Kenne Middot; Rogov

In the recently popular movie movie Crazy Rich Asians, in a novel published by Singaporean writer Guan Kevin in 2013), Rachel, a professor of economics at the University of New York University, went to Singapore to meet his family.When she got there, she discovered that her heart Nick was the heir of an Asian giants, and Nick's mother would never allow her son to marry a civilian woman, whether she was Asian and Americans.

Some of the most rare all Asian actor lineups, partly because of the excellent and extremely rare all -Asian actors, because it evokes people's memories of the early great romantic comedy, this film has caused a huge sensation, and it may even play a strong but caring in the film.The mother's role of Michelle Yeoh (the heroine of the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) ushered in a late Oscar golden man.

But this film also shows where most Westerners are not familiar with Singapore.For some people, what is really shocking in the movie is how rich in some parts of Asia.

If you want to know the rapid rise of this island city country, people only need to take the glittering metropolis among the crazy wealthy people, and the Bing Crosby, Doros Middot; Ramurl;(Dorothy Lamour) and Bob Middot; Bob Hope's classic comedy Singapore's road depicted in the small fishing village depicted.This comparison makes it easy for people to understand the fictional Yang family in the film, how to promote the super rich through early real estate investment.As a country with an annual output value of about 325 billion US dollars in 2017, and 5.6 million residents, Singapore is currently economically comparing Denmark (although its population is more diverse).

Given that Denmark is usually among the best in the global quality survey, the above comparison is a bit touted.Singapore does not actively re -distribute income as Denmark, but choose to maintain low taxes and focus on fiscal transfer payment of low -income people.Nevertheless, all citizens can enjoy high -quality medical insurance and school education, and many citizens are also qualified to obtain high allowances for public housing.Among the crazy rich people, poverty is quite clever and funny as a long -distance flight sitting in an economy class, not a first -class long -distance flight.

Although Asian Americans regard this movie as a breakthrough in the mainstream production of Asian actors in Hollywood, the film has aroused warm discussions in Singapore.Although many Singaporean people are excited about the tourism boom in Singapore -style English, many people have complained.One is that the characters in the film do not use Singapore -style English phrases; the other is that the huge India and Malay groups of this city country are completely disappeared in the film.The most important thing is that the oversized wealth of the Yang family has caused a fierce rebound of populism, which makes people question why Singapore has no capital benefit tax or inheritance tax.Why can Nick inherit so much money?

But this rebound may not be as strong as the US or Europeans expect.This may be because the middle class has a good life under the unique system of Singapore.This system is fully operated in accordance with the rules of the market economy, but the government plays an important role in long -term planning and investment.

Some people may be cynical pointed out that if the country can reduce media control, the resistance of resistance will definitely be more obvious.However, it is certain that the slowdown in economic growth, especially affecting the income of the middle class, is the main promotion factor of European and American populism. The financial crisis has undoubtedly exacerbated this trend.Although Singapore's growth has also slowed down, its performance is still much better than Europe.The Singapore Financial Authority predicts that the growth rate in 2018 will exceed 3%, which is equivalent to the United States envied by many developed economies.

Given that in the equatorial region, the success of Singapore is extraordinarily dazzling with the problems of weak growth and poverty.What's more, Singapore is actually on the equator (in the crazy rich scene that makes people feel incredible, someone drove a convertible jeep to the airport to pick up Nick and Rachel).Those economists who have researching growth are more important at the meeting in order to be a system or culture, and they almost played their hands, and they all hoped to use Singapore, which inherited the British system and Chinese cultural elements as a argument.

Today, people hope that Asia will become an important part of Hollywood culture, with more movies featuring Asian and actors.The crazy wealthy rich man who spent only 30 million US dollars (compared to the budget of more than 300 million US dollars: Disney Film Avengers: Infinite War) has achieved more than $ 200 million box office worldwide.

For any movie, this is an amazing result, and it is even more so for this movie with game theory courses as the beginning of the plot.In the first act, Rachel used a poker card to explain a concept to a large class of students, and she also directed a graduate assistant.Of course, most of the courses about game theory involve many mathematical knowledge about strategic relations, not actual games, but they can still be very interesting.Professor Avinahdot, Professor of Princeton University; Avinash Dixit is a fragment of filming of movies such as Dr. Strangelove to illustrate the key concepts.

Now, Hollywood may use films such as crazy rich to explain the key concepts of the most successful region in the past decades.There are many plots to be said about the stories in this regard.

Author Kenneth Rogoff is a former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund and is now a professor of economics and public policy at Harvard University.

English Title: Crazy Rich Asia

Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2018.