Current affairs perspective

From the NATO summit to the British trip, the cracks on both sides of the Atlantic are becoming a gap that is difficult to fill.NATO Summit's & ldquo; painting style & rdquo; compared to the scene of the Seventh Canadian Group (G7) Summit & ldquo; Six 怼 & & rdquo;After Western allies, after Trump, after some complicated tangled emotional sharpening, he became more and more disappointed with the merchant president of the White House.

To make matters worse, Trump lost his complaints to NATO member states and forced him to increase defense expenses & mdash; & mdash; increased from 2%of the domestic GDP to 4%(the United States did not meet the standard, 2017, the United States in 2017, in the United States in the United States in 2017National defense expenditure accounts for 3.75%).NATO member states barely reached the so -called consensus, but the overshoot of the United States made NATO member states suspect how long NATO can last.

In the UK, Trump's diplomatic courtesy is warm and embarrassing.Britain not only opened & ldquo; resisting Carnival & RDQUO;, but also released a Trump -shaped balloon to express his dissatisfaction with him.Prime Minister Theresa & Middot; Mei visited the United States for seven days in Trump as president, highlighting Britain's respect for Trump and the expectations of deepening the United States and Britain in the United States.However, the rough Trump left an impressive bad impression on Trysa & Middot.

After Trump reprinted the British right -wing organization Twitter and pointers to the British government, it not only aroused the anger of the Britain and the field, but Trump also became a non -welcome person in the UK.Subsequently, Trump has repeatedly delayed his visit to Britain, and this visit has also been reduced from a state visit to work.As always, Trump threatened the incomplete Brexit and will destroy the economic and trade relations between the United States and Britain.

Trust, who was forced by Brexit Minister Davis and Foreign Minister Johnson, forced Palace, but welcomed Trump who praised Johnson.Trump has not learned to respect the British, not to mention Teresa & Middot; plum, even the 90 -year -old queen, waiting for the Royal Lin Jun for 10 minutes.Trump claims that US -British relations are the highest level of special relationships & ldquo; but this & ldquo; special relationship & rdquo; becomes worse.

Trump's third stop was at Herbinky and Russian President Putin.On July 16th & ldquo; Shuangpu, let Trump look forward to it, although US -Russian relations are more nervous than ever.On the one hand, Trump and Putin have always cherished each other, but in the investigation of the Russian scandal and the relationship between the US and Russian enemy countries, they suppressed their personal friendship.Nevertheless, the United States and Russia can publicly discuss the contradictions and differences between the two sides. Therefore, the two of Topp can open up their publicity, but there is no obstacle between Trump and Western allies when communicating with Western allies.On the other hand, during the trading war of Trump's deep trading and important trading partners such as China -Europe, he hopes to soothe the tension with Russia in Ukraine, Syria and Iran.Moreover, Topp's two people will not bring more diplomatic losses.

& ldquo; Shuang Puhui & rdquo; make the European Union and NATO more tense.If the United States and Russia have reached a compromise in Ukraine, Syria, and Iran's nuclear, the European Union and NATO will not only face betrayal from the United States, but also usher in a direct threat of Russia.The European Union is worried that the United States and Russia's compromise will cause Europe to fall into the geopolitical dangerous situation before World War II or before World War I.To make matters worse, from the G7 summit to the NATO summit, Trump also seemed to seize the weakness of the allies and threaten Russia from time to time.

The Sino -US trade war has been upgraded, and Trump has opened & ldquo;Trump's criticism of the European trade war and NATO partners is actually the continuation of this model.In his opinion, all trading partners and allies have taken advantage of the United States in trade, and they owe American love debt and real gold silver in security.Trump has quantified the interests of the United States, and then distributed it on all countries according to his own understanding.

The relationship between economic and trade and security between the Atlantic Straits has changed, and the European Union and NATO have fallen into disappointment, loss, and losing trouble.Since the Second World War, the two sides of the Atlantic have formed a pattern that seriously relies on the United States.The United States has abandoned and the cost of paying trade and security costs for the European Union and NATO has damaged mutual trust in the Atlantic Straits. Blinds based on ideology and geopolitics are also fragile.

The United States is unreliable and the European Union is facing an internal crisis.NATO, which is supported by the United States, is difficult to form an effective security force. The EU has not yet established an independent defense system.The geopolitical threats from Russia are quite grim. From Ukraine to Syria, the EU and NATO have helplessness to Russia.

& ldquo; Shuang Puhui & rdquo; Maybe there is no substantial help to US -Russian relations, but it will form the effect of the United States and Russia & ldquo; double reed & rdquo; make the European Union and NATO even more disturbed.The United States and Russia can borrow & ldquo; Shuangpu & rdquo; pressure the European Union and NATO in order to obtain the interests they want.Compared with the two strong countries in the United States and Russia, the loose EU and NATO are weak due to the lack of soul.

From the perspective of the trade war counterattack, although the European Union is opposite, the counterattack is insufficient (in the face of tariffs of 6.4 billion euros in the United States, the EU's background has only been 2.8 billion euros).Obviously, the European Union is fantasizing & ldquo; Trump nightmare & rdquo;However, reality is not optimistic. The appearance of Trump is not accidental, but the inevitability of the global strategic adjustment of the United States after the war.Even if Trump fails, the relationship between the US global strategy and the two sides of the Atlantic Ocean is not as good as before.

The two sides of the Atlantic Ocean will form a difficult & ldquo; Trump Honggou & RDQUO;.

The author is a senior researcher at the Chahar Society of China, a guest researcher at the Chongyang Financial Research Institute of Renmin University of China