After Hong Kong and Mainland China resumed a full customs clearance, cheap tour groups in Hong Kong's visit to Hong Kong have reappeared again.Among mainland entry regiments registered for more than a month, more than half of the group fees are RMB 500 (S $ 100) or below.

Hong Kong tourists believe that the tourism industry is one of the important pillars of the Hong Kong economy. Whether it is a high -priced or low -cost group, Hong Kong should treat tourists equally, but in the long run, it is necessary to open up the high -end and in -depth market.

Hong Kong's tourism industry began to recover this year. According to data provided by the Tourism Regulatory Bureau, from February 6 to May 7, the official received a total of 9,674 mainland entry tour groups.There were 3787 regiments for a day, accounting for 39%; 47%of the two days; 8%of the three days; 4%of the four days; 2%of the five days or more.

On March 29 this year, the Hong Kong licensed travel agent began to provide a group fee information when registering for its reception of the mainland entry tour group.From March 29th to May 7th, the official received a total of 3,183 itinerary registration; Among them, there were 1725 groups "500 yuan or below", accounting for 54%;; "1001 to 1500 yuan" accounts for 16%; "1501 to 2000 yuan" accounts for 7%; "2001 RMB or above" accounts for 10%.

According to Hong Kong tourists, the service level of cheap tour groups is generally low.The Hong Kong Wenhui Report reported on April 2 that the reporter's newspaper group had a one -day tour of Shenzhen with a group fee of 128 yuan, and the leader of this low -priced group leader who doubted the team members brought private smoke to Hong Kong to sell Tuli, as well as on behalf ofWhen the guest purchases the attractions tickets, the cost is "self -fat".At the end of the journey, some group friends conflicted with tour guides because of the itinerary.

For the above reports, Liu Zhen, director of the Cultural and Sports and Tourism Bureau of the Hong Kong Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, said in the Legislative Council Conference on Wednesday (May 10) that the Tourism Supervision Bureau is investigating and collecting relevant information.And disciplinary sanctions related travel agents and tour guides, and maintain communication with other law enforcement departments.

Liu Zhen pointed out that according to the record, during the May 1st holiday from April 29th to May 3rd, a total of 453 mainland tour groups arrived in Hong Kong, involving about 14,000 passengers.The Tourism Supervision Bureau has not received complaints from forced shopping, nor did it find the "zero group fee" mainland group. Generally speaking, the order is roughly good, and the traffic, order and operation of various tourist areas and ports have remained smooth.

However, the data provided by the Travel Supervision Bureau show that from February 6th to May 7th this time, although the official did not receive complaints about the mainland entry tour group, there were seven cases of help.Mainland travelers proposed that three of them involved the products purchased by registered stores; an attitude towards mainland leaders; an attitude towards registered store staff; one involved in the loss of group members; and a travel group itinerary and charges.

Liu Zhen pointed out that the Hong Kong government will increase Hong Kong tourism resources through different areas, so that passengers have more experiences, including cultural relics, green tourism, culture, and events. At the same time, they are considering "red tourism".Development.

Yao Bailiang, a member of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Tourism Commission, said in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that the mainland tour groups visited in Hong Kong in recent months are mainly cheap groups. I believe that because the epidemic is just over, many people tend to sign up for a day trip or short -term group groupEssenceHowever, he pointed out that the current number of passengers in Hong Kong has only returned to half of the epidemic, and cheap groups can help tour guides and tourist bus drivers employment. They cannot give up because of some problems. The most important thing is regulatory quality and regulatory operations.

Yao Baoliang emphasized that Hong Kong should maintain a good attitude. Whether it is a valuable group or a cheap group, the tourism industry must do a good job. "Many Hong Kong people also participate in cheap groups to travel to Guangdong and Thailand. Does people oppose Hong Kong tourists?"

But Yao Baoliang also agreed that in the long run, Hong Kong's tourism industry should transform, open up high -end and in -depth market tourism, in order to attract passengers to extend the number of days in Hong Kong and make greater contributions to the Hong Kong economy.