On September 13th, at the International Whaling Commission (IWC) meeting held in Brazil, the motion on setting up a whale protection area in the South Atlantic was rejected.The related motion submitted by Brazil, Argentina, and South Africa failed to get three -quarters of the required majority when voting.

In fact, this is not only for 22 years that has been trying to convince the International Whaling Commission Brazil and other countries that set the whale protection area and other countries, but also the failure of whale protection may also be expanded to another vote. Japan, Norway and Iceland request to resume recoveryCommercial whaling orders have been implemented since 1986.Japan even threatened that if the motion of the whale hunting ban failed, IWC was exited.

Moreover, even if the whale hunting order fails, some countries such as Japan can Andrdquo and other countries and other countries.

The reduction of the whale is of course not only because of human hunting, but also the deterioration of marine ecology.Nicknamed Andrdquo; (Tahlequah), a cub, a killer whale mother numbered J35, produced a cub on July 25. It is the first cub to be born in the whale group since 2015.However, after half an hour after birth, this cub weighing about 400 pounds (181 kg) died.

However, the killer whale mother did not give up or abandon the top of the ground for 17 days. The schedule was 1,000 miles (1609 kilometers). It was not until the bodies of the young whale rotten, and the mother whale itself was closer.Andrdquo; Researchers that moved the world "Sad Tour andrdquo;. Researchers believe that the death of the death of young whales and the reduction of whale groups is the reduction of killer whale food and pollution of the ocean, because humans have caught a large number of killer whale's favorite food Andmdash;Andmdash; Andrdquo; (Chinook Salmon).

Of course, the reduction of whales is mainly because of human beings.Since IWC banned global whaling in 1986, the number of whales around the world has basically remained unchanged, about 3000-4000 heads.However, in the past 30 years, the number of various whales that Japan capture and kill is amazing. A report that submits IWC shows that Japan has killed 300-400 whales each year. From 2017 to 2018Beard whale, more than 122 female whales are pregnant, 61 male whales and 53 female whales are not yet adult.Japan earn more than $ 30 million through killing whales every year.In addition, a large number of dolphins and whale deaths are abandoned in the ocean.

However, it is not only difficult to protect whales. Other marine creatures are also decreased through another way, that is, it has become special products for some countries and institutions through patent protection. Others do n’t want to use other countries.Since the first marine life DNA patent application was approved in 1988, the patent contention of marine life has become increasingly fierce.So far, more than 300 companies, universities, and other institutions in the world claim to have a sequence of 862 marine species.What's more, BASF, a multinational chemical giant headquarters in Germany, claims to have nearly half of the patent of 13,000 marine life DNA sequences.

Obviously, these DNAs are regarded as their own patented marine creatures that are no or rare on land, and have unique functions and significance of biological resources.For example, many deep -sea creatures have adapted to the living environment of darkness, high pressure, low water temperature, low oxygen content, and extremely poor food. In such an extreme environment, deep -sea biological evolution has evolved compressive, hunger resistance, low temperature resistance, and special puppets.Signals and other genes.

These genes are not only an important part of the Earth Life Gene Library, but also an important material foundation and resource for future food and daily necessities development, drug research and development, life research, gene therapy, etc.Some precious resources of deep -sea creatures have been used in the development of cosmetics and food.

In addition to space is a potential treasure land for competitive resources in various countries, marine life is actually another rich resource place that is more practical and more capable of operating.However, so far, the "United Nations Marine Law Convention" formulated in 1982 has made some regulations on the behavior and management of people's obtaining marine resources.By the huge value of many deep -sea creatures, it caused today's disorderly competition for the biological resources of Gonghai.

If you can have a global agreement or regulations, or add to the fairness and fair development and use of marine life in the "UN Marine Law Convention", you can not only protect the whales, but also protect more and more precious marine creatures.The foothold of formulating a new Gonghai Biological Resources Agreement is to enable all countries to obtain genetic information of Gonghai Biology. Therefore, the practice of applying for a patent of the DNA sequence of Gonghai Biological DNA that is simply detected.Individuals are used to prevent others from sharing public sea biological resources.

On the other hand, protecting the biological resources of Gonghai is like protecting the whale. If it is not an international agreement, it can also fight each country to establish its own exclusive Gonghai Reserve to avoid endangered or extinction of specific biological species, such as the degradation and extinction of coral reefs, such as the degradation and extinction of coral reefs.Essence

China is a country with large maritime sovereignty. The area of the South China Sea alone is 3.5 million square kilometers. Among them, within the nine intermittent lines of the South China Sea, China advocates that the area of sovereign and jurisdiction is more than 2 million square kilometers.If you want to protect the marine life and resources you are located, you should make a difference.

Source: Beijing Youth Daily Author: Zhang Tiancha