New China celebrates the 69th anniversary of its establishment today. From the original poverty and two whites to the second largest economy in the world today. In the forty years of reform and opening up, the development of all aspects has been overwhelming and the speed is amazing.The leader of the President of the State has set the goal of becoming a modern power in the middle of this century. It is ambitious and inspiring. However, in recent years, it is domineering in China and pressure everywhere. China's future development will face arduous challenges.

China has overcome a lot of twists and turns in the process of modernization to achieve today's achievements.At that time, the leader Deng Xiaoping promoted the reform and opening up and opened up the world. In the early days, the goal of "turning" of the GDP of national production has been completed early.On the basis of today, Chinese leaders proposed the goal of "two hundred years" to raise the development of the country to a new level.

The goal of "two hundred years" is to fully build a well -off society in full 100 years in 2002. By the establishment of the New China in 20049, a wealthy, democratic, civilized, and harmonious society was established in 2004.Modernization of doctrine. Avoid two traps in the middle of the development

There are other staged goals in the process. Among them, the most noticeable is the "three steps" of the manufacturing industry, that is, in 20025, it ranked among the manufacturing power.When the New China was established for 100 years, comprehensive strength entered the forefront of the world's manufacturing power.This "Made in China 205" has become the current target of the United States' trade dispute over China.

China has developed to the current stage, trying not to fall into two traps.The first is the economic "middle income trap". Avoid economic growth like some developing countries in the past, economic growth cannot break through the middle income bottleneck and decline.The low -end stages of the workers have been carried out at high value -added and high -quality development, and the domestic demand market is expanded to reduce the dependence on exports.

Another thing to avoid is the "Xiuchandide Trap" that will inevitably fight the world and the existing power.China hopes to develop a "new type of great power" in the United States to seek peaceful coexistence, but China's rising will inevitably challenge the hegemony of the United States. However, the United States that I respect is very scary on "China's threats" and not only the "Belt and Road" global of the "Belt and Road" proposed by China.The infrastructure strategy, and in terms of trade, military, and diplomatic regards, China is the opponent who needs to curb, and will be the president of Trump, who is "prioritized in the United States". This attitude is even more strong. Two hundred -year challenge today

The Trump administration provoked China's trade war not only to resolve trade, but also obstructing China's industrial upgrading. It is not tolerated to the development of China's science and technology industry to promote the improvement of military strength, as well as challenging the US advanced scientific and technological status and dominance.

The Chinese leaders recently inspected the three provinces of Northeast China to describe the manufacturing industry, especially the high -quality development of the equipment manufacturing industry. It is the "top priority" of the high -quality development of the national economy.He also pointed out that he wanted to achieve the "two hundred years" goal, and there was no time to encounter so many challenges and difficulties.

China's science and technology developed rapidly, but some key technologies have not mastered it. The United States sanctioned ZTE earlier and prohibited the sale of chips to it, which made the company "shock" for a time.Chinese leaders pointed out that advanced technologies in the world are becoming more and more difficult to obtain, unilateralism and trade protectionism have risen, forcing China to take the road of self -reliance.

China has already proposed independent innovation in the direction of development. In response to changes in the international situation, regardless of the industry, food, economy, etc., must be "rely on themselves". Now facing the United States' pressure, it is also necessary to set this as an important direction for future countries.Difficulties are the motivation for the country to move forward.