(Washington Comprehensive News) About 13,500 immigrants that have been obtained by American political asylum have been used many years ago, and most of them are facing the possibility of being expelled, most of them are Chinese.

According to the French International Radio referred to the National Public Broadcasting Network, the US Federal Immigration Authority is reviewing a group of 3,500 administrative shelters passed by December 2012, as well as 10,000 relative immigration green cards.Most of the involved cases are Chinese, and the number is estimated to be around 10,000.

Earlier, the New York Federal Prosecutor arrested 30 immigrant lawyers, legal assistants and translators in 2012. Among them, the convicted defendants were assisted by about 3,500 Chinese people in Chinatown and Queen's Flusheng in the Manhattan Chinatown and Queen's Flusheng for political asylum.

Although the immigration officer has followed the review for several years

With the guidance and help of the lawyer, these applicants have fabricated the stories of persecution, creating fake documents, and dealing with immigration officers and immigration judges in standardized language. Although the incident has been issued for several years, immigrant officials have been reviewing the case.

Political asylum is a very direct and fast way to citizen the United States. Once you get political asylum, you will immediately obtain a work permit. You can get a green card within one year and become citizens citizenship after five years.

According to the data of the Immigration Service, 22%of the 20,000 455 people obtained in the United States in 2016 were Chinese.

The Global Times pointed out that the root cause of the problem of false political evacuation in the United States is that the US government is constantly demonized China, supporting a large number of anti -China forces, and giving false persecutions a lot to take advantage of the opportunity.

Political asylum is a very direct and fast way to citizen the United States. Once you get political asylum, you will immediately obtain a work permit. You can get a green card within one year and become citizens citizenship after five years.