Trial Time

Last year, I read the "Settlement of Modern Chinese Thinking in China" in Japanese scholar Shimada. The book mentioned that there is "Enlightenment and Andrdquo; Andmdash; Andmdash; Yangming Xue, unfortunately, it was suppressed, so China's modern thinkingIt has not developed.

The book also said that after Yangming Xue was passed on to Japan, it became a spiritual motivation for the Meiji Restoration of Japan.

I have also read an article by Zheng Yongnian, director of the East Asia Research Institute of Singapore National University before, mentioning that if China goes on the mind of Wang Yangming at that time, it may be another look today, that is, it will be better.

Observing domestic public opinion during the Sino -US trade war, the author agreed with Professor Li Xiao of Jilin University, and the Boxer Movement had been in the Boxer for a century. At present, the Chinese people are still Andrdquo;

Many Chinese people are unconvinced and believe that China's national strength has developed to this day. Although there is a gap with the United States, GDP (GDP) has accounted for the second largest in the world. Many modern devices are available. How can modern thinking lack?

The Sino -US trade war is not only the public, but also some domestic media in China. He shouted and called Andrdquo; and other slogans.

For example, in the past 10 years, China has resisted Japanese goods, resistance, and then anti -Korean goods last year. First of all, can this have actual diplomatic effects?Secondly, this can only affect and corrupt China's image of a major country internationally. This is not the image of the real country, but also an upstart mentality.Is this not the wisdom of the righteousness?

I have recently been thinking about the lack of this problem of modern thinking. I think of many things that have happened in China recently. I feel that many problems have been related to the lack of modern thinking.For example, the recent vaccine incident, because of the children, many Chinese hate their teeth to grit their teeth to long -lived drug executives and officials of the Chinese State Drug Administration.Many Chinese people have said that they have to vaccinate their children in Hong Kong, Japan and other places.

However, many people have thought about two questions in it: First, why do Changsheng biological executives do not care about vaccine.According to the disclosure of the media, it seems that there are more than this pharmacy company in China. Why do they do such a bad thing? Why do they do it?Second, why don't these problems occur in other places such as Hong Kong, Japan?

In addition to the lack of supervision, behind the fake enterprise executives such as Changsheng Biology have no bottom line fraud, they are lacking professionalism, lack of perception of human civilization, and recognition of professional bottom lines.In their opinion, as long as things are not discovered, there is no problem.

In addition, from recent years, media exposure, including the author's understanding from friends around me, this phenomenon is not a case, and the probability of the occurrence of fake drugs and inferior drugs is much higher than that of other developed countries and regions.Behind these cases, these people who highlight the pharmaceutical industry have no professional ethics. Isn't this a lack of modern thinking?

As for why there are no these problems in Hong Kong, Japan and other places, it is precisely the formation and establishment of these regions and the country's modern thinking.In these places, there will be various problems, but most people have basic ethics and awareness of their own occupations, and they will have a bottom line. These are also reflected in modern thinking.

Speaking of Hong Kong, I think of another thing.At the beginning of the year, the saying "low -end population andrdquo; in the saying goes, someone scolded the bottom people on the Internet two days ago. These news reflects what kind of thinking is the people at the bottom of China?

Yuan Sumei, a cleaner at the University of Hong Kong, has worked hard for more than 40 years at the University of Hong Kong and sincerely take care of the students. In 2009, he was passed by the full vote and became the first grass -roots employee of the University of Hong Kong.For Andrdquo;.Similar examples, there are also cases in the Hong Kong performing arts circle last year.The degree of civilization of a society is reflected in the cognition and attitude towards people at the bottom of society.

The lack of modern Chinese thinking is also reflected in the lack of the scientific spirit of the Chinese.Liu Yadong, editor -in -chief of "Science and Technology Daily", recently had a speech that after a hundred years of China, China still lacks and lacks "Mr. Sai Andrdquo; Andmdash; Andmdash; Scientific spirit. For example, the WeChat circle of friends spreads rumors and rumors.P>

There are many examples in real life, and some people will forward the contradictions.I also feel here. After returning from Professor Rao Yi, Shi Yigong, Lu Bai, Xie Yu, etc., Professor Hai Gui returned to China.The formation of scientific thinking, the scientific spirit.

Shimada Koji talked about the setbacks of modern Chinese thinking in the "Society of Chinese Modern Thinking", and the main purpose of Yangming Xue was that "everyone can be Yao Shun Andrdquo;The Meiji Restoration in Japan has only been engaged in Japan's top -down, turning into a campaign to participate in all strata of society, and eventually succeed. Under the influence of such thinking, national thinking will naturally form a small self -fitting pattern and care.The big thinking mode of the country and society.

Some people have compared the mentality of entrepreneurs in China and the United States. Chinese entrepreneurs are to achieve their own career, but also to make money.The American technology elites are different. For example, Zuckerberg's founding of Facing is to make the world better connect. Musk founded Tesla and Rockets to send humans into space, and they were less from their own interests.

If the donation of the rich in the United States is because of heritage tax, how do you explain so many volunteers in American society?This may be a matter of values.

How to solve the problem of modern Chinese thinking?

As Shimada's book says, China needs an enlightenment.What is the Enlightenment?This is not only the teaching of knowledge for the full -scale enlightenment of national humanistic literacy, professional ethics, and scientific spirit.The big self -style thinking goes out of the ego; under such thinking guidance, slowly injects other modern civilization content, so that Chinese people will form and have modern thinking.

100 years ago, Lu Xun abandoned his doctor Congwen and felt that the Chinese people's spiritual problems were heavier.Today, a century later, we found that this problem has not been resolved, which is also the key to China's modernization.Thinking problems are solved, and human modernization is possible; the modernization of human beings is solved, and society and the country can truly modernize, which has been proven by facts.

The author is an associate researcher at the Department of Philosophy of Nanjing University