The 175th anniversary of the founding of the British magazine "Economist" has recently taken the title of reform of liberalism, and the political, economic, and international order must be reshaped to save the liberalism currently facing crisis.The voices of liberalism have actually been very arrogant since the Brexit Brexit and the US presidential election in 2016.

Especially in the international political pattern, China, Russia, Hungary and other countries are governed by strong people, making the outside world believe that the order of liberalism has been shaken.However, many of the current changes have not got rid of the thinking of European and American leaders in the past, which is not conducive to prescribing the crisis.

What is the "liberal international order" has always no rigorous academic definition.In general, on the one hand, it advocates that the state is liberalism as a sanctuary, such as respecting the principles of freedom of speech, democratic elections, human rights, etc., and restricting government power; on the other hand, international order should also be based on this principle of freedom to maintain the country to maintain the country.The peace order with the country.

However, it is obvious that the international order of liberalism is only an ideal state. Whether it is the post -war world in 1945 or after the Cold War in 1989, many countries in the world are still contrary to the principles of liberalism.From another perspective, the prediction of the "History End of History" in 1989, the American political scientist, is only the subjective expectation of the wishful thinking.

Fushan originally thought that Western free and democratic politics would become the mainstream of the world after the Cold War, but Russia, China, etc. have proved that another set of governance models can also be effective.Controls have signs of deviating from the concept of freedom and democracy.

More importantly, even the traditional democratic powers in the United States are also civilian politics, and Trump's support reflects the American people's pursuit of extracurricular and unilateralism.Liberal international order supporters have encountered major setbacks, which can be said to be a global consensus.

For them, the biggest problem is of course how to save the crisis."Economist" put forward three policies in a long article published on September 15th that he should save the international order of liberalism with military, economic and political concepts.In terms of military, it believes that it should be learned from the lessons of the International Alliance in the 1920s. It should be based on strong military power and stabilize the international political order;

In terms of economics, "economics" believes that with the globalization of trade, the economy between the country is inseparable, forming a pattern of mutual dependence, making political relations and cooperation closer; traditional free and democratic politics should be promoted to politics outward.Concept, the role of molding.

The three -pronged approach is not wrong, but behind the "economics" prescription is a hidden thinking of European and American -led thinking, which happens to be the reason why liberalism is facing a crisis.For example, in terms of military, they advocate that the European and Asian allies in the United States have strengthened their military strength and prevent the threat of emerging forces.

The article has repeatedly criticized the US President Trump against liberalism, but at the same time, it does not deny that the United States is trustworthy. This is undoubtedly arrears. Just as the American academic community has begun to face the crisis of autocratic politics in this traditional country.Politics and legal scholars also published a collection of papers "Can it Happy?

There is no doubt that Europe and the United States have always had a tradition of free and democratic politics, and the bottom is deeper than many countries.Philosophers such as Mills in the UK and Kant in Germany have been advocated to liberalism and defend the people's rights as early as two or three hundred years ago.But this does not necessarily mean that European and American countries are defenders of liberal order.Even before the Trump era, the world had seen how Europe and the United States destroyed international norms, including Bush and Blair bypassing the UN Security Council, and launched the Iraq war by the name of the "big lethal weapon";

Even the Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama has rashly sent troops to Libya, causing the local area to fall into the internal war and chaos, and no peace has been seen so far.Today, Trump withdrew from the "Paris Agreement" and ignored the rules of the WTO, although it is more thorough and naked, but the mentality of the rules of the great power is actually exactly the same.

In fact, the international order established by World War II can be said to be a liberal system on the one hand, but on the other hand, it is a consensus -oriented order.The WTO standards for trade tariffs and the supervision of military operations in the State of the State, which basically maintains the rules of international order from consensus.I just do n’t know if the European and American Empires of the 18th and 19th centuries still have more thangans, and even Western powers have a mentality of “responsibility for the great power”. They believe that it can surpass the rules at important times and act in a list of justice.

Some international relations scholars have pointed out that September 1 can be described as the watershed of the international order mdash; mdash; the latter US military operations disrupted the original rules and dominant models, which made international order failure.

Looking back at the global ebb of liberalism, it is better to turn the right of the people, but it is better to say that it is triggered by European and American centralism.Poland's right -wing government and Hungarian President Olban, etc., have more or less anti -European -American hegemony cards, resisting EU immigration and economic policies, claiming to regain autonomy.Even the Brexit referendum and the 2016 election in the United States were a protest dominated by some anti -globalized people and dissatisfied with vested interests.No

The young people think that the westwardly preach their "big country responsibilities" and the concept of freedom, all countries will become more and more politicians in democracy, but the reality is always counterproductive. Instead, politicians will use this to incite the people's hearts.

One of the correct proposals of "economics" is that the recipe that reshape liberalism in global trade is to reform the WTO and guide countries to return to the order framework based on rules.The pragmatic European Union is currently proposing a modern World trade plan, including the request for developing countries to "graduate", and the future agreement will no longer accept "special and differential treatment".

These rules -based international order, Fang is a good recipe for saving the current crisis, because countries outside Europe and the United States will inevitably participate in the consultation process, and there is a decision to decide the final consensus.

On the contrary, the global governance model from the perspective of Europe and the United States will inevitably trigger the "governance of" the governance of the country.

When Obama stepped down as President of the United States, the international community shouted that German Chancellor Merkel will inherit the new defenders of the world order.But whether it is the United States, Germany or any European and American countries, none of the countries have never been particularly reliable. The international order should not be based on one or some countries.Regardless of whether the liberal international order is so -called universal value and ultimate ideal state, the self -rescue recipe of liberals must be the rules and consensus itself.