The Hong Kong police launched anti -fraud operations for five consecutive days, detected 69 fraud cases, and arrested 33 people.

Comprehensive Ming Pao and the Internet media "Hong Kong 01" reported that the Criminal Ministry of the East Kowloon Region of Hong Kong conducted an anti -fraud "Agangtan" from October 9th to 13th and successfully smashed a fraud.The group found that the fraud group was an "pyramid" operation, involving 40 "guess who I am" fraud case.Police also detected 29 other types of fraud cases.The police arrested 33 people throughout the operation.

The Governor of the Science and Technology and Wealth Crime Team of Hong Kong East Kowloon Region said that the police noticed that the recent "guess who I am" a fraud case has a significant upward trend.And after investigating a large number of closed -circuit TV clips, he successfully locked a Hong Kong fraud group.

说 Kayan said that the Hong Kong police took action in the past five days to detect 40 telephone fraud cases.In addition, the East Kowloon Region also detected 29 different types of scientific and technological crimes, including online shopping, online love, online investment and online job search fraud cases.

Liu Qiyan, senior inspector of the Hong Kong East Kowloon Region Science and Technology and Wealth Crime Team, said that "guess who I am" fraud case, the police obtained property and conspiracy fraud, arrested 10Men, age 15 to 51 years old.

According to reports, the arrested people include the main brain, backbone and members responsible for collecting fraud. Some people have a gangster background.The arrested people were suspected of making 40 telephone fraud cases from February to September this year.The victims are 60 to 93 years old, with a total loss of HK $ 4.32 million (S $ 750,000).

Among the Hong Kong Police East Kowloon Region, in the actions of 29 scientific and technological fraud cases, a total of 20 men and three women were arrested at the age of 19 to 64.Dark money and other charges, the total amount of losses reached HK $ 2.8 million.