The latest issue of the global financial center index report show, show, show, show, show, show, show, show, show, show, show, showing the latest issue of global financial center index report.Hong Kong's total ranking has maintained the fourth place in the world.

According to the Hong Kong News Agency, the British Z/Yen Group and China (Shenzhen) Comprehensive Development Research Institute jointly released the 34th Global Financial Center Index Report on Thursday (September 28).

The 34th report evaluated 121 financial centers around the world, and the top two in New York and London, with the scores of 763 points and 744 points, respectively.Singapore pressed Hong Kong with 1 point for the third time, ranking third.Hong Kong ranks fourth in the world, with a overall score of 741 points.

The report pointed out that compared with the last ranking, the average score of various financial centers increased by more than 3.5%, reflecting that even if the global challenges were facing the world, citizens' confidence in the financial center and the global economy continued to increase.The chairman of Z/Yen Group Michael Mainelli said that the development of skills and talent development is vital to financial centers. Sustainable professional development and formal higher education are the key strategies to ensure that financial institutions' labor force adapt to the future.

A spokesperson for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government said that the overall score of Hong Kong has risen significantly, and the ranking of four aspects of business environment, human capital, financial industry development, and reputation and comprehensiveAfter the crown disease epidemic, Hong Kong's long -lasting advantages and toughness of Hong Kong as an international financial center have been affirmed.

Since 2007, the Global Financial Center Index Report was released in March and September each year.