In the past week, Trumpist concentrated and prominently displayed in front of the world and moved towards the extreme. He pursued unilateralism, priority in the United States, and American power with the United States, which both challenged and disrupted the international political and economic and trade order led by the United States.It also exacerbates the division of the international community to confront the country. If it continues to practice, it will make international relations more chaotic, world governance and more disorderly, and will make the United States more isolated and embarrassing.

On September 25, the 73rd UN General Assembly opened at the headquarters of New York. US President Trump delivered a speech. He boasted for less than two years, but he had achieved high achievements., And use more space to discuss international relations and global governance.

Although Trump emphasizes that the United States will always choose independence and cooperation as usual, and reject global rule, control and hegemony, but around international rules, international relations, and hot issues, he sells unilateralism, the United States first, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United StatesExceptions with American power and world hegemony.

Trump reiterated that as a foundation of Monroeism and principled realism, attacking communism, socialism, internationalism, and globalization concepts, attacking the United Nations, UN Human Rights Council, International Criminal Court rules, and even the world trade organizations and oilIn essence, the output country is emphasized that the United States priority, the exception of the United States, and the United States are unique.

In Trump's view, the world -mobility system that has been changed, and the United States has not benefited a lot in recent times. The global governance system should be abandoned. The United States cannot manipulate or highlight its unique and exceptions.Participating in global governance and prosperity and strong long -term income, disregard the long process of using the United States and other international organizations to manipulate world affairs. It also ignores the United States' intention to get rid of international laws and resist the WTO and the International Criminal Court.Essence

While Trump talks about the independence of the United States, the irrational sovereignty, and the internal affairs of the internal affairs, they have criticized multiple countries, and accusations on their political systems, development paths, and internal and external policies, and publicly threatened or even mobilize the international community to change it through rigorous sanctions.The status quo of the country.

Trump boasted that the Nuclear crisis made progress due to pressure in the United States, and did not mention the security guarantee that North Korea needs to be replaced; Trump defended the subversion of traditional Pakistani policies, and regardless of the bad consequences of the racks caused by the rack;Trump attacked China to join the WTO's harm to the US economy, but closed his mouth without talking about China ’s overpopulation capacity and providing a lot of cheap consumer goods. Trump accused Iran's expansion of troublemakers in the Middle East, but avoided the United States for a long time to pursue interferenceism and artillery ship policies and artillery ships andDemocratic transformation is turbulent, coup, chaos, conflict and humanitarian disasters caused by democratization.

Trump's national policy theory is full of pragmatism and self -ism.Regarding the United States allies, no matter whether its actual performance is in line with the traditional American values and political claims, he emphasizes that regional countries determine what kind of future they want their children and grandchildren, and for countries in the United States or countries that have a conflict with the United States,However, it talks about democracy, freedom, human rights, and even blatantly resorted to various accusations, warnings and threats.

This distinctive dual standard and varying from the country not only continues the inertia thinking, habitual expression and habitual words of the previous American government, but also reflects the opening of Trump's characteristics and style.

Trump's speech is full of contradictions and logical chaos, but it reflects that the United States has a lot of profit, only I am independent, and an exception of the United States.Trump claims that the United States refuses global ideology to pursue the theory of patriotism. Countries with a sense of responsibility around the world must defend sovereignty and not threatened, not only from international politics, but also in other new forms of coercion and domination, emphasizing that sovereignty and independent countries are freedomThe only carrier that can exist, democracy can last, and peaceful can be prosperous. Therefore, we must first defend our sovereignty and independence we cherish.

The above remarks are completely dressed as victims of modern international politics and governance systems. The fact is that almost no one has denied that the United States is the only superpower that the United States is today, what he wants, and rarely takes into account international law and international exchanges.In fact, the core point and ultimate goal declared by Trump's policy is that the United States will always act based on our national interests.

Trumpist concentration and outbreaks are unpopular, because the essence is to make the United States stronger, at the expense of the interests of other countries and the common development of the world, and even subvert the achievement of the multilateral governance system and international regulations of the United States today's strong and hegemony.

The UN Secretary -General Gutres did not name it that day, saying that the current world order is increasingly chaotic, and the attention of the interests of all human beings has continued to decrease.In the long run, the confrontation between the great powers will intensify, and the various international treaties will be overhead or simply abolished, and the international community will fall into the disorder.Multilateralism, but complacent and isolationism is not conducive to global peace and prosperity. Nationalism often leads to failure hellip; hellip;

In the past two years, Trump has taken the achievements of his predecessor and globalization, but pushed the problems facing the United States and the negative consequences of globalization to the predecessors and other countries.The concept of confusion, pursuing the disorder and disorders of the United States' win -win situation and zero -harmony of international relations, allowed the world to teach the rudeness and arrogance of Trumpism. This kind of proposition and concept is a blessing to the United States. Time will be given to the United States.A fair judgment.

Source: Beijing Youth Daily Author: Ma Xiaolin