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The Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is the leader of the party leader and is expected to become the longest -term prime minister in Japanese history. This will play a great role in the stability of Japanese political scenes and the continuation of foreign policies.Japan's foreign threats are the issue of North Korea, and today this factor is relieved, but the trade war launched by the United States has affected Japan.The intertwined effect of the two factor is the omen for Sino -Japanese relations.If this momentum continues, Sino -Japanese relations will change greatly.

Since the implementation of the Prime Minister system in Japan, 62 people have served as 94 Prime Minister, with an average term of 780 days per person. It is difficult to generalize how the prime minister has a long period of time on policy.It must be a symbol of unstable.In recent years, the relationship between China and Japan has changed sharply, and it undoubtedly began in 2012 that the Japanese government's "purchase of" the "Diaoyu Islands to return to the government to directly manage the government. In the previous five years, Japan changed five prime ministers.EssenceAlthough this behavior was before Abe Jinsan came to power, all kinds of external expansion practices after Abe came to power, which was also a factor that intensified contradictions.

And Abe is re -elected now, and is re -elected for more than 80 % of the votes. It can be said that it is a strong Prime Minister. In power until the end of next year, it will become the longest prime minister in Japanese history.Abe's long -term governance will play a key role in the stability of the policy, but Japan's foreign policy, especially the changes in China, changes in the external environment, has a greater impact compared to personal factors.

Japan's foreign threats, although many politicians believe that it is due to the rise of China, it is Yefei, and it is not true, but it may bring real -time direct threats. It is undoubtedly North Korea's development of nuclear martial arts. Regardless of whether North Korea uses Japan as an imaginary enemy, North Korea has tried many times.Firemons have fallen around the Japanese Sea and have indeed psychological impacts on Japanese citizens.The United States deploys a missile monitoring system in South Korea. The scale of military exercises is getting bigger and bigger, and the atmosphere of war is strong, which directly exacerbates policy orientation that Japan has always rely on the United States protection.Nowadays, the Korean and North Korean Peak Conference announced that the Korean Peninsula will enter the era of lift the threat of war, and North Korea announced the suspension of the nuclear test plan, and the peace in Northeast Asia gradually showed its dawn.

At the same time, the United States launched a trade war to almost all countries. Even if Japan is a hardcore allies in the United States, it cannot be spared.The United States is the largest exporter of Japan. The United States impacts tariffs on Japanese products and has a profound impact.Japan has been committed to improving economic and trade relations with the United States. Even if Trump exits the cross -Pacific partnership agreement, Japan continues to win other contracting countries to complete negotiations and retain the participation seats for the United States, but Trump still disdains it.

The potential security threats facing Japan can be eliminated, and the urgency of dependence on US military protection can also be reduced.At the same time, the dependence on the US economy and trade has added potential threats, one decrease and one increase, and the two factors are superimposed, prompting Japan to have a long -term foreign policy towards the other side of the Pacific. It may be more practical to turn around and return to Asia.

The economic and trade relations between the two countries are the barometer of bilateral relations. Japan has long been the largest trading partner in China. It was later caught up by the United States, the European Union, ASEAN, and Hong Kong.It started to grow for four consecutive years for the first time. It was not until 2017 that it turned to be positive, but it still did not return to the level 10 years ago.

Shinzo Abe has become a strong Prime Minister. Thanks to its outstanding performance in improving the economy, Japan has experienced more than 20 years of stagnation, and has recently served as Prime Minister for more than five years in Abe's more than five years. Finally, it has recovered the trend.huge market.In the early days of the opening of China's opening up, China -Japan's economic and trade relations were vertical division of labor. China exported cheap products to Japan in exchange for high -value -added products in Japan, and gradually evolved into a semi -production product that exported technology to China to China.In the European and American markets, and in recent years, the level of science and technology in China has gradually increased. The economic and trade of the two countries has become a level of division of labor, and it is a more direct competition in some areas.The investment between the two countries has also changed its role. In the past, Japan was investing in China one -way, and now China ’s investment in Japan has gradually increased. Although it is only the scale of billions of dollars, it is continuously rising.At the moment when the trade war in the United States is launched, Japan has a longing for the Chinese market.

Japan's scientific and technological level in many aspects is still better than China. In the past, Japan was unwilling to cooperate due to poor relations between the two countries. In addition to high -end technology, Japan's agricultural technology is also ahead.Agricultural products can also output agricultural production technology.These aspects are good for improving economic and trade relations.

The interaction between China and Japan once fell into the freezing point. Recently, both levels and frequency have increased. Prime Minister Li Keqiang visited Japan in May this year and attended more than 20 officials and folks. He also arranged to visit high -techWith agricultural projects and demands in China, Abe personally sent Li Keqiang to the airplane of the plane when he left, which shows that Japan's enthusiasm for improving relations between the two countries.The leader of the State President met with Abe in Vladivostok, Russia in the middle of this month, and finalized Abe's visit to China next month.

Abe visited China during his term of office in 2006. It was not exaggerated to describe it on the same day when the visit was perfunctory. This time, it is about to visit China for three days and two nights.On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the treaty, the sincerity of expressing friendship is sufficient.It is reported that this visit to China will also sign a currency swap agreement. The amount of the amount reached 10 % of the trade volume of the two countries, which is also a major signal, because the trade between the two countries is calculated based on the local currency, which is to put aside the US dollar.The agreement has been signed in 2002, but it has not been implemented. Today, the big boss of the United States in Japan can expect that the relationship between China and Japan will return to the track of cooperation again.