Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao will release a new policy report next Wednesday (October 25). It is expected that it will announce the business offices along the “Belt and Road”.Consultant office.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency and Sing Tao Daily reported that as one of the world's major international financial centers, Hong Kong has always been a popular place for business and investment.Data show that from 2017 to 2022, the number of regional headquarters established by the “Belt and Road” jointly established in Hong Kong increased from 83 to 168.

Lin Jianfeng, a member of the Hong Kong Executive Council and a member of the Base Legislative Council, said that there are currently only 14 economic and trade offices in Hong Kong overseas and have not covered countries along the “Belt and Road”.He also advocated the establishment of an office with investment promotion functions, and believed that the Commercial Office also had the same effect.

Lin Jianfeng believes that there is an additional department in the local area to provide important information for Hong Kong merchants who are new and unfamiliar with their lives.Taking the Middle East as an example, if no one leads the way and reminds, there will be a situation that "the days when people want to worship God you say you want to meet", and they will offend the locals without knowing it.

Chen Zhenying, a member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council, said in an interview that if the Hong Kong government can be guided by the "Belt and Road" actions in the new governance report, it can be fully deployed.The “Belt and Road” high -quality development continues to contribute Hong Kong power.

The fourth item in the eight actions is to promote green development.Chen Zhenying suggested that Hong Kong can extend the scope of green and sustain financial services to the countries in the Mainland, countries along the “Belt and Road”, and even global, providing international issuers with green funds, technical support, green project review and certification, legal consultation, etc."Integrated" professional services.