Ming Pao News Agency

The Trump administration threatened sanctions on the International Criminal Court (ICC). On September 10, the White House National Security Consultant Bolton said that if ICC judges take action on any American citizen, Washington is preparing to conduct financial sanctions and criminal charges on them in WashingtonEssenceOn the same day, the United States also announced the closure of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (Pakistani Organization) in Washington Office.It is generally believed that the U.S. government chose to release this threat on the eve of "9? 11" to reduce its morality and judicial pressure.The Trump administration's actions were interpreted as "Century Plan" by Palestine's acceptance of the United States, obstructing ICC's "one -arrow and three sculptures" that ICC's "one arrow and three sculptures" for supporting the crime of war involved in the United States and Israel., But it is likely to fail.In recent years, the U.S.'s extremely favorable favorites to Israel, like recent strengthening support in Taiwan, have shown that they have played a fulcrum in the Middle East and Asia -Pacific, but whether it can succeed, there are still many variables.

This time ICC means extreme nbsp; Trump one arrow and three carvings may fall

According to a report released by ICC in December 2014, the U.S. and the US central intelligence personnel may have abused war criminals in prisons in Afghanistan, suspected of committing the crime of war.In November last year, the ICC prosecutor formally applied for investigations to investigate the war crimes and anti -human crimes that the U.S. military and the CIA may commit in Afghanistan since 2003.At the same time, the International Human Rights Organization and Pakistani Organization have also charged ICC to sue Israel's war crimes.

The ICC, located in Hague, Netherlands, was established based on the Roman Statute, which came into effect on July 1, 2002, and has the right to prosecute and trial the four international crimes of racial massacre, anti -humanity, war, and aggression.When voting in Rome in July 1998, 120 countries in the world were in favor, 21 countries abstained, and 7 countries opposed it.Although the United States voted against the ticket at the beginning, before the end of 2000, President Clinton was signed to join, because the clause was amended as a member state to strive for exemption.As a result, under the resolute opposition of Britain, France and other countries, the amendment clauses failed to succeed. In May 2002, President Xiaobashu simply quit and assisted Xiaobashu to make this decision. It was then Deputy Secretary of State Bolton.

Regarding ICC's allegations of US personnel, the U.S. government has other practices in the past, including the first investigation of the cases involved in the country, seeking private solutions; or through bilateral agreements to prevent foreign countries from transferring the Americans involved in the ICC.Now, the Trump administration has chosen the most resistant way, that is, threatening to make ICC pay for their actions.

Trump saw the slogan of "U.S. Priority" and the style of tough work to absorb votes, so he took the above actions on the eve of the "9? 11" event commemorative day.However, he underestimated the rebound of this approach internationally, and once again deepened the international community's impression of "unfairness" in the United States and "unilateralism".For other countries, Trump's "priority theory" is tantamount to "American exceptions", which is unacceptable.

In fact.The pressure of the United States has not been effective. ICC said that it will continue to work in accordance with the principles and concepts of the rule of law, "not afraid of scary"; on the 11th, the Pakistani organization submitted a new document to the ICC.

Israeli supports Taiwan's four -pound offshore balance

According to reports, the Trump administration is brewing a so -called "Century Agreement" with a Pakistani peace plan.In this plan, the United States acknowledge that the "Palestinian State" condition is that the other party also acknowledges Israel's illegal settlement point sovereignty and accepts its "security line".This "Palestinian State" has a country name and government, but is surrounded by Israel by Israel because of the land, and cannot fully control its border, airspace, ports and immigrants.Jerusalem was divided into two, Xicheng was the capital of Israel, and the capital of the Pakistani was in Dongcheng.

This plan has been explicitly opposed before the plan is released.To this end, the United States has repeatedly pressured Pakistan. On May 14 this year, the United States moved the embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.On August 24th, Trump ordered that the United States canceled the US $ 200 million assistance project provided by Pakistan on the west bank and the Gaza Strip in the United States.On August 31, the United States announced that it would stop funding the United Nations Real East Palestinian refugee relief and engineering offices (UNRWA).On September 10th, the United States announced that the Bazi Organization Organization in Washington Office stated that the Pakistani Organization did not take measures to promote the "direct and meaningful" negotiations of Pakistani.

Israel is a long -term strategic allies in the United States in the Middle East. Starting from the Cold War, Israel is the bridgehead of the United States in the Middle East.In the United Nations Security Council, the United States has rejected more than 30 draft resolutions that are not conducive to Israel, and the number is far exceeding the total number of proposals rejected by 4 other permanent members.Since Trump took office, he almost fell to the ground to support Israel, and made the United States lose his qualifications to mediate.

For Trump's actions, it is not simply because he has a Jewish son -in -law, but also more than just religious forces in the United States. As long as you look at the changes in the US policy, you can find that this seems to be the new fulcrum strategy of the US government.That is, a small "Bridge Castle" is used to balance a large area, and there are four pounds of offshore balance. Israeli checks and balance is the Middle East, and Taiwan's checks and balances are mainland China.However, this strategy has deteriorated these "bridgeheads" safe environments, whether it is to Taiwan or Israel, I am afraid that they are not gospel.