Hong Kong media reported that Lu Shiyu, a student of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, violated the Hong Kong National Security Law appeal to be tried next week, and no overseas judge participated in the interrogation.

According to the report on Friday (August 4), the Court of Hong Kong's Final Appeal will deal with the appeal of Lu Shiyu next week. It is the second since the Hong Kong National Security Law came into effect.Appeals.

Among the five judges, except the chief judge Zhang Junneng and the three permanent judges, no overseas judges did not participate in the interrogation.This is after the Five Judges of the Court of 2021, after the five -judge of the court handled one media founder Li Zhiying's bail case, no overseas judges were once again participated in the CPIC's case -related appeal.

In response to whether there are local judges who are very local judges to participate in the appeal of Lu Shiyu, Hong Kong judicial institutions responded last week that according to the Hong Kong National Security Law, the chief executive can designate several judges to handle cases that endanger national security cases, and Guoan and GuoanThe law does not have any provisions on the nationality of the designated judge.They have always arranged for judges to review cases related to national security in accordance with the State Security Law.The interrogation table updated on Thursday shows that the local judge Chen Zhaokai will participate in the hearing of the above -mentioned National Security Law appeal.

According to Article 16 of the Court of Final Appeal, the trial court of the Hong Kong Final Appeal was chief judges, three permanent judges, and a very local judge or other ordinary laws selected by the chief judge.The judge composition.According to the practice since the return of Hong Kong, most of the cases dealt with the trial court of the final court have participated in overseas very much judges.

Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao responded to the Legislative Council as a time when he was a time -old chief of government affairs, saying that in additionThe judge appeared in court, and said that the chief judge has always considered whether the judge can take the time to participate in the participation, the field of legal professionalism, and key nature, and invite overseas to participate in the trial.

Lu Shiyu admitted to the crime of inciting others under the Hong Kong National Security Law in April last year.The sentence was changed to five years, which caused Lu Shiyu to lose one -third of the confession.Lu Shiyu was not convinced. After the appeal failed, he applied for the ultimate appeal and was approved by the appeal court.On May 16 this year, the Court of Appeal of the Court of Final Appeal started his application for an overdue appeal permit and approved him to appeal to the final court.