of course, this does not deny the nature of the United States for the game of Chinese powers, but obviously there are other deeper reasons.

The ideological form that supports global free trade is a multiculturalism that allows the migration of freedom of the population.This set of ideology sold by Western Liberal Elite, while emphasizing cultural equality, also implies hostility to the inherent cultural (Christian tradition, whitening identity, etc.) in the West.EssenceThis provides new labor and consumers for capital, but it has combined the survival status of low -education and low -income groups.Therefore, although the ruling class, which is dominated by Washington's academic media elite, Wall Street Financial Capital, Silicon Valley New Technology Enterprise and Hollywood Liberalist left, the general public is becoming more and more disgusted.The aging population of Western European countries has provided reasons for open immigrants.

The influx of immigrants has created new social and political issues.The inherent white aboriginals of European and American countries feel that they are familiar with their familiar cultural traditions, lifestyle, religious beliefs, and community relations.In Europe, a large number of Muslim immigrants in North Africa, the Middle East and South Asia poured in. They not only refused to integrate into the mainstream society, but also formed a new religious relationship after the historical contradiction between Christianity and Muslim.In the United States, South American Latin immigrants who are in the United States and are not familiar with the tradition of white Puritans culture, and Muslim immigrants in the Middle East and South Asia with increasing number of people have also triggered the dissatisfaction of the grass -roots white people.

Trump, who is extremely right -wing parties in Brexit and Western European countries, intends to replace mainstream traditional political parties, and advocate Trump, which advocates walls on the US -Mexico border to block illegal immigrants from the United States President, all reflect the mixed with white racism, anti -immigrant outreach, conservativeism, conservativeismThe rise of the populist forces of elements is fundamentally contradictory with the mainstream ideological form of the current Western ruling class, that is, a globalized free trade system based on diversityism.Supporting this inverse globalized grassroots force is even more worried about the threat faced by self -identity. Although free trade also hurts their employment and economic benefits, it is far less deep than the cultural traditions they feel.Essence

Therefore, the correctness of free trade in practice and theoretical does not persuade populists to accept the existing arrangements.In other words, the reasons for their opposition to globalization cannot be refuted and changed with economic rationality.Ignoring this hidden non -economic factors, we cannot comprehensively understand the current trend of the current globalization.Trump may worry about the rise of China and even intentionally to curb it to protect the US hegemony. However, his voters are more concerned about the tradition of the Puritan culture tradition, and they have to fight the water at the expense of the country.Facing this factor is a necessary condition for solving the deadline for trade friction.