Hong Kong Youth Zeng Zhijian was arrested after the riots were involved in the riots during the anti -repair period in 2019. After that, the abandoned Qian Qian escaped for more than a year.Zeng Zhijian and three other men involved in anti -repair cases involved in anti -repair cases were sentenced on Wednesday (October 18).Zeng Zhijian sentenced to 47 months of prison for riots and absconding cases.

Comprehensive Hong Kong media reports such as the Star Daily Daily, Zeng Zhijian was arrested after the gun was injured during the riots in Tsuen Wan in early October 2019. After that, he fled with three men involved in anti -repair cases.After hiding for about 500 days, it was arrested in July last year.

22 -year -old Zeng Zhijian admitted earlier that he participated in the riots in Tsuen Wan District on the afternoon of October 1, 2019, and attacked the police officer Zeng Jiahui, and 23 -year -old Wang Kaiming, 17 -year -old Huang Junxian and 35Ye Hao, the old warehouse administrator, acknowledged from one day from October 2020 to July 13 last year, intentionally obstructing and obstructing court trials.

Four people were sentenced in the West Kowloon Court on Wednesday.Zeng Zhijian was sentenced to three and a half years in prison, and the fugitive case was sentenced to 11 months and two weeks. Among them, the five -month and riot case were implemented, and the total sentence of the two cases was 47 months.The two men Wang Kaiming and Huang Junxian, who had escaped with Zeng Zhijian, were sentenced to 10 months in prison and the teaching office, which was only 14 years old at the time of the crime.Ye Hao who assisted them fled was sentenced to 20 months.Another defendant in the same case was Feng Qinghua, 24, had previously acknowledged the riots and obstructing judicial justice for four years.

The case refers to the riots in Tsuen Wan on October 1, 2019. Police attended the uniform demonstrators and then divided into two batches of retreat.Zeng Zhijian.Sheriff Zeng Jiahui saw the gun guard. Zeng Zhijian hit the forearm of his gun with a stick. Zeng Jiahui shot and hit Zeng Zhijian's torso. He was arrested on the way to the hospital after falling to the ground.

Zeng Zhijian was prosecuted and approved by the court. During the period, Chen Shide, a member of the YouTube Channel "Banner Raise", lobby.Since October 2020, Zeng Zhijian and Feng Qinghua, Wang Kaiming and Huang Junxian who were involved in other anti -repair cases abandoned their absconding.The four went to the US consulate for pioneering asylum. Later, Ye Hao arranged a number of locations such as hiding hotels and industrial buildings.

During the absconding period, the members of the channel repeatedly claimed that they were arranging that they were illegally stolen out of Hong Kong, including waterway, aircraft and container ships, and asked them to make gratitude and raise funds.The four paid more than 400,000 Hong Kong dollars (about $ 70,000) to steal the cost.On July 13, 2022, the four were arrested when they planned to escape to Taiwan in Beitan.