Zhu Ying

Trump has recently accused China in an attempt to intervene in the US midterm elections, calling for resistance to communism ideology, and leaving a funny thing: my friendship with President Xi may no longer exist.

This is a serious signal of Sino -US relations, marking the spread of the Sino -US trade war to political confrontation.Before and after the emergence of this signal, many measures adopted by the US Congress and administrative agencies show that China and the United States are in a state of opposition in politics. Of course, China has been preparing politically.

First, the ideological struggle between China and the United States is open.In the 40 years of reform and opening up in China, both China and the United States have diluted ideology.Trump attacked Venezuela and attacked communism, just like the President Reagan as a flood beast regarded the communism.

China lacks understanding of religious culture. He always thinks that Trump is a businessman and only pursues economic benefits. As a result, although he is fighting a trade war, Trump does not want to have ideological disputes with China.In December 2016, former deputy minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China pointed out that the future trade friction between China and the United States may increase, but ideological contradictions will decline.This is really a big mistake.

Trump was carried into the White House by the American Christian.There are 90 million conservative gospel Christians in the United States, accounting for about a quarter of the population.In the 2016 election, more than 80%of the white gospel votes were voted to Trump, and the Democratic Party Hillary only received 16%.The Democratic Party represented by Hillary allows homosexuals to marry, establish a cross -toilet, and support abortion, which are opposed by the American Evangelion Christianity.

The Christian forces in the United States are strong and Christian thought is deeply rooted in people's hearts.Tockeville, a famous French political sociologist, said: No country in the world, like the United States, has a huge impact on human minds.Because communism advocates materialism and atheism, for Christians, it violates Christian doctrine, and atheism is considered to be the temptation of retrieval.

Christians believe that life is guilty and sin is deep. It is impossible to build a communist kingdom of communist heaven by such a deep sinful person.Understanding the Christian background of the United States will help understand Trump's anti -communist position.

Coincidentally, on May 23, American Senator Mark Middot; Rubio said in his speech: Democracy is better than a dictatorship in terms of morality.If we allow China to gain a dominant status in a fraud, more dictatorship will emerge on this planet, and democratic countries will be reduced, and we will pay for it.On May 22, the Washington Post reported that American Senator Ted Middot; Cruz pointed out in his speech that Chinese communist ideology is invading American universities. The Confucius Institute is a white glove to attack the American campus.

Second, China's technical transfer problem was pointed to the military field by the United States.In August, Ford Ford, Assistant Secretary of State of the State Department, pointed out that China deliberately avoids US export controls, legal or illegally obtained US nuclear technology through civil nuclear work and other channels, and switched to military purposes through military -civilian integration.

To this end, the United States is preparing to start the military contest to China.On April 14, the Deputy Minister of Defense Middot; Griffin pointed out that the United States must maintain a significant advantage in the military technology field in order to prevent Sino -Russia from changing world order.He emphasized that in the future, the United States will focus on the development of artificial intelligence, ultra -high speed and directional weapons.

The United States not only looks at China as a competitor in military guidance, but also adopts action to provoke China.On May 23, the United States withdrew the invitation of the Chinese army to participate in multiple naval exercises.On May 27, two US destroyers entered the Xisha Islands within 12 nautical miles.In late September, the United States dispatched B-52 bomber flying through the South China Sea.On September 20, the U.S. State Department imposed sanctions on the Equipment Development Department of the CPC Central Committee and his ministerial Minister Li Shangfu.

On September 30, the US warships entered the waters near the two islands and reefs controlled by China China Sea China to challenge China's sovereignty.

Third, the United States has made frequent actions in Taiwan since the Sino -US trade friction.There is no doubt that Taiwan has become a card in China and the United States in China and the United States.Trump signed the Taiwan Travel Law on March 16.On August 12 and 13, Cai Yingwen passed the Los Angeles, USA, and was allowed to give a public speech.On September 24, the US State Department approved the military sales case of US $ 330 million in Taiwan.

On September 26, the US Senate passed the 2018 Asia Re -guaranteed Act. The bill contains supporting the United States to maintain close economic and political and security relations with Taiwan.

In addition, the New York Times reported on September 11 that the Trump administration is considering improving sanctions on senior Chinese officials and enterprises to punish the Chinese government's actions in Xinjiang.On September 25, the US House of Representatives passed the Tibetan Travel Morning Law and countermeasures that China banned Americans from entering Tibet. Chinese officials who restricted the ban will obtain visas into the United States to ensure that Americans obtain the same diplomatic rights as Chinese.

The above situation shows that Sino -US relations have reached the most severe period since Deng Xiaoping's visit to the United States in 1979. In the context of economic globalization, it is a tragedy for China and the United States to fall into the New Cold War. At present, there is no hope of resolution.

The author is a professor of economics at Shanghai Normal University Business School