A survey shows that nearly half of Hong Kong students studying in Guangdong intend to return to Hong Kong for development.

According to the Hong Kong Sakai News Agency, the Hong Kong and Guangdong Youth Federation announced on Tuesday (January 16) to announce the development index of the Hong Kong Youth Greater Bay Area 2023 | Academic Articles.

Guangdong Youth Federation has carried out tracking research reports since 2017.Investigating the research team of the Institute of Comprehensive Development of China (Shenzhen) Comprehensive Development of China (Shenzhen) and the University of Hong Kong. From September to October 2022, 1,000 Hong Kong youths 15 to 39 were visited and 530 lived.In Hong Kong youth in Guangdong Province, you have learned about the development of the youth development of the Greater Bay Area.

The survey results show that nearly 70 % of the respondents "identified" or "very agreed" in the development plan of the Greater Bay Area, which was nearly doubled compared with 2021.Nearly 70%of the respondents are willing to go to the mainland cities in the Greater Bay Area, which is significantly increased significantly compared to 41%in 2021.Hong Kong youths who have been studying in Guangdong have expressed their intention to return to Hong Kong within five years.

For the nearly half of the respondents who are already in the mainland, they choose to return to Hong Kong for development. He Jianzong, the founder and chairman of the one country, two systems of youth forum, believes that it is related to salary and development space.Essence