A construction company in Hong Kong was refused to renew its license in the Hong Kong Government due to fatal accidents and will be removed a month later.In this regard, Chen Guoji, director of the Hong Kong Department of Government Affairs, said that the Hong Kong Government will never be soft to the illegal contractor, and it will definitely follow up seriously.

According to the Sing Tao Daily, the Director of the Hong Kong Development Bureau Ning Hanhao announced on Wednesday (October 18) that the renewal application of the construction contractor of the construction project of the deadly accident was refused, and it was on November 16th.From time to time, no construction projects may be carried out.

Ning Hanhao said that the "refined construction project" was registered in December last year.The contractor registration committee conducts interviews and reviews.After careful consideration of the committee's suggestion, the Buildings Department decided to refuse its application for renewal."Improvement of construction projects" will be transferred and after the project performed for its projects for one month.

It is reported that the company currently has five ongoing private housing and commercial and residential development projects, involving a total of 4,900 residential units, of which nearly 1,700 units in three projects have been sold in the form of a market housing.

Ning Hanhao emphasized that the official rejection of the "refinement of construction engineering" licenses was only one of the series of follow -up operations for the death accident of the Yau Tang site last year.

She clarified again that the "refined construction project" that was rejected this time was not involved in the collapse of the Anda Gun Daoling Libra in September 2022, and on October 10thWorkers' "refined buildings".The "refined architecture" license expires in April this year, and is still being approved by the renewal.

Chen Guoji said on Thursday (October 19) when attending the Occupational Safety and Health Bureau activities that the Hong Kong government is very concerned about occupational safety and health work.The government will never say a lot of inheritors who are not enough and disregard the safety of workers' friends.

He also said that every time he sees industrial accidents, he will also ask whether it is a real accident or artificially.many".

When asked about the incident on Thursday, the Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao, who was visiting Beijing on Thursday, also said that the support of the Hong Kong Development Agency and the Buildings Department handled the safety requirements of construction companies in accordance with laws and regulations, and pointed out that related units related to their units were referred to as their related units.The government will also deal with regulations.

Li Jiachao also said that the director of the Housing Bureau has been reminded to pay attention to the actual situation of the market, pay attention to the supply of overall public housing, and pointed out that in terms of construction companies' stop operation, the government has experience in handling.Will be devoted to handling.