The liquidity of the Hong Kong stock market continues to tighten, and the London Office of all limited companies (Hong Kong Stock Exchange) of Hong Kong transactions and settlement opens on September 7 to further expand the Group's international network.

According to the Hong Kong News Agency, on the evening of September 6, European time, the Champions League of the CEO of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the senior management team held a wine party in London City to receive VIPs from the British finance and business community.The Champions League was promoted at the wine party to hold a gongs, marking the official opening of the London office.

The Champions League said that the London office, together with the New York office, brings more convenient investment channels, more investment opportunities, and more unique insights to global customers.With the business of the three major time zones in the world, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange can more effectively connect capital and opportunities, strengthen global interconnection, and further consolidate Hong Kong's role as a global super contact person.

He mentioned that through the London Metal Exchange of the operation, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange has close contact with the financial industry in London. The opening of the office will provide better support for European customers., Enterprise and risk managers cooperate to achieve long -term development.

It is reported that the office is responsible for promoting the international share securities business of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the interconnection mechanism connecting the Hong Kong and the mainland market, and a rapidly growing derivative product portfolio.The new London and New York offices in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange will complement the existing offices in Beijing, Shanghai, and Singapore to further expand the Group's international network.

The Hong Kong United Exchange has always been one of the world's most active stock markets, but recently Hong Kong stocks have traded deserted and new shares have lagged behind Indonesia Exchange.When the Hong Kong Director of Finance Chen Maobo (September 4th) attended the public event, it was revealed that it was not enough to stimulate the stock market transactions by relying on the stamp of the stock.Stimulate the liquidity of the Hong Kong stock market.