Former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd wrote on Foreign Affair on the 22nd that Sino -US relations have now changed from Strategic Engagement stage to Strategic Competition.The unexpected consequences are the most serious conflict of force, and the United States and its allies have to think about 10 important issues at this time to avoid this battle between China and the United States that can be avoided.

Lu Kewen used to be Australian Foreign Minister and served as the Australian Prime Minister twice. He is currently the president of the Asia Society Policy Institute, which is well known to Chinese.His article was rewritten since his speech published at the US Navy Academy earlier this month. At that time, Lu Kewen had said that Sino -US relations have changed fundamentally this year. In the future, people will see 2018 as the top China and the United States.Turn point.

Lu Kewen said in the text that China's military and economic strength has begun to challenge the dominant position of the United States in the world. The United States has decided to confront China in foreign policy and economic strategies, which is an inevitable structural response.When fully considering this transformation, the US strategist needs to imagine and respond to some possible consequences that have not been expected, including the rapid worsening of US -China relations from strategic competition to part ways, confrontation, blockade, and the final conflict of force.

He pointed out that on the occasion of the United States as a policy, the United States and its allies need to think about 10 important issues:

1. What is the final ending of the hope of the United States?If China does not sign a fair trade treaty with the United States, what should the United States do to continue the so -called predation method such as stealing the power of intellectual wealth and enforcement of compulsory techniques?

2. During this strategic competition period, what are the rules of the game?For example, how can the United States regulate that Chinese ships forced the US ship incident in the South China Sea?

3. Is there any strategic common point between the United States and China, can it be used as the concept structure of bilateral relations in the future?

4. Some strategic planners in the United States may think that in the past, the Soviet Union was siege and the collapse of it due to internal pressure will happen in China. This idea is worth thinking about because China's current situation is very different from the Soviet Union of the year.

5. The United States is convinced that China's system has really threatened the consciousness of democratic capitalism?

6. In response to plans such as the current Belt and Road Initiative, is the United States prepared to make a peer plan for financial and economic commitments in other countries in the world?Or plan to continue to reduce foreign aid funds?

7. In the long run, how can the United States compete with China in terms of trade and investment in Asia and Europe?China has surpassed the United States and is the largest economic partner of Asia and Africa. It is likely to be the largest economic partner in Europe and Latin America.

8. Is the United States confident that the global allies will support the United States to adopt strategic competition in China?Many countries may bore treasure at the same time in both sides of China and the United States.

9. The United States hopes that the world will support the new strategy of the United States, instead of supporting China to become regional and global leaders, what concepts do they give?

10. How will the rupture of US -China relations immediately affect the global economy and affect the global actions against climate change?

Lu Kewen said that as Australians who support the relationship with the United States for a lifetime, he chose to stand on the side of the United States and China to avoid the unnecessary battle of the United States and China.He believes that both the United States and China need to find the third road other than surrender and confrontation, and assist other countries to get out of the predicament of the current and retreat.

Australia has become increasingly expanding and fierce on the United States and China, and is quite crisis. The Australian News editor -in -chief Greg Sheridan recently wrote in the newspaper that US -China relations have shifted from cooperation to confrontation.It is unable to respond to this change.