Sun Xiaobo, director of the Department of Military Control of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, emphasized that the use of nuclear weapons policies should be generally implemented, and it is said that some countries pursue absolute military advantages, accelerate the development of advanced combat capabilities, and step up technical iron curtains.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Sun Xiaobo attended the 78th UN General Assembly and the International Security Council (First Committee) as the head of the Chinese delegation.He spoke in the general debate on Thursday (October 5), comprehensively explaining China's views on the international security situation and policies on global strategic stability, nuclear disarmament, and anti -diffusion.

Sun Xiaobo said that the cold war thinking of the zero -sum game and camp confrontation in the international security field came again, and the geographical conflict intensified, impacting the global strategic balance and stability.Some countries pursue absolute military advantages, accelerate the development of advanced combat capabilities, and step up the creation of "technical iron curtains". Human society is facing unprecedented multiple security predictions.

Sun Xiaobo emphasized that in the face of the new situation and new challenges, all parties should jointly maintain global strategic stability and reduce strategic risks. Do not first use nuclear weapons policies to be generally implemented.

He believes that the nuclear arranges should continue to follow the principles of fairness and reasonableness, gradual reduction, downward balance, and the principles of "maintaining global strategic stability" and "security reduction of the security of various countries".The nuclear non -diffusion system, better coordinate security and development, strengthen emerging technical governance such as network and artificial intelligence.

Sun Xiaobo calls on the international community to oppose the actualist attitude of "combined use, discarding", and maintain the authority and effectiveness of the existing multilateral disarmament mechanism.