Sun Xingjie: Both Wen Zaiyin and Trump need nuclei as their own diplomatic achievements, seeking the same name of nuclearization, and ignoring the differences of nuclearization.

South Korean President Moon Jae -in and US President Trump talked about North Korean leader Kim Jong -un in his speech and gave a high degree of evaluation.It can be said that Kim Jong -un has become a star who is present.President Wen Zaiyin mentioned in his speech that the international community now needs to give rewards to North Korea's choice and efforts, and gives Chairman Kim Jong -un's confidence in nuclearization decision.

Kim Jong -un did not appear, and the US -South Korea leaders seemed to be endorsement for non -nuclearization, but the three parties of the United States, North Korea and South Korea had a different understanding of non -nuclearization.However, whether it is in Yin or Trump, no nuclearization needs to be used as his own diplomatic achievement, and the name of no nuclearization is required, and the non -nuclearization difference is ignored.It seems that the double reeds of the US and South Korea leaders are really good.

Trump's meeting with the US -DPRK leaders as its major diplomatic performance.Trump has repeatedly emphasized that starting from November last year, North Korea's missiles have not flown or conducted nuclear tests. The hostages of the United States have returned home. The remains during the Korean War returned to the United States, and so on.Wen Zaiyin tells a story about the Miracle of the Korean Peninsula. From the New Year's congratulations to the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, from the Sanzhong Plenary Session of the North Korean Central Committee to the Panmen Store Declaration.

At the same time, Wen Zaiyin expressed his determination to abandon nuclear weapons to abandon nuclear weapons on behalf of Kim Jong -un.For Wen Zaiyin, the policy for the North Korea has almost become the most worthwhile script for him since he came to power.This is an important reason why the United States and South Korea have adopted a fuzzy posture on the issue of non -verification. As for the definition and statement of North Korea on nuclearization, it is another matter.

Is North Korea's expression of nuclearization because of the fundamental changes in meeting with the US and South Korea leaders?From Panmunjom Declaration to the US North Korea's Singapore statement, to September Pyongyang's common declaration, North Korea's denuclearization is a nuclear no -nuclear, and it is a vision goal.

Even after Wen Zaiyin's visit to Pyongyang, the concession that North Korea can make is just that North Korea is willing to advance with South Korea to promote the complete denuclearization of the peninsula and build a Peace Peninsula without nuclear weapons and nuclear threats.

If President Wen Zaiyin comes from the unveiled will of North Korea's denuclearization, it is really puzzling that President Trump's first term can reach the goal of non -verification.Compared to the low -key at the second summit of the North Korea and South Korea, President Wen can now be said to be full of energy.

In May of this year, Wen Zaiyin also acknowledged that nuclearization was not a problem between North Korea and South Korea, but needed to negotiate between the United States and North Korea.Wen Zaiyin's suggestion given in an interview with the US media is that in response to North Korea's proposal and give North Korea a certain trust, North Korea can further further nuclearization.It can be seen that Wen Zaiyin basically accepted the definition of North Korea's nuclearization. Therefore, the United States determined that South Korea's nuclearization is not a nuclearization of the United States.

Why did President Wen Zaiyin understand confused?The cooperation projects between North Korea and South Korea, which were reached between North Korea and South Korea, needed to get the first cooperation projects listed in North Korea and South Korea.The consensus reached by North Korea and South Korea has indeed advanced consciousness, including economic cooperation projects prepared by the national independence, the unity of the peninsula, and the preparation of North Korea and South Korea.

Wen Zaiyin needs to explain to the United States. In particular, the status of the US military in South Korea will not change due to changes in the situation in the peninsula. Even if the peninsula is unified, the U.S. military stationed in Korea will still stay on the Korean Peninsula.

It is worth noting that Trump's nominated commander in South Korea believes that North Korea is a significant threat three months ago; Director of CIA believes that North Korea regards nuclear capacity as a leverage and will not give up nuclear weapons easily.It can be said that the United States' awareness of the situation on the Korean Peninsula and the optimism of the common declaration reached by North Korea and South Korea are like cloud mud.

President Wen Zaiyin's statement on the status of the U.S. military in South Korea is undoubtedly a faithful move, but this is contradictory with the statement reached by North Korea about the Yonggu Yonggu mechanism of the peninsula.

North Korea and South Korea's attitude towards non -nuclearization are even more important. The focus is on economic cooperation projects between North and South, such as Kaicheng Industrial Park, King Kong Mountain Tourism Area, and railway cooperation.Is this a violation of the UN resolutions of the DPRK?Earlier, the joint investigation plan of the North and South Korean Railway projects was suspended by the U.S. Command in Korea. The economic cooperation discussions conducted under the national righteousness under the national righteousness undoubtedly encountered the US high walls of US sanctions.

In the speech of the UN Security Council's anti -nuclear proliferation briefing, Trump still mentioned that in order to maintain the cooperation between the United States and North Korea, the current UN Security Council resolution must be implemented until it achieves dentalization.In other words, although Trump has continuously emphasized the transformation of the situation in the peninsula, he has never made concessions on the sanctions.

If Wen Zaiyin cannot successfully public relations and let the United States relax sanctions, the consensus reached by the North Korea and South Korea can only stay on the paper.

Trump thanked Wen Zaiyin for his efforts for the peninsula affairs, but he valued South Korea's concessions on trade issues.As the result of the Trump trade war, Wen Zaiyin signed a new trade agreement with the United States during this Fed of the Conference, and Trump even gave the signature pen to Wen Zaiyin.South Korea tries to connect the strategy of connection to associate the US -South Korea trade issues with the economic cooperation between North Korea and South Korea, but now this strategy has basically failed.

Even though Wen Zaiyin is willing to pay greater costs for North Korea ’s cooperation and is willing to bind the United States, the United States still separates US -South Korea relations and US -DPRK relations.The fundamental reason is that in the US -North Korea and South Korea triangle relations, South Korea lacks the subjectivity and cannot occupy a key position.Among the large -scale transactions of non -verification and replacement security for the United States and North Korea, South Korea has no way to allow North Korea to take substantial measures on the issue of non -verification, nor can it promote the United States to provide security guarantees.

In the framework of the triangle relations of the United States, North Korea and South Korea, the diplomatic space of South Korea is limited.North Korea hopes that South Korea can promote the construction of the final war and the construction of a peace mechanism in the peninsula. However, the United States believes that North Korea can take the final declaration declaration and the Peninsula Peace Agreement after taking non -verification measures.

Under the framework of the US -DPRK -Korea relations alone, South Korea's drama is still limited. Next, the US and South Korea's double reeds will eventually become South Korea's unicorn.

(Note: This article only represents the author's personal point of view. Responsible for the mailbox [email protected])