The strongest rain since 1884.This sudden century heavy rain washed out again, and the long -established mansion illegal construction issues were washed again.

Affected by the heavy rainfall caused by the typhoon "anemone" residual low -pressure groove, the landslide occurred in the "Red Mountain Peninsula" in the luxury area of the Datan District of Hong Kong Island.The three luxury homes suspected of illegal buildings (Hong Kong called "Jianjian") were originally covered by the woods, but they were revealed by the mud and exposed the true appearance, allowing the outside world to see the true face of Lushan.

These three independent houses are House 70, 72 and 74, respectively.According to the Hong Kong media pictures, after being washed by the mountain mud, the foundation of the three mansion was exposed to the edge of the cliff. Among them, the situation of House 72 was the most serious.

After being washed by mountain mud, Hong KongThe foundation at 72 Hongshan Peninsula was exposed to the edge of the cliff, and the iron branches connected to the slope were bent and deformed. There was no soil support, and there was a risk of collapse.(Hong Kong 01)
Hong Kong HongshanThe 72nd mansion of the Peninsula was accused of building two floors underground, and expanded the swimming pool outside, and also occupied public land to build gardens.After being washed by the mountain mud, the foundation of the No. 72 mansion was exposed to the edge of the cliff.(Hong Kong 01)

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and Hong Kong 01 reported that the 72 mansion No. 72 built two floors to the ground, and expanded a swimming pool to the public land to build gardens.After the accident, the foundation of about 20 meters high and 30 meters long exposed, and the iron branches connected to the slope were bent and deformed.

In order to prevent the collapse of the buildings, the Hong Kong Civil Engineering Development Department needs to consolidate and harden the surface of the slope.However, due to the huge scale of the construction of the Jianjian project, some Hong Kong engineers estimate that it may take millions of Hong Kong dollars to make temporary support for House 72 alone (the same below, about S $ 174,000)The cost is difficult to estimate, so the cost of the entire repair project may be astronomical.

The more exposed the case of the Jianjian case

According to the Hong Kong Building Department's 僭 Building Website: "Any simplified procedure for the Simplified procedures of the small engineering supervision system for allThe construction or modification of the buildings of the carried out belongs to the building. "

The above -mentioned three luxury homes that have been exposed to the suspected construction are probably just the tip of the iceberg.According to the Hong Kong 01 survey, there may be more than 35 luxury homes in the Hongshan Peninsula, of which at least 27 independent houses illegally expanded the garden out of the garden and 15 independent houses were emptied to built the original pool to build a floor -to -floor basement.

The Hongshan Peninsula luxury houses built may exceed 35 buildings.(Bloomberg)

The local research institute of Hong Kong non -profit civil research institutions local research institutes issued a statement on Sunday (September 10) that after checking the satellite map of the years, it was found that the three independent houses that haveIn the year, and described this is a case that lasted more than 10 years illegally occupying public land and the Hong Kong government did not have an active meeting. It was also the Hong Kong government did not recover losses for public land and complete the land collection or standardized.Cases.

In response to the more and more exposed cases of Jianjian, Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao said on Tuesday (September 12) that the Hongshan Peninsula Mountain Mud Pilution incident has exposed the risk of the community and promised if there are 僭 construction.It will be handled according to law.

The Hongshan Peninsula of the luxury residential area was built in the early 1990s and a total of 246 houses. At present, about 40 independent houses are being sold, and the price is between 70 million and 150 million yuan.

Hong Kong Island Datan Mansion Housing Housing estateThe Hongshan Peninsula was built in the early 1990s, and 40 independent houses are currently being sold.The price is between 70 million and HK $ 150 million.(Internet)

Due to the high mountains and seas of the Red Mountain Peninsula, which can meet the privacy requirements of celebrities, many celebrities have attracted many celebrities and celebrities, including movie stars Xie Xian, Zhong Zhentao, Cai Zhuoyan, Hong Kong, Hong KongThe richest man, Li Ka -shing, etc.; His concealment also created favorable conditions for the homeowner to build the house.

The house owner involved in this time is the former high -rise Anthony Steains of the investment management agency, and the other two homeowners are Chen Juezhong, the chief investment officer of Hong Kong Digital Port, and the former Asia -Pacific market in the Asia -Pacific regionDirector Yuan Huiming.

From the "Tang Palace" to "Zheng Zhai" politicians have repeatedly trapped the muddy mud

In fact, the cases of suspected construction of Hong Kong buildings are quite common.The Hong Kong Government issued by the Audit Director No. 64 in April 2015 pointed out that the Consultant Company hired by the Buildings Department in December 2012 found about 2.29 million suspicious buildings in Hong Kong.

However, once Hong Kong officials are involved, the construction incident will immediately evolve into a political storm. The most typical of which is the number of senior officials in 2011.

The Hong Kong Government Complaint Commissioner's Office issued an investigation report in April 2011, criticizing the Buildings Department and the Lands Administration of the Lands Administration to enforce the law enforcement of the building in the New Territories Village.The case was established to take law enforcement operations.

After the report was out of the street, the Hong Kong media successively investigated the property under the name of several senior officials, and the private houses of many senior officials were exposed to the construction, including the then chief executive Zeng Yinquan couple, and the Hong Kong government "two two" twoHands "—— then the chief of government affairs Tang Yingnian.

As a popular specialty at that time, Tang Yingnian announced that he resigned from the chief office in 2011.(220 square meters) of the basement, which is more than double the house itself.There are also equipment such as wine cellars, private cinemas, etc., which are nicknamed "Tang Palace".

Tang Yingnian was exploded in privateThe building in the house with an area of 220 square meters.The mansion attracted the shooting of cantilever cranes in domestic and foreign media.(Internet)

Tang Yingnian apologized for this, but said his wife Guo Yanlian was responsible for all the actions of the construction.Tang Yingnian later did a grouting project for the basement and returned to the land, but the storm had made his election rush down, let him eventually defeat Liang Zhenying, and missed the throne of the Chief Executive.Guo Yanlian also pleaded guilty in the referee court in 2013 and was sentenced to 110,000 yuan.

But in fact, Liang Zhen, who was elected Chief ExecutiveYing was also exposed to the basement of nearly 300 square feet of basement in the mansion of Belu on the top of the mountain in June 2012.Liang Zhenying initially denied Jian Jian, and later said that he had existed in the basement before the purchase of the mansion, which caused his integrity to be questioned.

Another Jianjian storm began in January 2018. At that time, Zheng Ruohuan, then the Secretary of Law of Hong Kong, was revealed that she was exposed to the existence of her villa in Hai Shi, Dali Cui Cui Street, Tuen Mun.There are many constructions, including expanding the basement, rooftop house, rebuilding fence and outer walls, and adding pools in the garden.Subsequently, Zheng Ruohuan was revealed by the media that her units in Junjingyuan, Shatian and Huahaan Jinhao Industrial Building were also involved.

The mansion of the mansion was exposed in 2018, including the expansion of the land, the rooftop house, the rebuilding fence and the outer wall, and the construction of the pool in the garden.(Internet)

Zheng Ruo admitted to making mistakes afterwards, but claiming that this was because she was not alert enough and "work is too busy", and insisted that she would not resign.However, many Hong Kong media described at the time that the incident had detonated Zheng Ruo's integrity crisis. Hong Kong 01 also issued a document to criticize Zheng Ruohuan's "unable to be the official mentality."

Why is it difficult to solve the problem of construction?

From 2011, the construction problem of Hong Kong buildings has continued for more than 10 years, but it is still difficult to solve.

He Yanye, the former president of the Hong Kong Surveyor Society, said in an interview with the South China Morning Post that Hong Kong's construction control was not so strict 50 years ago, so many homeowners would decorate the real estate and expand."One problem now is that people have made the maximum adjustment of the house, which makes the official more difficult to discover (僭“). "

He Yanye also said that the tedious legal procedures make the Hong Kong government law enforcement law enforcement law enforcement law enforcement law enforcementIt's hard to see.On the one hand, it is difficult for the Hong Kong Government to enter a private home to investigate, and on the other hand, the homeowner will try to delay legal procedures with a long appeal process and add difficulty in law enforcement.In this incident, the owner of No. 74, suspected of being built, refused to investigate the house personnel, forcing law enforcement units to apply for a hand order to the court to enter the investigation.

In addition, from the past examples, those high officials such as Tang Yingnian have been affected by the high officials of the Hong Kong Government in the Hong Kong Government that are disputed to the construction of the Jianjian.Zheng Ruohuan's involved in the dispute over Jianjian made the outside world question that the senior officials of the Hong Kong government seemed to be "more understanding the law and the more capable of building", which caused a greater impact on the integrity of the Hong Kong government.

When the available living space of Hong Kong citizens is getting smaller and smaller, the luxury houses of senior officials can be built bigger and bigger. Except for the class differences in this, the Hong Kong people feel unsuccessful.Unscrupulous sense will also continue to accumulate negative ruling assets for the Hong Kong government.The follow -up impact on the Hong Kong government is more serious than the issue of the construction.