After reforming the Hong Kong election system, the regional service role of the District Council has been greatly weakened, and the Hong Kong Government has changed to replace the Care Team of the Establishment Volunteer Organization.The nature of the caring team is similar to the "neighborhood committee" of residential autonomy in mainland China, and is also known as the Hong Kong version of the "neighborhood committee" by Hong Kong people. What is the effectiveness of its work in the past half a year?What are the shortcomings?

Under the influence of the typhoon "anemone" residual low -pressure groove, Hong Kong encountered a heavy rain in a century on September 7. The districts in Hong Kong were severely flooded, mountain mud poured, and transportation was almost paralyzed.

In the early morning of the night of the night, Zhang Weinan, the captain of the Care Team (Hua Fu Bei Community) in the South District, received the flooding of Huafu Road, Hong Kong Island, and immediately notified the relevant government departments to send people to the scene to guide the water.He also went to the scene to follow up.After the emergency treatment of engineers, the water level quickly retreated to avoid further deterioration.

But Zhang Weinan's work has not ended.The next day (September 8), as soon as the black rainstorm warning was canceled, he went to the region to inspect.When he saw the influence of flooding, it originally included the housing village next to Huafu Road, which caused inconvenience of nearby residents, and quickly reported to the relevant departments that the channels of the housing village had the problem of plugging and requesting the official to deal with it as soon as possible.

After the anti -repair movement broke out in Hong Kong in 2019, society was turbulent.In addition to the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law in 2020, the Central Government of China also amended the Hong Kong election system in 2021 to tighten all the elections at Hong Kong, including the Chief Executive, Election Commission, member of the Legislative Council, and district parliamentary elections.Qualifications and methods, and implement "comprehensive governance power" and "patriot governance Hong Kong" in Hong Kong.

The following year, Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao further announced in the policy report that the "Regional Service and Care Team" (Care Team) was established in the 18th district of Hong Kong to condense community resources and strength to support government regional work and strengthen regional networks.

According to the official ideas, the 18th district of Hong Kong will be divided into 452 communities, and each community has a caring team.The "Care Team" will carry out caring activities on weekdays, such as visiting people in need, assisting in dealing with emergencies, emergency accidents, assisting the government to pass information, and reporting to the government's opinions.The "Care Team" is a "new thing" in Hong Kong. Because it is similar to the "neighborhood committee" of residents' autonomous organizations in mainland China, it is also known as the Hong Kong version of the "neighborhood committee" by Hong Kong people.

In March of this year, the Hong Kong Government announced the establishment of a care team in two regions of Tsuen Wan and Hong Kong Island in the west of the New Territories as a pilot for the entire plan.After the official selection, the two regions are divided into 19 and 17 communities. Each community is responsible for the establishment of a caring team by the selected organization. After signing a funding agreement with the Civil Affairs Office of the District District, it will be invested in April and May in April and May.Operation for two years.

Among them, there were 187 team members in 17 Guan Ai teams in the South District.Their goal is to visit or contact about 10,000 elderly households and 10,000 residents in need in the next two years, including low -income households, housing households, fishermen, long -term disease patients, etc., Social Welfare, Medical and other related services such as information, application or appointment of the above services, basic information technology assistance, etc.

In addition, the 17th team's Care Team will also tailor a diversified service for the community, such as organizing the maritime volunteer team to replace or repair simple fishing boat parts for fishermen, install non -skid handrails for families in need, and smartphones in the elderly.Study class, install fire alarm detector services, etc., provide nearly 3,000 support services to fully care for the needs of the community.

Zhang Weinan said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that most members of the Huafu North Community Caring Team have taken root in the community for many years.Policy education, on -site maintenance, visits and other work.

Captain Zhang Weinan (middle) serving neighborhoods in the region.(Provided by the respondent)

Zhang Weinan recalled that he had a joint home visit with the Housing Department earlier and learned that one of the residents who had just moved to Huafu Village for two years.The Hong Kong government reflected.After government departments understood the situation, they immediately solved the relevant problems.

He believes that the caring team can connect the community more effectively and let the public understand the government's policies for the first time.Understanding the government's administration, the outbreak of information is not equal. The caring team in the community can solve this problem. "

Zhang Weinan also pointed out that different government departments will encounter box restrictions when dealing with problems. "For example, when the staff of the FEHD will not enter the Sanwu Building (that is, there is no owner's case, no residents, no residents, no residents, no residents.Organize and do not manage the company's building) clean and propaganda. The Care Team can just appear at this time, filling this gray area. "

Complete the selection of Guan Ai Team 18 in Hong Kong

The Hong Kong version of the "neighborhood committee" was launched in Tsuen Wan and the South District half a year later. The Hong Kong government announced the results of the selection of the caring teams in 16 areas in the past September.Selection work.

Amway Guan Ai Team is a community Care Team in the Kwun Tong District Eastern Kowloon.After the selection of the Hong Kong government, the caring team of this community will be responsible for the next two years.Zeng Ronghui, a regional worker of the Amway Caring team, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the Amway Care Team was preparing to prepare. After the team officially announced the establishment, the service work would immediately start the service.

Zeng Ronghui, who has long worked in the region for a long time, is full of expectations for the care team.The regional services he had participated in the past have been very diversified, such as regular physical examinations such as blood sugar, blood pressure, etc. for the elderly, simply maintenance of home furnishings, legal counseling, and holding different festivals.He said that after the establishment of the caring team, in addition to the previous service foundation, it will take the initiative to take the initiative to understand the need for every neighborhood in the district, so as to provide more intimate support, establish a closer community connection, and build a human -like community.

Zeng Ronghui (middle) and the elderly residents in the district.(Provided by the respondent)

Since the trial of the care team for half a year, there have been some doubts in Hong Kong society. The eighty -nine of the selected Care Team groups have been the background of the establishment. The official arrangement is considered to help the establishment of the regional position.

Feng Jianji, former chairman of the Mild Democratic Party and Civil Association, said that the Hong Kong government requested that groups who applied for the establishment of a caring team must host National Day and other activities, which is equivalent to drawing a circle and stipulates that who can apply for the establishment of a caring team.

He said: "The Civil Association and the Democrats will not engage in these patriotic political activities, and the resident associations without the political background will not engage in these political activities. If this is the standard, it has been crooked at the beginning and draws a one.The circle is given to the institutional group, and the groups outside the system no longer need to apply. "

Hong Kong society has different views on the effectiveness of the care team in the past six months.Regional service and Caring Development Fund (Tsuen Wan) earlier nearly 100,000 booksHouseholds understand the situation of the love team from the neighborhood, and finally recover 1,800 valid questionnaires.The results showed that 97%of the respondents learned the information of the Tsuen Wan Care Team; 55%of the respondents had accepted the service of the Care Team, and 95%were very satisfied with the support provided by the caring team.

Mai Meijuan, director of the Civil Affairs Bureau, said that Tsuen Wan, as one of the pioneers of the government's launch of the love team, has actively established contact with residents since the operation of 19 Guan Ai Teams in the district.Elderly households, and nearly 1,500 residents in need, provide appropriate and in place support and services in response to the different needs of residents in each community.She believes that the Tsuen Wan Care Team has successfully played the role of condensing community forces, supporting government regional work, strengthening regional networks, and solving the difficulties of the people.

However, Liu Zhuoyu, a member of the Democratic background, conducted a similar questionnaire survey in early August, but found that with 10 points into the highest score, most of the citizens interviewed by the Care Team scored only 1 point.

The survey received a total of 166 residents in Tsuen Wan.The survey found that about 60%of the respondents had not heard the Guan Ai team, and more than 70%of the respondents had never seen the Guan Ai team dispatched, and 14.1%had only seen it once.Among the 50 respondents who had met the Guanai team, they were mainly used to see the Customs Team service on the street, private housing and public housing or housing.

Last week, two 50 -year -olds in Hong Kong's 50 -year -old mentally retarded people who were admitted to their elderly mothers for many months were starved to death at home.This tragedy aroused social uproar, and many people questioned that if the Hong Kong government only allowed the establishment group to put in regional services, the possibility of insufficient service coverage and leakage of fish will be more than previously engaged in regional services than in the past and democratic schools to compete for regional services.The situation of the sans to the Internet is great.They believe that if this tragedy can be avoided.

Scholars: The Hong Kong Government Establishing Care Team and Anti -Revision Campaign Movement

Chen Weiqiang, a lecturer in Hong Kong University of Technology Hong Kong Specialized College, said in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that the Hong Kong government's establishment of a care team was related to the 2019 anti -repair campaign.Democratic district councilors launched a series of anti -government operations during the anti -repair routine storm, making the district council pay attention to the deterioration of the original character of the regional people's livelihood.After Beijing, it took a shot to revise the Hong Kong election system, and greatly weakened the regional service role of the District Council, and replaced the caring team.

He pointed out that Hong Kong's implementation of the "Patriot Governing Hong Kong" principle and the establishment of a caring team is understandable, but the character of the district council and the caring team is not the same.For example, many district councilors were full -time before they were elected, so they were enthusiastic about regional services; the generation of caring teams was to be agreed by the Hong Kong government and accepting government leaders.The owner of the caring team is the government. The Caring team may not have such a big power service neighborhood. "

Chen Weiqiang served as a district council more than 10 years ago.He said that the caring team established by the Hong Kong Government is regarded as a product of the system, and the democratic supporters who account for half of the population. In addition to the mild people in the middle, the strong political stance may not be willing to accept the care team service, which means that the care team is difficult to fully grasp the needs of the community in full.Essence

The members of the Care Team are basically volunteers. The picture shows a volunteer in installing the handrail for the community residents.(Xinhua News Agency)

The members of the Care Team are volunteers

On the other hand, public information shows that the Care Team will only receive a total of 800,000 to 1.2 million Hong Kong dollars (US $ 140,000 to 210,000) within two years, deducting the necessary office rents and administrative expenses, the Care Team, Care TeamThe members are basically volunteers. Many of the interested groups must rely on their own fundraising to meet the service indicators and feel difficult.The sustainability of the caring team has also attracted the attention of the society.

Zeng Ronghui acknowledged that the members of the caring team in each district live in the district, and the community who are familiar with the district love and contacts; however, because the government stipulates a certain service commitment, it will be more nervous in terms of manpower.

He suggested: "In terms of large -scale emergency support, the government can consider matching more professional group volunteers, such as the volunteer team of disciplinary forces, doctor medical volunteers, etc., which can enhance the depth of community support if necessary.In order to face different challenges. "